
Gilgamesh Untold

As time passes, and Ages come and go, history holds firm as the reminder of humanity's story. Stories are passed down, immortalized, and never forgotten. One such story has stood the test of time, and is considered the very first, oldest story ever told... 'Though this history shall soon be forgotten, the Epic of Gilgamesh shall live on forever in my memory, as a sign of who I once was and the sacrifices I had to make.' 'I have learned many things, and have seen even more. I have lived fulfilling lives and accomplished great things. That story has long ended, but my story still remains unwritten!' 'So now, I write my own story! A story of the things unknown to all! The story of Gilgamesh, untold!' *Inspired by the Ancient Mesopotamian 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' and Based off of the work of iKissTurtles (Who I am working with to publish this fantastic take on the age-old character).*

iKissTurtles · Kỳ huyễn
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176 Chs

My Permission

All the onlookers present were stunned.

Most of them had never seen this man before, but it was abundantly clear that he had stepped in to save Gilgamesh's life.

So why the hell did he punch him in the face!?

Most importantly, though, this old man had shown up and blasted the Heavenly Master away.

After punching him in the face, Gilgamesh grabbed Samael from the floor and looked off in a certain direction.

There, he saw Lord Cloud encased in a layer of light, and when the latter saw him his expression went blank.

'Oh fuck... I'm gonna die.' Lord Cloud said as beads of sweat ran down the sides of his face.

Gilgamesh's body was already mostly recovered, and he pulled some new clothes out of his void ring before they settled on his body.

Then, he took off in Lord Cloud's direction.

The Old Patriarch got up from the floor while massaging his jaw, and he cluelessly looked on as Gilgamesh ignored him.

Lord Cloud shrieked in panic and tried to run away, but he could not escape the confines of the light.

He watched as Gilgamesh approached him, and could only summon a layer of clouds around the surface of his body as an extra layer of protection.

However, with Gilgamesh's inherent nature empowering the sword, as well as the Old Power, there was no way Lord Cloud's inherent nature could protect him now.

With no cultivation, and no true energy, this was his last resort.

Gilgamesh stabbed into the light, decimating the barrier and easily piercing the layer of clouds.

Lord Cloud's throat was stabbed by a pitch black blade, and his life slowly left him.

"Hang on..." A random outer disciple started, "Isn't Gilgamesh still in the Condensation stage?"

"Are you fucking retarded? How could he be... Wait, you're right!" An outer disciple was suddenly reminded of that truth.

"He's right! Gilgamesh never broke through the Condensation stage, but he just killed a heavenly immortal!"

"Oh my god! I'm so fucking wet right now!" A female disciple screamed, and only realized afterwards that she should have kept it to herself.

Seeing her predicament, a male disciple's eyes brightened as he got an idea. He flashed her a cool smile and a thumb's up.

"I know, right! I'm super hard for Gilgamesh right now too!"

Suddenly, all eyes were on that disciple, and he started feeling like his decision to alleviate some of the female disciple's embarassment was the wrong choice.

When he tried to find her for support, she had already disappeared.

That male disciple could later be seen hugging his knees and sobbing bitterly.

Lord Cloud's throat spurted blood and he fell over on his back. Gilgamesh stared into his eyes as the life left him.

There was a clang in the rubble of Gilgamesh's house, and he looked over to it with eager anticipation.

The Old Patriarch felt awkward and out of place, and so he made himself disappear.

He really just didn't want to get punched again.

"After all that big talk..." The Heavenly Master's pained voice sounded as he slowly came into view, exiting the house from the hole he had made on his way in.

"You had backup all along?"

Gilgamesh sucked his teeth and stabbed Samael's blade into the earth, placing both hands on its handle.

"I'll have you know, I was just about to tear you to shreds when the old fart interfered."

Gilgamesh raised a fist and said, "But I gave him one of these and sent him packing."

"So don't bother whining. Let's finish this!"

The Heavenly Master chucked coldly, "Yeah, let's do that. I couldn't care less about figuring you out now. I just wanna get this shit over with!"

The Heavenly Master stamped his foot onto the ground and cracked the very earth. Even as the floor was still shattering, he had arrived and grabbed Gilgamesh by the neck.

The halo at his back was emitting a terrifying glow once again, and Gilgamesh could already see what was coming.

"Purifying Ray!"

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

The Heavenly Master had yielded results with this attack before, so he had chosen to use it again.

He did not want to risk anything.

However, Gilgamesh let out an abrupt string of conceited laughter, shocking everyone present.

As the ray of light intensified, it bore down on Gilgamesh and once again bombarded his body with its irresistible purification.

Gilgamesh suddenly threw his head back and laughed even more, sounding like a crazy person.

Those watching started to think that he was losing his mind upon being faced with the inevitability of death.

A few seconds later though, shock and awe were the only things that could be seen on their faces.

"The attack..." An Inner Disciple pointed out.

"The attack isn't affecting him! Not even his clothes are being burned!"

More and more of the onlookers came to the same realization, and their minds were practically broken.

There was no breakthrough, nor was there any notable difference about Gilgamesh.

He had just magically become able to resist the same attack that had previously almost killed him?

Who could understand it!?

"KYAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Gilgamesh finally took a second to catch his breath, and he casually waved Samael through the air and toward the Heavenly Master's arm.

With a quick gasp, the Heavenly Master let go of Gilgamesh and moved his hand out of the way.

At the same time, his Purifying Ray dissipated; he wouldn't keep it up if it was no longer effective.

"All these tricks won't save you, Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh, who was still catching his breath from laughing too much, suddenly paused and shot the Heavenly Master a blood red glare.

"I don't recall giving you permission to use my name."

The Heavenly Master laughed menacingly, his irritation clear in his voice. "You think I need permission."

Before he blinked, Gilgamesh was standing aross from him in the courtyard. However, after he blinked, he did not see Gilgamesh anymore.

Startled, the Heavenly Master cast his divine sense out before he turned around with a shocked expression.

Gilgamesh was behind him, with Samael just inches from his back. "There's nothing you can do without my permission- you cannot even carry on existing."

One question echoed in the minds of all the people watching-- even the Guardians and the Old Patriarch who was hidden:

How did Gilgamesh get there?

The Heavenly Master scoffed and prepared to increase the distance between them, but Gilgamesh's strange aura spread out faster than he could even react.

"I don't think so."

The Heavenly Master knew that he was faster than Gilgamesh. He was leagues above him in terms of cultivation, and he was also a heaven-blessed individual.

Even so, his body slowed down to the point that he seemed to be moving in slow motion, and he saw Gilgamesh walking over to him.

"You should be able to see it now," Gilgamesh said.

"This is me, walking, yet your body would not dare to keep up with me. Do you know why?"

The Heavenly Master's eyes slowly followed Gilgamesh's figure while his own body almost ceased its movements completely.

As for the people looking at them, they weren't moving at all, like they were frozen in time.

Gilgamesh walked up on the Heavenly Master's left side and spoke directly into his ear, "It's because, without my permission, nothing is allowed."

Samael moved swiftly through the air, and plunged into the Heavenly Master's stomach, but it did not draw any blood.

This was not a physical attack, but a spiritual one. Samael would reap spirits in the mystic realm, but its function was actually to reap true energy.

It was only because the beings within the mystic realm were practically void of true energy that it reaped their spirits instead; there was no other kind of energy for it to drain.

Once the passageway into the Heavenly Master's sea of energy was made, Gilgamesh instantly suppressed and eradicated his cultivation base.

Even so, the Heavenly Master had one last trick up his sleeve.

The image of Truth's Mind lit up on his forehead, and the world around them returned to normal. The Heavenly Master was finally able to make some distance between them again.

Gilgamesh stood in the same spot and watched him, blatantly amused as he smirked. It was like he was daring the Heavenly Master to use that power.

As for the spectators, to them it looked like Gilgamesh had teleported once again.

"There's no way he's at the Condensation stage. He has to be some kind of almighty figure that's going around pretending to be a weakling!"

"Gilgamesh has to be a supreme troll!"

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Master unleased his power of Truth's Mind, and spoke the words that would turn the tides in his favor.

"I will be restored!"

Immediately, the scattered true energy that had escaped from his body when his cultivation was crippled started to come back.

A wide grin appeared on his face when he saw this, and he praised Truth's Mind in his heart.

'As I thought, the power of truth is unbeatable!'

Then, he heard a sound that shattered his hopes and dreams, and reminded him that his current opponent was a monster in the making.

"Nuh-uh, you won't be restored." Gilgamesh shook his head and laughed.

"That's not the truth. I say... it's a lie!"

The image of Truth's Mind immediately lost all of its power, and the Heavenly Master's restoration process was reversed.

Just like that, his hopes were dashed.

Then, he saw a pitch black sword tip stabbing toward his forehead. His first instinct was to quickly evade, but Gilgamesh's strange aura appeared again, and he could no longer move normally.

'How... How is this possible...?' The Heavenly Master's soul was rife with indignation. He could not believe that his life was going to end just like that.

He hadn't been able to use the heavenly true energy nature, so his power was greatly reduced. Even so, he was still supremely powerful.

So how was it that he was now about to die?

Just then, before his head was pierced by the blade, his last moments of life were occupied by Gilgmesh's words repeating in his head.

'It's because, without my permission, nothing is allowed.'

That was the last thing he thought of before his life left him, and he became nothing but a corpse on the end of Gilgamesh's blade.