
Twins in trouble again

A scream was heard from the White's suite and 100 guards arrived in seconds they found Brittney and Samantha tied up as well as knocked out. The guards picked up both girls and took them to the infirmary. Soon principal came to the nurse's room to make sure the girls were ok. A few guards followed the principal into the room.

One of them looked the girls up and down then said, "Your parents as well as the school hired us to keep you safe. I can't believe that two girls who aren't even in first grade have already been kidnapped and nearly killed twice."

The guards picked the girls but the girls kept stirring not able to relax. Mrs. Anderson started to cry seeing how scared the girls looked. Then she realized that the girls could identify their attackers.

"They have a photographic memory so they will be able to tell you nearly everything about their attackers," explained Mrs. Anderson.

"That would have been nice to know earlier." laughed one of the guards.

"You can do it I'll be right here by your side the whole way," said Mrs. Anderson with a smile on her face.

Their eyes flew open then closed then they said, "The people who attacked us were both men, one had a scar on his face, they both had brown hair with one strip of silver hair, both had dark brown eyes with hatred in them, they both spoke in a British accent, and they both wore black pants with black shiny shoes. One of them had a scar that went up to his elbow."

"One of the men spoke about killing Morgan and Mark," said Samantha.

The guards placed the girls in a chair. When they tried to make a run for it one of the guards stopped them.

"Wait a minute Mrs. Anderson you have a scar that goes all the way up to your elbow." gasped Samantha.

The guards pulled up her sleeves and saw what she said was true.

"If you are supposed to be then why did you take us to the man who tried to kill us," yelled Brittney to the guards behind the principal and Mrs. Anderson.

The guard with the scar on his face stepped forward and tried to grab the twins. Samantha and Brittney kicked him in unison where the sun doesn't shine he collapsed in pain. While the guard was down they made a run for it to the closest room they could find which turned out to be in the boy's dorm. They banged on the door until the boys came and opened the door.

"Please let us in someone is after us....again." cried Samantha.

The boys looked behind the girls and indeed a group of men was running after the girls. One of the boys grabbed the girls by their arms and dragged them inside.

"Thank you for saving us." cried Brittney.

"Why were those people after you?" asked one of the boys.

"The principal as well as one of the teachers by the name of Mrs. Anderson knocked us out for some unknown reason and tied us up. This isn't even the first time something like this happened to us." explained Samantha, "They might be after us because of our parents. We aren't sure anymore but we are scared because we have no one to turn to."

The two girls started to cry and the boys looked at them awkwardly not knowing what to do or say.

"What do you mean you think they were after your parents?" asked Axle, "Oh my name is Axle and these are my friends Max, James, and Henry."

"Well our parents are Morgan and Mark White," said Samantha.

"So they are after your money," said Max, "Wait so if these people get a hold of the girls they will most likely either kill them, torture them until their parents pay money, or do other unthinkable things to them to get what they want."

A loud bang sounded from the door someone yelled, "Let us in or we will break the door down. We know your both in there! Boys if you give us the girl we will give you tons of money."

"Please don't give us up to them." begged Samantha and Brittney, "This is life and death they will kill us."

The boys froze looking at each other with concern on their faces.

"You don't have to help us we can take care of ourselves." groaned Samantha.

"We will gladly help you we are just thinking about how we will get out of this room since there is only one exit," explained Axle.

The boys started texting their friends telling them what was going on and they agreed to help the twins.

The guards broke the door and grabbed the twins dragging them out of the room.

"Let us go! Help! Let us go!" yelled Brittney.

All of the boys from the eighth grade gathered in the hallway in front of the guards who were dragging the girls away.

"Let her go or we will make you!" yelled Max.

"I doubt you can do a thing to us." laughed the guards.

"Charge!" yelled Axle.

All of the boys charged at the guards knocking them down and beating them nearly to death. The second the boys attacked the guards one of the guards knocked the twins out.

"Where are the girl?" asked one of the boys.

"I found them!" yelled another boy.

Axle and Max carried the girls to the boys' room so they could sleep. A few hours later the girls woke up and smiled. When they woke up all the boys were nearby.

"I don't know how to thank you for what you did for us." cried Samantha.

"We should go visit our parents," said Brittney.

The boys followed them out and saw the amazing limo.