
Chapter 45 War

Mike ran to the control room. Waltfeld had contacted him, stating there was an emergency broadcast from SHIELD.

"Whats the situation?" Mike asked, coming through the door to the command center.

"SHIELD lost an expiremental power source to an alien who, for some reason, is also a Norse God, then got away while brainwashing a bunch of agents." Waltfeld said. Dearka, Graham, Sally, and Noin were already in the room. Brand, Cassandra, Kitty, and Megan walked in right behind him.

"Excuse me? I must still be asleep. Did you say SHIELD lost an expiremental power source to a Norse Alien God?" Mike said (Has to be the start of Avengers, but is it a comic or MCU version?) He thought to himself.

"You heard right. Apparently, they caught up to him in Germany and are bringing him back to the Helicarrier. Fury asked us to be on standby for deployment due to it having an army of some kind ready to invade using the stolen power source." Waltfeld said, clearly confused by the weird situation.

"How long would it take us to get to earth on the Archangel?" Mike asked.

"A few hours," Brand awnsered. "The upgrades that Stark, Richards and Forge made to her have really sped her up."

"Graham, raise our alert level to maximum all available troops for the defense forces are to be on standby." Mike ordered

"Yes, sir." Graham nodded before leaving to rouse his men.

"Dearka, I need a squad outfitted with Zakus on the Archangel within the hour." Mike said. Dearka nodded. "Also report to hanger 4 I left you a surprise your coming with us." Dearka looked at Mike, confused before agreeing.

"Brand, get the crew and prep for takeoff. Waltfeld, get the rest of the fleet in the air in a patrolling pattern. You're in command while I'm gone." Both nodded before leaving.

"Do we have any intelligence assets yet?" Mike asked the preventors.

"None that are ready for deployment, we can tap into SHIELD and forward anything we find back to you, though." Noin responded.

"Alright, the rest of us need to get out mobile suits and get on the Archangel ASAP." Mike said. "Someone get in touch with Atha and Marcenas. We need permission to enter US airspace, and I don't feel like getting shot at today." Mike then left to suit up.

Climbing into the Freedom, he double-checked the systems before leaving to get the Archangel.

POV Dearka

Dearka had gotten his troops moving before going to see what Mike had left for him in Hangar 4. It was mostly unused since they did not have the numbers to fill it yet. Stopping in shock as he stepped through the door, he looked in awe at the sight before him.

"My partner." He said, looking into the Hangar.

POV Mike

As they were loading, Mike saw a new suit enter the hangar of the Archangel. Grinning, he waited till Dearka exited the suit.

"Like your surprise?" Mike asked.

"I never thought I would see it again." Dearka said, looking up at the Buster Gundam.

"Figured you could do with a familiar weapon." Mike responded.

Feeling the ship launch, they moved to the bridge to see out of the viewport. Noin pulled him aside on the way. "We have a problem. They claimed they were using the tesseract to get a source of clean renewable energy. A little digging, and I found this, " She said, showing him plans for weapons using the tesseract.

Mike nodded, "I figured there was something not being told. Probably Fury's superiors sticking their noses where they don't belong."

Entering the atmosphere, they found the Helicarrier in the water and an alien invasion over New York. At least Fury was making use of the mobile workers. 20 of the things had been deployed. 15 were firing up into the aire with air burst ammo, and 5 were evacuating civilians. The Avengers were in the middle of the fight and struggling.

The Archangel came in guns blazing, CIWS Firing on the smaller airborne chitauri, her beam cannons, and rail guns concentrating on the Portal with missiles firing fast as possible through them. All the mobile suit teams launched, creating a perimeter and shooting at the oncoming enemies.

"All Mobile suits concentrate fire on the big ones." Mike ordered. "Archangel, keep that portal blocked."

The Orb forces acknowledged the order and concentrated their fire on the flying snake whale things.

"About time you showed up kid" Stark came back over the radio.

"You know what they say about New York traffic." Mike quipped.

"Not to interrupt, but we need to close the portal." Captian America said calmy over the radio.

"I'm going up to see what I can do, but I could use a lift." Black Widow responded.

"Sure thing, Miss Rushman," Mike responded.

Black Widow rolled her eyes at Mike's reference to her short-lived under cover operation.

"Shut it, Mike." She snapped back.

Scooping her up Mike flew quickly towards the building. "Where is the league?" He asked out of curiosity.

"On Oa, something about the Manhunters return." She answered.

"Great more work." Mike grumbled. It seemed like he couldn't catch a break lately.