
Who hired the PI part 1

Private eye pov

I stepped off the plane and lost the twins in the crowd. A hand grabbed me from behind and everything went black. I woke up in a strange dark room I couldn't see much because a bright light was shining in my eyes.

"Why are you following the White twins?" yelled someone from behind the light.

"I was hired to. I don't know who it was but they offered me a million dollars if I keep them updated on the girl's whereabouts. I have child support to pay and work has been very slow. I needed the money. All I know about the person is their voice and I honestly think that it was a fake voice. It sounded more robotic than a real voice."

"What is your name?" asked someone else.

"John Landcaster you would have known that if you looked at my ID."

"You can go now. We can handle it from here." said a female voice.

I squinted to see who spoke then suddenly a hand was around my throat.

"Why are you following our children!?" barked the twin's dad.

"I don't know why but I needed the money. I wrote down everything I learned about the twins in my notebook. It should be in my coat pocket."

"We searched you when you arrived and there wasn't a notebook on you anywhere." yelled the dad.

I gasped and remembered when a strange man bumped into me when I stepped off the plane.

"There was a strange man who bumped into me when I stepped off the plane. He must have pickpocketed me and took the notebook."

"Tell us what he looked like." barked another voice I didn't recognize.

"There was a scarf over his face and sunglasses so I can't tell you much. What I can tell you is that he had a strange accent and he walked with a limp. Besides that I have nothing."

"Wait did it sound like a British accent." asked the mother.

I nodded and then I heard a thud. The father was yelling something to the guards. Someone walked up behind me placed a bag over my head and transported me to a secondary location.


Meanwhile, the twins arrived at the school and they headed straight to their dorm. They got the largest room in the whole school. Their dorm had a kitchen, bathroom, workout area, an inside pool, and much more. Samantha chose her room first since she was the first one to step foot in the dorm. Her room had a swing, a desk, a dog bed for Zeus, and so much more. Brittney's room was almost identical to her sister's beside the color of the walls.


PI pov

I woke up in another weird room surrounded by men pointing guns at me. I looked down and realized I was strapped to an electric chair. This wasn't good I hoped they could find the person who hired me before they would have to use this. I didn't have much hope of making it out of this room alive. Those men looked very trigger-happy and kept giving me the death stare. A couple walked in they looked like they wanted to kill me at the stop, so I assumed that they were the parents of the twins.

"We couldn't find the man you spoke of." groaned the man, "Why did you lie to us. We are just trying to look after our children?"

I was correct in my assumption they were the parents of the twins.

"If I knew any more I would have told you by now. Wait there is something I remember from the phone call. The man kept mentioning a fire that happened many years ago, and that he needed to get the person responsible for the death of his brother. I didn't know what that meant at the time until I found out that you were the sole survivor of a school fire many years ago. I think the person who was killed wasn't the person behind it all. I am sorry to tell you this but the man behind it is still out there somewhere looking for revenge. I don't think your kids are safe anywhere right now. He knows your kids are in a boarding school it won't take him long to find out which one you sent them to."