
Gilgamesh Untold

As time passes, and Ages come and go, history holds firm as the reminder of humanity's story. Stories are passed down, immortalized, and never forgotten. One such story has stood the test of time, and is considered the very first, oldest story ever told... 'Though this history shall soon be forgotten, the Epic of Gilgamesh shall live on forever in my memory, as a sign of who I once was and the sacrifices I had to make.' 'I have learned many things, and have seen even more. I have lived fulfilling lives and accomplished great things. That story has long ended, but my story still remains unwritten!' 'So now, I write my own story! A story of the things unknown to all! The story of Gilgamesh, untold!' *Inspired by the Ancient Mesopotamian 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' and Based off of the work of iKissTurtles (Who I am working with to publish this fantastic take on the age-old character).*

iKissTurtles · Fantasy
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176 Chs

Birth of a Legend

The Heavenly Master was no more, neither was Lord Cloud.

At first, every person that was within the area surrounding Gilgamesh's home was speechless.

Their eyes blinked and their jaws slackened, their hearts pounded enthusiastically and their bodies shuddered.

Gilgamesh, whose aura was capped at the Peak of Condensation...

Had killed a heavenly immortal!?

Although most of the disciples lacked a powerful enough divine sense to have an idea of how strong the Heavenly Master was, it was abundantly clear to them that they could never defeat him.

Not only had Gilgamesh somehow forced his opponents into a handicap, he had then proceeded to pull a win out of nowhere.

Even when it looked like he was about to die, a mysterious old man attempted to rescue him before getting viciously punched by Gilgamesh.

Then Gilgamesh came back from certain death like it was nothing!

Only an idiot wouldn't be floored after witnessing these events. Gilgamesh had gone above and beyond simply creating a miracle.

He was the fucking miracle!


It was unknown which female disciple started the chant, but once she opened her mouth and pumped her tiny hands into the air, almost everyone immediately joined in.



"Please let me have your babies!!!"

At the top of their lungs, servants, outer disciples and inner disciples were screaming Gilgamesh's name-- even Hunter and Pacifist were no exception.

Surrounded by people shouting her Big Brother's name, Little Feather's eyes glistened with prideful tears, and she laughed adorably before joining in.

Wyg was drooling, transfixed by the 12 colored cloud hovering above, but when he heard people calling out Gilgamesh's name, he snapped out of it.

After wiping his mouth, he also joined in.

Law hadn't joined in, but his eyes lingered on Gilgamesh's body. A series of emotions played out across his face, and as he stared at Gilgamesh figure, he was reminded of something.

He recalled a certain servant boy that dared to confront those more powerful than him, and who never yielded no matter what.

He felt like a proud parent watching their child become an adult... and he suddenly frowned.

'I don't have a complex or anything, right?'

Gilgamesh heard the cheers and felt the people's praise and adoration, and his smirk became a teethy smile, glinting in the golden light of heaven.

The phenomenon above had yet to disappear, but Gilgamesh did not mind.

He planned to use it as a spotlight!

He aimed his smile in every direction, and blessed his audience with the sight of him.

Once their cheers finally died down a few minutes later, Gilgamesh emboldened his voice with true energy and opened his mouth.

"Thank you all so much for attending! Did you enjoy the show?"

At first, they were stunned, but the crowd soon erupted in a loud cry.


Gilgamesh nodded approvingly, "Good! That demonstration cost me the lives of two heavenly immortals, so you'd better have enjoyed it!"

Hearing the amusement in Gilgamesh's voice, the audience also broke out into light laughter.

"Well, I'm going to enter seclusion for a little bit to cultivate. Good luck on all your future endeavors, and thanks again!"

Gilgamesh waved them goodbye, but the phenomenon in the sky was still there.

After he shot a glare at the heavens, a tiny sliver of his aura surfaced and the heavens immediately shut.

At the same time, the cloud dispersed and the sky went back to normal.

Little Feather ran to go inside, but Law and Wyg departed.

On the treetop, Hunter and Pacifist were trying to decide what to do.

"Should we go congratulate him?" Pacifist suggested.

"Congratulate him? I think he's done a good job congratulating himself! We should just leave him be," Hunter sighed.

"I secont that notion," an old man appearee next to them on the treetop, rubbing his face.

"Old Patriarch!"

The two Guardians lowered their heads respectfully.

"There's no need for that. Come, we have to prepare a new abode for Gilgamesh."

"You really think he's going to stick around that much longer?" Hunter asked.

The Old Patriarch shook his head with a slight smile, "No, but we need to anyway."

"We'll call it a courtesy."

With that, they all left together.

When Little Feather ran inside, she saw the full extent of the damage to the house.

It was totally wrecked, and even the backyard was in a mess. The floor itself had cracked and split open, reducing it to a site of chaos.

As for Gilgamesh, he had found a space in the destroyed house where he was completely out of sight. Once he was there, he curled up into a ball.

Now, he was shivering and whimpering. His face was drained of color, and thick blood slowly fell from his nose.

His eyes were open just a slit; they had already glazed over as though he were dead.

Little Feather smiled, as if she had already seen this coming.

Then, she said words that shook Gilgamesh to his core, even with the state he was in.

"Your inherent nature was amazing, just like you said it would be. I'm glad you were able to tap into it again."

When he heard those words, he felt as though everything he thought he knew was crumbling.

As his soul became more and more complete, he would reclaim certain memories and knowledge along with it.

However, he had yet to reclaim any memories regarding the life he had lives in this world.

He recalled scenes of him engaging in deadly battles, moments of fear, pain, despair and joy.

However, these were all mostly just flashes of things he had done and experienced. He had no idea what time they had taken place in.

However, after hearing Little Feather's words, he knew came to know some things for sure.

His soul had been damaged even in that lifetime, and it had only just started to recover.

In addition, during that lifetime, Gilgamesh had known more about himself than he did now.

He had known enough to tell Little Feather about his inherent nature, but now he didn't even know what his inherent nature was.

Acquiring power from some unknown place, Gilgamesh fought back the weakness he felt and spoke.

"What is... my inherent nature?"

Little Feather seemed confused. "Did you forget?"

Gilgamesh spasmodically nodded.

"Well, I'll just tell you what you told me when I asked."

"You said that your inherent nature was the most perfect thing there is, and that it was absolute. You said that it was impossible to defeat, impossible to resist, and impossible to suppress."

"You told me that it was impossible for it to know defeat in any way, and that all other things were nothing in the face of it."

"You said that both you and your inherent nature were one and the same, and you told me that that's why you always act the way you do."

"Your exact words were: 'If I have my own back, then I don't have to worry about anything at all.' Or something like that, at least."

Little Feather cutely recited the information as she knelt at Gilgamesh side.

He was stumped.

Based on the description his past self had given to Little Feather, he found it hard to arrive at any conclusion other than a single one.

'My inherent nature... is me?'

When he came to this understanding, he also started to feel even weaker than before. His eyes rolled up in his head and he spat out some blood before passing out.

"Oh no! Big Brother Gilgamesh!" Little Feather cried out as she grabbed him and threw him over her shoulder.

Her tiny figure then ran off with Gilgamesh in tow, racing off to somewhere only she knew.

As for Gilgamesh, his consciousness drifted and appeared in his sea of energy.

There, the first thing he noticed was a finger.

When he saw that finger for the first time, he instantly recognized it.

After all, this was actually just his own finger!

The finger waved a bit, and when Gilgamesh looked around he saw the other true energy natures in his sea of energy.

However, they did not see him.

It was as though the finger had summoned him into a separate space, where only him and it could interact.

Then, the finger started to draw words in the air that appeared as red symbols.

"I've waited so long for this! It sucks having to talk like this, but it's better than nothing!"

Gilgamesh was taken aback by the sight, and pondered the ludicrous nature of his current predicament.

Surely no one else had ever talked to a finger before.

"You are my inherent nature?"

The finger wiggled excitedly before drawing the words, "That's right!"

Gilgamesh then posed the burning question.

"Are you... me?"

The finger suddenly started to twist, turn and bend in all sorts of ways, like it were trying to dance.

"You figured it out!? You must be starting to remember!"

Gilgamesh's face changed, "Then...?"

"That's right. I am you, and you are me. We are the same!"