

The story follows Akimitsu, a student who is desperately trying to to make his ends meet in a time when Japan is at its worst and faces severe crisis but everything takes a turn for the worst when he survives a deadly encounter with his long lost brother and learns a secret which may set to change the course of his life;he isn't a human but something else entirely:he is a monster

Hadie_Khan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


It had been a hour since all of them had been running through the hallway.

They had been running non-stop without having a break in the past hour.

Akuma stopped all of a sudden and every one was about to bang into him while he casually moved to the side.

"What is it?"

Fumiko asked raising herself from the ground while cleaning her skirt.

"We'll be taking a break for 5 minutes drink water and rest for a little bit".

"Well where is the water?We dont have any bottle with us so did you bring any with you?" Fumiko inquired.

He pointed towards the cabinet at their back.

"These cabinets always a have a bottle of water or two.See what you can find there and hand me over one".

Ahihito opened the cabinet and found three water bottles in it along with some fire crackers in the lower shelf.

He didn't bother to check them and took what he wanted and closed the cabinet.

He threw one to Akuma and one to Fumiko.

He handed over the third bottle to Akiba.

"Don't drink it all both of us are sharing it".

Meanwhile,Akuma was watching them while drinking his bottle down to the end.

"There is nothing better than a bottle of water,is there?"

It all went silent for a moment.

He focused his concentration.

"Where is it..where is it..where is it"

He found it.

He jumped from the spot while sharp black piercings came through the wall piercing through the hallway.

He had managed to save himself but than he remembered he wasn't alone.

He looked towards Ahihito,Akiba and Fumiko were and they were ten seconds away from death.

He pierced his sword into the floor and the whole hallway shook with trees coming out through it and causing smoke through it.

Whole hallway was full of dust.

Once the dust cleared,everything started to become visible.

A dome made of trees and grass was at the place where Akiba,Ahihito and Fumiko were a minutes ago.

The piercings had failed to pierce through the dome.

Akuma fell to the ground holding his chest and taking deep breaths.

"And we were this close..."

Clapping came from the other side of the hallway.

He looked towards the source of sound.

The more the figure walked through the light the more visible he became.

And he was full dark except from head to toe except for his smile when he spoke.

"Its quite surprising you managed to dodge it and even protect those maggots in the behind"

Something was odd about him.

"I was told that the strong ones would be dispatched to the outside but this isn't what I was told" he held his hand up his chin in thought."Seems like somebody lied,huh?".

Meanwhile Akuma was looking at the piercings in the wall.

The piercings were also black and so was the man infront of him completely.

What was odd enough was that all the piercings were going back towards the man towards his foot.

It was a moment until he realized.

"You are right they are all my shadows;the piercings,me,everything from head to toe is a shadow".

Akuma looked at him and smiled.

"You are the shadowman,aren't you?"

Shadowman looked surprised.

"Well that makes it even better.Now I don't have to worry about the introductions so should we get started?"

Akuma chuckled.

"You really think its that easy to take me out?" he said with a smirk.

Shadowman was silent for a minute.

After a moment he spoke.

"I'll take that as a challenge".

The piercings came for Akuma at once from all directions and pierced him from all directions.

Suddenly the light went out and it was all dark.

Akuma's voice echoed throughout the empty,dark hallway.

"Now the real fun starts"

for those of you thinking why Iam writing the chapters short iam compensating for it by writing occasionally and having a constitent scheduele while keeping the quality good so please enjoy and tell me if anything is wronh

Hadie_Khancreators' thoughts