
Chapter 12

The serpent was too giant, but the palace seemed a suitable place for its massive body.

Kaysan held it by its teeth with his bare hand.

On the other hand, he held its ninth horn.

The palace guards and people all ran to the garden.

Laila kept staring from the balcony.

Staring at the man she was talking about.

Blood on his ripped clothes.

You could already tell it wasn't his.

His refined and big muscles pumped and filled with veins.

She watched as he tore his ripped top.

His body was filled with scars.

The servants rushed to bring water to him.

He poured it on his black hair, falling and hiding his face even more.

Then pour it all over his body.

Laila kept staring intensely at his arms and chest.

He raised his hand and brushed his hair back.

Oh, what a handsome face, she thought.

His dark skin shone with the scorching sun, his black beard looked soft, perfectly shaping his face, beautiful lips that didn't like talking much, well-drawn cheekbones, and sharp eyes that looked calm and steady, like a hunter in wait.

Laila walked a bit forward unconsciously, raising her tiny hand and placing it on the balcony's luxurious ranch.

He turned around to face the people.

Laila's eyes focused, mesmerized by the gorgeous lines of his back.

As if his back had its own eyes.

It was huge, refined, and well-drawn.

He took the white clothe from the servants and wore them around his broad shoulders.

Laila was still focused until Aaliyah called for her.

"Laila, I will be taking my leave, general Ahmed is calling for me."

"Oh," she turned her eyes to find Ahmed in the garden staring at them, "okay, go ahead."

For some reason, even Ahmed looked relieved, could it be because he didn't see Aaliyah in these days?


Aaliyah also looked quite happy even when she was surprised by the huge serpent before noticing Ahmed.

Could it be something related to the first prince?

Laila pondered for a while for her eyes to look for Kaysan, but he was nowhere to be seen.

The servants and guards already started getting ready to pull such a monster away from sight.

She suddenly noticed something strange with the serpent.

There were no sword wounds on it, but its scales were broken and torn apart.

She could already speculate what happened.

But this strength should be unhuman.

She grew confused for a moment but she shook her head.

Until she knows how this magic works she can't say much about it.

Knock knock.

Laila turned towards the door.

Is it him?

Suddenly her voice disappeared.

She couldn't say a word.

'What should I say?'

'What should I do?'

Do I look presentable right now?

While her mind went blank for a moment a voice spoke, sounding happy and in a hurry, "Big sisteeeeeeer."

Laila's body paused.

Her eyes fell on the door again.

She sighed.

'What am I doing?'

She walked up to open the door only to be met by a strong hug.

"Missed you, why didn't you open sooner," said Amine pouting.

"I am sorry brother," she said with a light smile.

"Now hurry, dad wants to see you. Everyone was so worried about you."

"Okay, wait for me I have to get ready."


This was a first for Amine.

Laila never cared about her appearance and rather always wanted to hide it.

Maybe she wanted to put a veil on again so he stopped thinking much.

But his eyes suddenly fell on Laila standing in front of the mirror.

She looked at her reflection.

Hmm, good, she thought.

Suddenly an image of Kaysan's back appeared in her mind.

She smiled shyly.

Amine stared, the toy in his hand fell making Laila wake up from her trance and look at him.

He had a blank expression on his face.

As if his face froze in a surprised look.

He moved his body to catch the toy but his face was still stuck.

"What?" Asked Laila.

He just remained there.

"Whaat? Should I add some makeup?"

The toy fell from his hand again.


Akshan was walking back and forth in his room waiting for his children.

"She is gonna be okay don't worry," spoke Omaya.

"I know I know, I just hope he did nothing to her."

"What could he do? Don't you know we are only in this situation because of his principles? If he touches her that puts his entire strict personality and word to the ground."

"But even then if he does it will be too late. I, I don't care about his word, as long as she is safe."

He sighed.

The door opened and Laila walked in with a smile.

Akshan didn't say a word and held her in his arms, touching her forehead and checking her frail arms as he bombarded her with questions.

"Are you okay, did he touch you, what did the doctors say that they won't say to us, we are your family you can tell us anything.."

"Daad, daaaad."

He stopped talking.

"I am okay," she said with a giggle.

He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I am glad, my dear."

"Come to your mother," spoke Omaya.

Laila paused for a moment and walked towards her.

This was weird, that her mother was the calm one in this situation.

Omaya looked at her and held her as she made her sit with her on the bed.

"I knew you were okay. You are my blood. Look at this pretty face, how I missed it."

Laila was still feeling something weird.

Amine walked in, the blank expression still stuck on his face.

His father looked at him weirdly for a moment before walking up to him.

Laila watched her dad walk to her little brother, as she was also worried because he was like this the whole way.

Suddenly her hands were held tightly by her mother.

"Mother-" as she turned to exclaim that it hurt she met her mother's bloodthirsty eyes.

Her voice was quiet and menacing as she didn't want the others to hear, "What did that bastard do? Did he take your flower? You can tell me I am your mother. You can tell me. I will make it easier for you and kill him. Tell me."

Laila's face fell.

Of course, her mother would never be calm.

"He did nothing I swear."

Omaya still kept her murderous eyes up, staring at Laila suspiciously for a moment before letting go with a sigh.

"That's great then."

She turned to look at her husband who held her stupefied son and shook him.

"What is wrong with you?" Kept asking Akshan.

She looked at her son weirdly trying to figure him out but he was staring at Laila.

Suddenly Omaya heard a little girl's giggle coming from her daughter's side.

She turned her head to find, Laila, shying like a little girl, pushing her hair behind her ear as she was spaced out imagining something.


The room grew quiet.


The toy fell again.

Laila raised her eyes waking up from the dream only to find Amine still staring at her with eyes widened.


Just as she was about to ask she found out her father was doing the same expression.

She paused, she turned around, and so was her mother stuck in a stupefied look.