
Who hired the PI part 3

"Mom, it's me, Samantha. I asked a man if I could borrow his phone and he let me. We were taken by a man they called Alexander. He had a British accent and walked with a limp, He had red hair and green eyes, a strange scar on his left eye, and he had a cobra tattoo on his neck. That is all I could notice from a single glance." explained Sam quickly.

The man she borrowed the phone from gasped and he said, "You were taken by the arsonist Alex. He is well known for burning buildings and locking the doors so everyone dies. If you were taken by him you must have done something horrible, and that explained why your friend won't wake up. He has a habit of drugging people and then catching them on fire. I am so glad your friend was saved before that could happen to her."

Her mother wrote down everything the man said and handed the note to her head of security.

"Look into this. We got more information for the FBI. They would want to be the ones who bring in this man, but I want you to find him first before he finds my daughters." ordered Mom.

He nodded and did as he was told.

"Anything else you know about this man?" asked Sam.

He shook his head and said, "But I will hide you from him in case he comes searching for you. I've had some run-ins with him and he isn't good news. Thanks to him I lost most of my family. My wife and daughters were in the fire that happened at a middle school not too far away from here twenty years ago."

"Our mother was the sole survivor of that fire. I am so sorry that you lost your family in that fire." cried Samantha.

"You're the daughters of Morgan White. She was my wife's favorite student." gasped the man, "Come on inside before he sees you."

"I got remarried to a divorcee a couple of years ago and I have four stepchildren." said the man, "I hope you meet them someday."

A young boy around their age ran downstairs and hugged the man's legs.

"Hi, daddy! Who are these people?" the young boy asked.

"These are the victims of that man," he explained.

The young boy gasped and ran over to Brittney.

"I think she was poisoned. Her lips are turning blue if we don't get the antidote into her soon she could die. I'll go get mother she'll know what it is. I can smell almonds wait I know this one. She was poisoned with Cyanide. I'll go make the antidote for her. You want to help me make it." explained the boy.

Samantha nodded and helped the young boy make the antidote. When they finished he gave it to Brittney and as soon as it hit her bloodstream her color returned and she opened her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked.

"That man poisoned you with Cyanide." explained the man.

The man took the phone from Samantha and explained to her mother what happened to Brittney. Soon a limo arrived and Morgan White and her husband arrived along with dozens of federal agents who asked Samantha which direction the compound was located. She told him that she can take them there, and her father came along to make sure she was safe. Morgan ran over to Brittney holding her tight not ever wanting to let go. She thanked the man for taking her babies in. Then she recognized the man.

"Your Sarah's husband." cried Morgan.

"That was the name of my first wife yes. I got remarried a few years ago. My son is the one who saved your daughter. My wife specialized in poison antidote and she taught our son everything she knows. Thanks to his keen sense of smell your daughter is now alive and not dead." explained the man.

"I am so sorry about your wife. I know this won't bring her back but a couple of years ago I found a note she gave me. I thought you should have it. It's only right since your family saved my twins. I don't know how to thank you for this second chance." cried Morgan.

The man hugged her and told her that she can keep the letter. He had her ashes made into a cross necklace so he has his former wife wherever he went. The federal agents found the man responsible and all of his men were in cuffs. When he saw Morgan White he lounged at her wanting to kill her. The federal agents held him back guns pointed at him. He stopped struggling and Samantha laughed at him that almost had him lose it. Before he could they shoved him into the back of the SUV. Two men with guns sat in the backseat with him. The rest of his men were put into a prisoner bus. Samantha got out of the SUV running over to her mom smiling.

"Did you see that? They found him." cheered Samantha.

"Miss, I can drive you and your children to the hospital to get them checked out." offered an agent.

She nodded and carried Brittney to the car followed by Samantha. Before she could go she ran over to the little boy kissing him on the cheek and thanking him for saving her sister.