
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

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127 Chs

Unstoppable train

"Does anyone see him?"

"It's Eagle! I see him. He's all right."

People are used to consider ejection as something that guarantees the survival of the pilot, but not everything is so simple. Many things can go wrong. The human body is so insignificant that any deviation in the catapulting process can lead to death. If you eject too low, the parachute will not have time to slow the fall sufficiently. Falling into water is even more dangerous.

Even though the water seems liquid and nice to jump in at a water park, it becomes like concrete if a person falls into the water from too high a height or at a higher speed. But these are not all the problems that a person can face. The most dangerous is a parachute. If the pilot is unlucky and the parachute falls directly on him, he will simply drown, being caught by his own parachute, like a fish in a net.

"It's Eagle! Keep attacking. If you see him dip his hands into the water, stop attacking immediately and change course."

"Roger Eagle!" The pilots answered in turn. They continued to circle the Kaiju and release their missiles.

Kaiju looked at these annoying flies and waited for the moment to throw more water at them. When the jet plane attacked him, he scooped up water again, but this time the jet abruptly changed course. The kaiju continued its attack and threw water in the direction the jet plane had changed course.

"Needle, be careful!" Eagle shouted over the communicator. The Kaiju wasn't stupid and could predict where they were going to fly.

"AAAAAA!" Needle shouted over the communicator. Tens of tons of water flowed towards him. He pulled the steering wheel sharply to the left. His jet plane turned upside down, and at that moment the pilot pulled the steering wheel towards him with all his might.

When the water was already near him, his plane suddenly flew with its nose towards the water. His entire plane became wet as water flew over him.

"AAAAR!" The pilot continued to scream in stress as he was now nose diving at full speed. He pulled the steering wheel towards him again. His plane groaned from overload. When he was already near the surface of the ocean, the jet plane finally returned to a horizontal position.


The belly of the plane touched the water, at the same moment it began to gain altitude.

"Well done Needle. Good job. This is Eagle! Listen to my command everyone. Increase the containment dome by 2 times."

"Roger Eagle!"

All the pilots left their formation and started flying away from the Kaiju. They doubled his distance and returned to circling the Kaiju. Moments later, the explosions on the Kaiju continued.

The monster grimaced in displeasure. He could no longer get these flies, so he continued on his way to the city.

"Eagle, this is Fork! He's heading for the city, and we're running out of missiles!"

"Understood you, Fork! We do everything we can. Try to shoot him in the eyes."

"Roger Eagle!"

The Kaiju was already near the city. He went ashore. Abandoned boats floated under his feet. He picked up one of them and threw it into the middle of the city out of anger. The ship flew many hundreds of meters along one of the city streets and crashed into a building.


Yelled to the Kaiju as if to inform him that he had reached his destination.


Several explosions rang out in his face. And he shouted out of anger. The planes continued their work.

"Eagle, this is Needle. I am empty. I repeat - I am empty!"

"Understood, Needle."

Several more explosions occurred at the Kaiju's back.

"Eagle, this is Fork. I'm empty too. He enters the city, it is difficult to get to him."

The Kaiju growled, but he was already in the city, so he began to ignore the fighters. This Kaiju had strange ears. They looked like two flat circles on either side of the head. These ears glowed blue.


Kaiju yelled and the next moment his ears started to glow brighter.


A powerful sound wave shot out of his ears to both sides of him. Windows in buildings exploded and spilled onto the roads. This shock wave was strange because the destruction did not stop after it passed. The walls of the buildings continued to crack as if an invisible force was acting on them.


People who had not yet managed to escape were screaming in pain and clutching their heads with their hands. Those who were not far from the Kaiju began to fall to the ground for an inexplicable reason. Apart from the constant cracking of glass and concrete walls, nothing could be heard. The Kaiju unleashed a powerful sonic attack, but no one heard a thing.

The fighter pilots were far away from the Kaiju, but even they were getting headaches.

"Eagle, this is Needle! We need to do something!"

"Stay back, Needle! We have run out of missiles."

"Eagle! This is Fork. We have machine guns left."

"You do realize we're going to have to get close enough to shoot him with the machine guns?"

"Yes, Sir," answered the pilots.

"I was glad to serve with you guys."

After these words, the pilots turned their fighters and flew to the city. Their fighters flew low between the buildings of the city. In front of them at the other end of the street stood a Kaiju, and each pilot took turns pressing a button on their steering wheel.


Bullets started flying out of the machine guns. They flew quickly, leaving a bright trail in the air, resembling a laser beam. Bullets rained down on the Kaiju. When the jet was close enough to the monster, it abruptly went into a vertical position and quickly flew upwards. Their engines screamed under the strain, spewing fire and smoke.

Such maneuvers were performed by each pilot in turn, showering the Kaiju with bullets. Sometimes they entered it from other streets.

The Kaiju continued to release his invisible sonic attack, killing everyone who was near him and hiding in the buildings.


Bullets flew from his left and hit him right in the ear.


He cried out in pain and stopped his attack. Angrily, he bent down and scooped up dozens of cars and trucks with his hands. Some of them exploded in his hands, but he paid no attention. The Kaiju waved his arms and threw dozens of cars, first in one direction where the jets were flying, and then in the other direction, where he was being bombarded with bullets.

"Carefully! Carefully! Carefully!" Eagle screamed into the communicator as he saw cars flying at him and his men. Pilots began twisting their rudders to maneuver between them, but not all escaped the attack.


One of the pilots panicked and turned the steering wheel in the wrong direction, sending his fighter jet straight into the building.


Another pilot tried to gain altitude, but at that moment a truck flew into his engine and the fighter immediately exploded and rained fire on the city streets.


A few more screams rang out over the comm before falling silent, and more explosions echoed through the city streets.

After receiving such a blow from the Kaiju, the pilots raised their fighters and flew over the city.

"This is Eagle! Who have we lost?"

"Eagle! It's a Ghost! There are no Needle, Fork, Surgeon and Matchstick, Sir."

All the pilots were silent after these words.

"Eagle! Look! This is Torterra!" One of the pilots caught the attention of the rest. From a distance in the ocean, something could be seen sailing towards the city.

"Fine! Very good! We have done our job. We stay here until the end of their fight and then return to base."

"Roger Eagle!"

POV: Torterra

"Damned jet pack! AAAAAAA" Torterra was furious with anger. His muscles spasmed from the strain. He swam for 24 hours straight, giving 110%, and was very exhausted both physically and mentally! It's like if a person locked themselves in an empty room and did squats non-stop for 24 hours.

He was already near the city. He waved his hands, scooping up water. Every time his hands collided with the water, there was an explosion that lifted dozens of tons of water into the air. His speed was incredible and he didn't stop even when he got close to the city.

There were no more people near the shore, so he didn't worry about the tsunami. The main thing that was needed now was to kill this Kaiju.

The giant monster quickly swam across the water towards the city. The water did not have time to disperse to the sides and give him a way, and accumulated in front of him, forming a high 20-meter wall of water. When he was already near the shore, this water rushed into the city like a tsunami. It lost a bit of momentum when it hit the shore, but was still able to flood the first floors of nearby buildings.

Torterra did not stop for a second, even when he ran ashore.


He screamed in anger and literally ran through the streets of the city, clinging to buildings with his broad shoulders and destroying their outer layer of concrete and glass. Sometimes he bent over, helping himself with his hands, to speed himself up - like some kind of gorilla.

Kaiju was standing in front of him, who didn't even have time to orient himself. He did not understand what was happening, and as soon as he turned around, he saw that a monster a head taller than him was rushing towards him.

Torterra threw his arm back and delivered a straight punch straight into the Kaiju's face.


After the impact, he did not tear his hand away, but continued to push with it, lowering the Kaiju's head to the ground.


As the Kaiju's head landed on the ground and Torterra's fist crushed it from above, another explosion rang out. Torterra didn't stop, and as soon as he pulled his hand away, he immediately grabbed the Kaiju by the growths on his head and dragged him towards the ocean.

He ran back as fast as he came, dragging the Kaiju behind him with a broken nose and blue blood dripping down his face. The alien beast tried to slow down and caught the buildings with its hands, but Torterra's momentum and weight were so great that the Kaiju's hands went through the buildings without slowing them down for a second.

They were already near the shore. The entire road along which they ran was broken and destroyed.


Torterra shouted as they came ashore. He didn't slow down and grabbed the Kaiju's head with both hands and twisted his body, throwing the Kaiju back into the ocean.


The Kaiju flew through the air in free fall and hit the water, sending a spray of water into the air.

"Damn Troll!" Torterra screamed in his head and headed for the water. The water could not contain him, and he was like an unstoppable train that scattered snow in different directions in the middle of winter.

The Kaiju regained consciousness and rose to his feet. He looked at his abuser and screamed.


At that moment, a shock wave erupted from his ears and hit Torterra.


The Titan had a severe headache, and he screamed in pain. He could feel the blood vessels in his head bursting. This was not a scattered attack that he did in the city. A concentrated stream of sound came out of the Kaiju's mouth and warped space on its way to Torterra's head.


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