
Chapter 14

That same night Aaliyah came to check again on the tribe.

She usually sat with Laila and chatted with her after making sure they didn't need anything.

After talking for a few moments Laila started looking a bit down.

She sat there silently for a second before asking, "Does the prince, usually leave his palace?"

Aaliyah remained quiet, looking at Laila.

"These days yeah, his highness goes out to hunt a lot in order to relieve his curse's urges." Aaliyah looked pretty worried.

"Is it getting worse?" Asked Laila with a painful expression.

Aaliyah sighed heavily. "Yeah, he doesn't even address Ahmed anymore. The palace is tense these days. There are rumors stating the prince is trying to die a warrior's death which is why he goes out. I couldn't bring myself to ask Ahmed."

The atmosphere turned quiet.

"I will leave you to it," said Aaliyah as she stood up to leave.

It seemed like she really looked up to the first prince, and having to see him in this situation took a heavy toll on her.

The others were probably the same.

"Okay, take care," answered Laila.

As soon as her friend left she let go of her expression and looked sad.

She didn't why she felt this much heartache knowing of his struggles.

She shook her head and went to join her family for dinner.


The next morning.

The entire tribe was gathered by Aaliyah.

"I have an important announcement to make. His highness the first prince wishes for you to perform in front of the nobles of this city tonight and of course, you shall be rewarded handsomely."

The people's faces lightened up.

Only Akshan didn't, while his daughter looked surprised.

He turned to look at her, noticing her expression, which made his own turn perplexed.

Is it inevitable? He thought to himself.

The day became pretty busy for the tribe, from working on their clothing to rehearsing their dances.

Akshan didn't want to gamble and not let Laila go, not knowing how the prince might react, so he at least made her part of the group, sitting at the far back to make her as unnoticeable as possible.

Laila didn't go against her father's wishes, she was rather glad he made it this way.

She still hated dancing in front of people.

She still hated it...

The tribe was sent to the changing rooms as soon as the sun set.

The night took over as they were getting ready.

They all grouped in the same room as last time before the performance hall.

They waited patiently.

This time they didn't hear the laughter of their crowd behind the door.

It seemed quiet.

Aaliyah suddenly opened the door on them with a few knights by her side.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes," answered Akshan, "But why do I have to be here?"

"Chieftain, it seems like the prince has an announcement to make later which needs your presence."

He became quiet, wondering what it could be.

"Then, please," she said addressing the dancers as she opened the door for them.

They walked in groups.

The instruments took their positions first.

They found sitting comfy pillows ready for them and exactly their numbers.

Last time it was a pain, it seems like the management here was pretty attentive.

The tribe looked around at the quiet room.

This time they didn't see the smiles on the nobles' faces, they seemed afraid to say a word.

They didn't hold their glasses of wine nor did they touch their food.

Even the lights weren't fully lit like last time.

The room looked cold.

This made the tribe's expressions turn dim.

Was something wrong? They all wondered but didn't dare voice their thoughts.

The place where the prince sat last time, was in utter darkness.

They couldn't see that part of the room.

The dancers got ready.

Laila in the back ran her eyes at the prince's corner unable to find his figure.

She felt anxious all of a sudden.

Everyone took their positions.

The oud instrument started first.

Beautiful and calm, setting up the mood.

The qanoûn followed afterward complimenting the melody.

They didn't use this instrument last time. It was only made after they made the request to make it.

The tabla and darbouka joined with the beat.

The ney and lute captivated everyone's ears.

And what took the nobles by surprise the most, was the gentle voice of the female singer.

"Lamou-ni." (They reprimanded me)

"Lamouni lamma chafou sotak bi wannesni." (They reprimanded me when they saw your voice comforting me.)

"Saalouni elli gharou meni." (They asked me, those who are jealous of me)

"Saalouni ash a'ajbo fiya." (They asked what he liked about me)

"Lamou-ni." (They reprimanded me)

"Lamouni lamma chafou hawak byoHrosni." (They reprimanded me when they saw your love protecting me)

"Khabayt hawaya, khawfan men elli gharou." (I hid my love, afraid of those who are jealous)

"Khabayt Hoby minak, khawfan ichoufok fi Aaynaya." (I hid my love from you, afraid they see you in my eyes)

"Khawfan min el nas, takhalayt ean sotak." (Afraid of the people, I gave up on your voice)

"Sotak elli bi wannesni." (Your voice that comforts me)

"Orbak kan donyaya, ba'et ana bahlam by Ainik." (Your presence was my world, now I sit dreaming about your eyes)

Laila kept dancing.

In the far back, no one noticed her eyes were half shut, her expression saddening behind her veil.

She didn't understand why the lyrics held her.

Why did the pain of the words weigh heavily on her heart?

The prince in the shadow swung the empty bottle of wine as if he was still checking if it was empty.

He didn't feel drunk yet.

Or was he?

His head lay on the back of his couch.

He stared at the roof.

He didn't care about the dance or the party, but the song played resounded deeply in his ears.

This emptiness, am I drunk? He asked himself.

This loneliness, am I drunk? He thought again.

He raised his arm and placed it on his eyes, as if he wished to sleep.

He wasn't unfamiliar with this lonely feeling in his heart.

Sometimes it hit him.

This was the first time it felt this heavy.

Was it also because of the curse? Or was he simply getting tired?

He didn't care.

This heavy feeling in his heart only made him want to sleep.

Yeah, he just wanted to sleep.

He wished.

He didn't think he could only stop the curse's screams in his head by feeling lonely.

Was it because it was worse?

It didn't matter.

At last, it was peaceful.

Feeling alone, was peaceful...