
Chapter 13

Omaya gently placed her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

Laila felt chills running down her spine.

"What happened between the two of you," spoke her mother murderously.

"Mother, let me explain-"


"NO! NO! NO! I SWEAR!" Laila shook her head repeatedly terrified.

Akshan suddenly spoke, "Omaya," with his calm voice.

The two both turned to look at him.

He sighed and strolled towards them.

He bent his head a bit to look closely at his daughter.

"It seems like you have feelings for the prince."

"No, I don't father," she softly answered.

He took a moment, staring at her.

"Good then, he is too far from us, I hope that doesn't happen," he stood straight and turned his back to her.

His voice turned coarse, "I don't wish for you to get hurt pursuing someone you can't reach."

Laila's eyes looked down, "Yes, father."

The atmosphere turned quiet.

Knock knock.

Someone knocked on their door.

"Yes?" Asked Omaya as her husband and daughter remained quiet.

"His majesty the prince is here," spoke Aaliyah.

Omaya opened the door hurriedly. "Yes, yes come in."

Kaysan stood at the door.

He had a white thawb covering his massive body.

"I apologize for the intrusion," spoke the prince.

"No please your royal highness, it is our honor to receive you," spoke Akshan bowing. "For what reason does his majesty bring us this joy?" He continued.

Everyone here could feel the coldness in his voice.

Kaysan didn't mind.

"I came to check up on your daughter," he answered.

"As your highness can see she is doing better thanks to your benevolent treatment."

Kaysan's eyes fell on Laila whose father hid her behind his figure.

Akshan continued as he bowed lower, "Your highness didn't have to leave his palace to check on a mere slave."

Both Laila and Aaliyah's eyes widened.

Her father's words may come across as challenging the prince's actions.

And knowing the prince's character...

Laila stood straight to speak up but she was met with Kaysan's cold eyes.

They froze her in place.

But they turned a bit soft as if he signaled to her not to worry.

"It was my fault she fell because of exhaustion. I came to apologize. I am sorry, for your daughter's condition and for making you worry about her."

Akshan raised his eyes surprised by the prince's words.

Indeed, if the prince can be like this and admit his mistakes even apologize to a slave, no wonder he could be as strict with his people.

But his eyes regained their coldness as he met Kaysan's.

The prince looked calm.

He nodded his head and walked out.

Aaliyah on the other hand stared at Akshan and Laila worriedly before following him.

When the family was left alone Omaya turned to her husband.

"Why did you do that?"

Akshan didn't mind her question and fell on the bed, breathed out heavily as if he was liberated.

Laila smiled while looking down, as if she was feeling pathetically towards herself.

Yeah, she wouldn't dare have feelings for him, he was just a great man.

She scoffed at herself, slowly raised her eyes to look at her tired father.

She walked up to him.

Her eyes turned warm and gentle as she kneeled next to the bed.

She took his hand and kissed it, then rested her head on it tenderly.

She was grateful to him for many things.

She knew why he would be worried about her.

This wasn't just anyone.

It was already enough stress for him to put them in this situation.

If something happen to his little girl, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

Every day while she sleeps away from them, they worry about someone hurting her.

Laila understood.

She understood.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Knock knock.

"It's me, Aaliyah."

Omaya opened the door.

They were pretty familiar with her as she was the one watching over them the most.

She took a look around the room looking for Laila.

Their eyes met, finding her kneeling next to her father.

Aaliyah understood what was happening.

Why, cause the same thing happened to her, whether it was when she wished to join the army, or when she decided to marry that crazy general.

She grinned, remembering the memories of her worried father.

Fathers were the same.

She smiled at them.

"His royal highness the first prince has ordered Laila to sleep and work alongside her tribe from this point forward."

Omaya and Akshan met eyes, they smiled happily.

That meant keeping her away from the palace matters, and the prince.

While Laila was the only one who couldn't bring herself to smile truthfully.

She didn't know why this unknown feeling pressed on her heart.


The following days were pretty normal for the family and the tribe.

Laila was smiling while chatting with the woman and helping with the chores.

It seemed like that sad expression left her beautiful face.

The tribe became customized to this style of living.

Truthfully they were not so different than normal civilians and they were even provided a bit of money to spend in the city.

Laila also had the chance to experience it.

Her favorite place was the souk.

It was an interesting market where you find all kinds of boots where you could find anything.

From gold to food to vegetables to silk and clothes.

It was lively and fun to look around.

Laila left again today with a few of the women to look around for new clothes with the money they earned.

Laila had her shemagh covering her face and hair, leaving her almond-shaped beautiful eyes to captivate the crowd.

They were having fun trying on a few pieces of jewelry.

Everything looked beautiful and new to them.

Laila kept chatting with one of the women while the others kept dispersing here and there.

Suddenly while she was looking around even the woman walked up to another booth all excited leaving Laila laughing at her excited face.

"I will check it out real quick!" Said the woman jumping around happily.

"Sure sure," answered Laila giggling.

She was left alone so she walked up to a jewelry boot that caught her attention.

Laila politely greeted the owner and looked over the bracelets.

She held one of them and tried it on her hand.

And another, anything that caught her eye.

"Not that one," suddenly a deep voice took her by surprise.

She couldn't turn around as the man's chest was touching her shoulder.

This nice smell, this deep voice...

The thought of knowing who that figure was made her freeze in place.

She felt him inclining his head.

She took off the bracelet she tried on.

She felt his lips and breath close to her ear.

His left hand tossed a gold coin to the owner, who kept bowing his head repeatedly and smiling overjoyed.

"That one," his cold voice was domineering.

Her eyes fell on the bracelet the owner picked up for him, it was all the way in the back.

Her eyes widened at its beautiful pattern, it was of shining gold with a hazel gem.

It matched the color of her eyes...

The figure behind her held the bracelet for her, waiting for her to put her hand in.

She calmly moved her hand and tried it.

Her eyes were captivated by its beauty matching her honey-toned skin.

"Good..." her voice echoed in her ear as she felt his chest leave her shoulder.

She quickly turned around and no one was there, only but the lively crowd.

She looked at the bracelet in her hand one more time before looking for him with her eyes.

He was nowhere to be found...