
Gundam system in marvel/dc

Wingzer0 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 44 Manpower

Mike groaned as he got out of bed. Training had been going on for 4 weeks. Physical fitness Mobile suit Maintenence, Tactics, Hand to hand combat, marksmanship, Fighting in the mobile suits. Waltfeld had covered all of these topics every day. In his words, prepare for everything, and nothing will leave you unprepared.

Mike had to admit that it was effective. His piloting skill increased by leaps and bounds. He was in great shape and had a better appreciation for the work the Maintenence guys did to keep the suits going.

Mike had the day off and was going to summon some crewmembers for the Irish Class battleships, and the eternal about 500 all told, a balanced mix of mechanics pilots cooks everything the ships need. The Archangel already had a crew. Mike was also going to summon 100 Mobile suit pilots. He had 5 battleships ready. He would summon 2 Commanders hopefully by the end of the day, he would have solved his manpower issue. He was also asked to send a representative to the UN and had an idea of who would make a good representative.

To start off, he summoned the crews for the ships. 500 crew members appeared 50 were assigned to Waltfeld for the Eternal. The remaining 450 were assigned to the 5 battleships. 88 regular, including medics cooks mechanics pilots, 1 executive officer, and 1 Captian per ship.

Mike then summoned 100 Mobile suit pilots. They appeared in teams of 5, 4 regular, and 1 Squad Leader. He chose 50 Orb Pilots and 50 Gajllarhorn pilots. Mike hoped that he could use the Gajllarhorn pilots like it was originally intended as a peacekeeping force. The Orb forces had shown that they were willing to fight against the world to protect their homeland, and Mike could respect that.

He then chose his two commanders for them. He first chose Dearka Elsman. He considered Yzak Joule, but Dearka was more level-headed. When summoned, Mike explained to Dearka that he wanted him to take command of the space based 50 Mobile suits. he was to have overall command of them and act as a company commander for them. Dearka was hesitant at first. He only agreed to take command when Mike promised that military intervention would be a last resort.

For his second commander, he picked Graham Aker. When summoned, the Aker that appeared was from Awakening of the Trailblazer. A grizzled veteran who had seen war and was ready for peace. Mike assigned him to the 50 Orb Pilots and put them as colony defense forces responsible for patrolling Heliopolis and Zaft. Aker then brought up that while Mobile Suit pilots were useful, Mike would need security forces and an intelligence acency. Mike agreed with him and looked through the system.

"I'll start with the intelligence agency." He said before looking under the Gundam Wing tab. Selecting the Preventors, he summoned Sally Po and Lucrezia Noin. He explained that he wanted them to build his intelligence agency and monitor threats against the nation. Promising them to summon the rest of the preventors, eventually, he gave them access and allowed them to pick their own personnel.

(Now, for the ambassador, I need someone who perfers peace but will not back down if war becomes necessary.) Mike thought to himself. To that end, he summoned 2 people to act as ambassadors. Uzumi Nara Atha, and Ricardo Marcenas. Both as heads of state were cool headed and forward-thinking. They readily agreed to help him after he explained his vision for Orb.

short chapter but it was just designed to get Orb up and running at full capacity. hope yall enjoy the staffing choices and thank you for all the support

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