
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Kỳ huyễn
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43 Chs

chapter 18(cannibalistic altar and spirit grade treasure)

"what in the name of fuck is this ?" the assassin said something unlike himself but no one had the energy or mental capacity to look at him

in front of them was a strang sight to most of them

Silvia even passed out cold from shuck and goosebumps

right in front of them was a skeleton...no more specific a large numbers of standing skeleton's,each one slightly bigger than your normal average tallman,all of the holding a crudely made weapon be it spears, swords, axe's, daggers, bow and arrow and more

the must unbelievable part is all of them pointing and directing their weapons towards black skeleton on the a altar made with blackbones and other unknown, holding in it's hand a Jambiya style dagger

one would find a slightly glowing blue light flowing in place of the marker make

upon closers inspection,one would find that the blue light are actually energy veins, natural energy veins giving off calming aura which give the feeling of draws people's spirit


"a natural treasure....and it's of spirit grade.... congratulations sir emz it's seems like you made some profit this time" the guard captain stated with a smile

all the members of the guards congratulated him,even the assassin who mainly use dagger and short swords only look at the dagger once before turning away

"don't celebrate too early....or you might come to regret it" emz calmly started

everyone stop and look around vigilantly, remembering the goosebumps introducing scene before them

"are they trap's or monster's in the vicinity?" Amon who just revived Silvia from a pass out start asked

"no..... it's something worse" emz spoke with a slight ting of disgust in his tune

pointing at the altar emz spoke up again"that thing over there is a parasitic and cannibalistic altar, which the owner would build in a place of gathering for a large group of people,the altar would possess the surrounding space to suck the vitality and mana of the living beings in the surrounding areas to strengthen it's host or master, sometimes it would suck little sometimes it would suck everything from the person" emz spoke out a fearsome set of words about the altar

"the worst part the victim would be strangely aware,they would feel memory lost, lost of blood,mana drainage and extreme exhaustion and if the perpetrator was someone in power they could simply call it a sickness or curse.....it is considered a taboo in ancient and modern society"emz spoke

"it seems the chief was using it to strengthen and empower himself....like you said he said it was a curse by the Lord of the swamps,the swamp lizard ....." amon stated as he remembers the murals on the walls, which hard been secretly reading along the way, ' although must of them are no longer readable it's a pretty twisted story.....'

"how did you know?"Silvia asked after stabilizing her mental state

"he's been reading the murals on the wall....I never thought you had reach this level in history and culture?why didn't you say anything about it though,we could have increased the efficiency of study"

emz asked

"I'm only just getting the hang of it....but I would appreciate the increase in information studies" amon said

"so..... what you are trying to say is that man on the altar is the chief and he basically sacrificed all this people to increase his own power?" the magic swordsman asked

"let me tell you what is written on the murals first.....

The Birth Of The Abominable One Spelled The Downfall Of Our TRIBE,

He Who Is Curse With The Falling Physique!!!, Abandoned By Men And God's Alike

Turning His Heart Toward The Abyss, Forgetting His Humanity And Becoming A Shell Of His Former Self.

All For The Sake Of Power

""""""let's just make it simple and basic, please young master"""""""

the other members of the party complained

"alright, alright,the story goes like this...he was born as the only successor of the former chief but his strength and talent where average...well below average...him, not knowing what to do to secure the status passed down from his ancestors ..... according to them ,he made a deal with a evilbeing or dark shaman and built this altar....the altar cause a slight rise of suspicious while it was being built..the elders ask him who the shaman was and if he was trustworthy but he told them he knows the shaman and he could trust him with his life ''

pausing slightly and taking in a deep breath

"till the shaman started asking for human sacrifice...which was forbidden in their tribe...but the chief or the abominable one gave the order for their captives of war and slaves to be made sacrifice to the shaman or more specifically the altar .....after the altar was completed after a month or so the shaman vanished but told the chief how to use the altar"

" no one cared where he disappeared to as they were at war with 3 of the neighboring tribes.....the chief performed the spells and rituals required to activate the altar and he would sit in the middle of the altar"