
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 19(the living altar with an heroic voice)

"activating the alter and sitting in the middle of it would make the altar automatically transfer the ;

life force,mana , energy and blood essence of the surrounding living being.... haven't you discovered that halfway through the dungeon we stop seeing monsters, plants,even weeds are absence,this is a result of the altar draining all the essential energy from the surrounding...."amon spoke

"but then what happened to the abominable chief,how come he's also dead?" the archer asked

"it seems as though there's an error in the process of making the altar, which made the abominable chief unable to leave the altar...as he could only wait and watch as the altar devoured all the energy in the area and turn to devour his own energy and life force" emz was the one who spoke this time around

"but it's been nearly 10 thousand years since the tribe's downfall,the altar should have stopped working by now , shouldn't it ?" the Warhammer knights asked

"yeah,more so as the altar was a failed product" the magic swordsman said

"normally it should,but I've have reasons why I asked you not to celebrate yet''emz spoke while casually looking towards the altar, small unnoticeable lightening where running in his irises

"and what would those reasons be?"Silvia asked innocently but meekly as not to offend him Incase it's a sensitive subject

"when a mortal being reach's a realm of power similar to mine , we can feel the flow of fate and be alert when something is about to happen...." emz replied calmly

"isn't that what you call instinct?"the magic swordsman asked with interest,he knows that this man,sir emz, the young masters tutor was a being beyond his comprehension of power

and he, himself is a person who has a power hunger which has been in him since he was rescued by a aura user adventurer from a crazed gorillabear

so open hearing something related to a higher realm, which is considered classified information for ordinary people,he instantly got interested

"instinct is the reaction of natural or inherent aptitude, impulse, or capacity towards something, someone, location or a situation.

any behaviour is instinctive if it is performed without being based upon prior experience" emz spoke with his signature calmness while turning to look at the msm(magic swordsman)

"but this ability...if you choose to call it so,is an effect of approaching a certain level of power.....where you would gain a ability similar to a semi-foresight even without training with powers that involves destiny,faith or fortune....you can say it's similar to a gods revelation" emz spoke

"so what you're trying to say is..... something isn't right?"you amon asked

"yes...."emz replied

"how should we proceed then?" amon asked

"it's pretty simple " emz spoke

when emz said that line everyone felt a sense of danger from there entire being

walking slowly forward while everyone else was walking quickly backwards far from him as possible

pointing his forefinger forward,finally he added

"we use the most one of the most truest truths.... plotting is useless in the face of absolute power "

as if giving a divine decree,emz voice sounded beautiful and yet majestic to those who yeah it but underneath the awe toward the voice also hide a untold amount of terror

TERROR, this was a natural reaction of a lower lifeform towards a higher being

"all of you,close your eyes...."

what followed was an amazing yet blinding scene

first it start with a flash of light at the very tip of his forefinger then in the next second it expanded and swallowed everything in sight,giving even the law's of the world temporary blindness

at the next second, immediately after it expanded it compressed into a single point a short forward with something similar to instant teleports achieved completely by pure speed


"you can now open your eyes "emz voice ranged in their ears

when the others opened their eyes

they were confused,? and baffled

"sir...did ...did you clean or destroyed place?" the archer asked

"both" emz replied

before them was something you could either call absolute destruction or absolute cleaning,

not even a single skeleton,bone, cobwebs, debris,or anything other than the altar and the dagger remained,even the black skeleton was erased

"sir....but why did you leave the altar....I thought you said you were going to destroy everything?" the Warhammer knights asked

"I never said I was going to destroy anything....I only said 'all of you,close your eyes'....." emz stated in his defense

"then what do we do about the altar....?" the captain asked

"that depends on what's it about to say..." emz stared at the altar unmovable

'""it's about to say?.....it can talk?????!'"" Silvia and the Warhammer knights screamed out in shock

'I've read about the living artifacts before,is it the one's which are possessed by soul's or naturally gained s-' Amon though process was interrupted by an middle aged yet heroic sounding voice

"how art thee known?"