
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

chapter 17(letting it escape and resuming exploration)

at the battle field the alpha had exhausted it self after the attack it's breathing became rough yet it's eyes reflected defiance

it rawr towards the last members of it's bask and they all quickly ran towards a open at the side which was filled with water flowing faster than a normal running river

after all the member's entered, the crocodile alpha also jump into the waters creating a splash which didn't last for long

the guard's wanted to stop them but amon stopped them half way

" that would be enough,not letting them go will be what is considered evil...as we have invaded their home or settlement, killed their loved ones and chased them away,that can be considered for benefits sake ...but we stopping them when they try to escape would be considered evil without benefits, understood?"

"""""yes young master """"the guards replied

'wow...they agreed so fast.....I guess it's understandable after all young master saved one of their own and young masters insight are beyond human,it natural that they start genuinely respecting him' Silvia though

after that small exchange, they proceeded with the exploration

while they were advancing, the Warhammer knights came forward and thank the young master for saving his life

amon response made them Respect him the more

"why are you thanking me? what I did was only natural,I protect my people to the best of my abilities even if I may have none" amon responded with a few words

along the way the interaction between the guards and amon increased, though it was mostly small talks

"Young master, don't you feel cold?"

"I am" Amon answer

it's only natural to feel cold they are underneath the earth of a swampy area

"look over there!" one of the guards spoke up

looking up in front of them were five entrance,the ancient civilizations of this swampy areas usually build there homes with trap entrances and dangerous formation of objects to deter anyone who were not from their tribe's and are on aware of the main route's

"there are five entrances."Silvia spoke with worry

"which one should we go into?" amon asked emz

"no point thinking about things like that. how about this one?"the assassin spoke up which was surprising as he hadn't spoken since the started the journey except for the times when he is given order

everyone looked at the one he pointed to it was the second one to the Left when you are facing it face to face

"no,not that one,if you go into that one you would be meet with what seems like a dead end but when you try to return you would be swallowed by the ground which is made with trapdoor logic" emz spoke

giving the entire party goosebumps when there heard the word 'trapdoor' logic which was dub the near inescapable structure

"then which entrance should we use,sir emz?" the assassin spoke with a hint of 'i have learnt my lesson' tune

"the opposite one of the second left,the second right "emz spoke while he resumed walking

along the way the spotted many creatures but unlike the crocodile they went blocking the road nor where they the type to attack

there were creatures like;

a swamp thing

a mutated swamp python

a tree golem which was inactively sleeping

and lastly a three-color tree snail

after walking for another 30 minutes or more the got to a door at the end of the part, which is vastly different from the other door's

it was huge above the Normal workmanship of the ancient people

this was the room of the tribal chief,the ancient tribes believed the strongest and most competent son of the former chief should be chief

and they did not have a idea of Treasury

so all their goods and treasure's are given to the chief for safe keeping

but now its abandon after the fall of the cocalola people

the Warhammer knight walked in front of the group and arrived at the door

first he tested with a slight push,but the results was not even the slightest feedback or movement from the door

then he increased his strength to 30% but still no result

the he maximized his strength to it's fullest, only then did the door start vibrating slightly

only vibrating

seeing the Warhammer knight who had the highest strength out of them all struggle with the door,the other members of the guard squad rush forward to help

only then did the door start opening,after 1 whole minute of pushing it finally opened enough for them to passthrough

"sir emz,why didn't you help out "Silvia asked innocently

emz replied with a casual reply "it would make them feel incompetent....and damage their pride as men and guards..... damaging a man's self esteem slightly is more painful than cutting off their arms"

although it sounded like a random excuse,amon could tell from his observation and instinct it was the truth

everyone entered into the chiefs room after the door was opened enough for even the Warhammer knight to pass through without any restrictions

"ayo, what in the actual fuck'' the assassin broke character but no one had time to care, what's insight isn't something which requires distraction