
Who hired the PI part 2

Morgan White pov

When he told me that the man could have spoken with an English accent something inside me felt like it died. I thought the man responsible for the fire was long dead by now, but if he really isn't dead then was the person that old lady killed his brother. I have to ask my security team to look into who that man was and maybe we can find the person responsible. Does this man know where my children are and if he does is he there with them? I have to send some of my people down there to make sure my babies are safe. I hope I am not just overthinking this. My babies can't be in danger over something that happened like twenty years ago. I thought my past was behind me. Why now? Why is this person coming after me and my family now? I'll have to find out if this man was in jail during all this. That might be why he is coming after us now.

I called in my best tracker and asked him to look into the man who was accused of the middle school fire twenty years ago and find the man's brother. I told him that the man might have just been released from prison. He nodded and ran off to do as I said.


Meanwhile, Samantha and Brittney are chilling in their room when a knock sounds on their door. Their maid went to open the door and found a man with a gun. She screamed and pressed the panic button. Alarms blared in the White's home and all of the private security guards were sent to the location of the school to find out why the alarm was triggered. When they got there they found the door open and the dogs shot. They rushed the dogs into surgery but they died from loss of blood. The rest of the guards searched the school up and down. They checked the cameras but there was no sign of him anywhere. He must have either paid off someone on the inside or hacked into the system and cleaned up the camera footage. A tech professional checked the cameras and found no sign of tampering, so that's when their theory of an inside person was confirmed. They reported their findings to Mrs. White. She had all of their tracking dogs sent to the twin's room in the hope they could find their scent. One of the dogs the name Hickory found a scent and everyone followed it to a dock where a boat used to be. Luckily they found footage of the man and indeed he walked with a limp. Sadly the man who owned the boat he stole was killed trying to stop him from taking his boat. They watched as he knocked the kids out and threw them in the boat. Nothing felt worse than feeling helpless to save their daughters.

Samantha woke up alone in a room strapped to a chair. She heard crying from the other room and felt terrified for her sister.

"Brittney, is that you crying?" asked Samantha.

"Make him stop!" cried Brittney.

"What is he doing to you!" cried Samantha.

"He keeps playing the video that nearly killed our mother over and over again. The cries of the people inside are too much." cried Brittney, "Don't give in. He wants to know where mom is don't tell him."

"You stupid bitch did I say you could talk!" yelled the man.

Samantha heard a slap and then the crying stopped.

"Don't hurt my sister or else I will kill you!" yelled Samantha.

"What are you going to do about it? You secured to a chair. What can you do to me you are only five years old? You are not scary at all." laughed the man when he walked into the room.

Samantha remembered a secret her mother told her in case she ever got kidnapped. Her mother gave her a pocket knife in the hope she could get herself out of her bindings. Thankfully the man didn't search for her when he tied her down. When he wasn't looking she started to cut the ropes that held her to the chair. When he turned around she was gone. He set off the alarm and all his men searched the compound for the girls. Sam found her sister and cut the rope that held her. The door opened right when she was picking up her sister and the man grabbed her by the hair raising her far above the ground. He didn't see the pocket knife in her hand. She stabbed him in the cheek. He released her screaming in agony grabbing his face and trying to stop the bleeding. That gave her enough time to grab her sister and she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine making him fall to his knees in pain. She tried to find an exit or at least a phone so she could call for help. To her luck, she found the boss's office quickly grabbing his phone and making a dash for the exit. She laughed when the phone wasn't password-protected he must have thought no one would steal his phone from his own office. Hiding in the closet she called 911 telling them what happened. They told her to stay on the line, but she told them that she had to call her parents and tell them what happened. Then she thought what if he has his phone tapped she couldn't risk the phone being tracked. She explained that her sister wouldn't wake up. Footsteps approaching brought her back to the present. Sadly she dropped the phone when she picked up her sister and ran for the exit. Alexander (the man who kidnapped them) found the phone and roared in anger.

"Shit now the cops will be here any second. I knew I should have paid off the cops when I had the chance." groaned Alex.

The search dogs were called when his men couldn't find the girls anywhere on the compound. He handed the phone to the dog handler telling him that this was the last thing the girls touched. The handler told the dog to find this scent. He took the leash off the dog and they quickly followed the dog as it searched for the girls. The dog stopped at a stream a few miles away from the compound.

"How could the girls get over here so fast they are only four feet tall?" asked Alex.

"I just got a report that a small moto bike was stolen from the compound, but it only had a few gallons in it so they can't be too far. They were smart enough to remove the GPS tracker from it." groaned a guard.

Alex let out an enraged scream. All of his men backed up in fear he would take out his gun and shoot one of them for not stopping the girls in time.

"We have to stop them before they get away and we can never catch them again," yelled Alex.