
Summer before Senior Year part 1

The limo dropped them off at the beach house, and the driver opened the door for the twins.

"Where are mom and dad?" asked Samantha.

"Oh they didn't tell you?" asked the driver.

"Oliver, if we knew why would we be asking you." laughed Samantha.

Oliver (the driver) smiled realizing this was the first time they ever said his real name.

"Well, this summer you two will have the beach house to yourself besides the maids and the cook," explained Oliver.

"You staying here too," said Brittney looking him up and down grinning.

"If that's your wish then yes." He said grinning.

"How old are you again?" asked Sam.

"I'm 20 years old miss," said Oliver with a devilish grin.

"Do you have trunks with you?" they both asked simultaneously.

He nodded looking both girls up and down.

"Perfect go put them on." laughed Sam.

He watched both girls walk inside. He picked up his phone but before dialing he yelled, "Is it ok with you if I invite some of my friends over!"

"If they are as hot as you then fine!" yelled Sam, "Sis! I found a sexy bikini."

He found the group chat and called it and everyone who answered the phone was smiling.

"Guys remember the rich family I work for?" asked Oliver.

"Of course, we remember them. What about it?" asked Liam.

"Well, the parents are letting their daughters have the beach house to themselves and I got the girl's permission to invite you guys to come over. The beach house is a mansion next to the beach. Pack enough stuff to last you all summer because you guys are getting a paid trip to come over. It will just be us, the girls, the cooks, the butler, and the maids all summer. So hurry up and get packed." explained Oliver.

Samantha and Brittney walked out of the beach house wearing the sexiest bikini on earth.

"Oliver, look behind you." gasped Liam.

He did and nearly passed out from shock. The girls laughed waving at him winking.

"We'll be waiting at the beach for you and your friends. Oh, Christopher, can you please get the Cessna Citation X ready to pick up our guests. I will not have them coming here on a boring plane with other people. Oh and make sure it has the fancy seating in it." explained Sam, "Oliver will be riding along with you to let you know where his friends live and make sure you get him something to drink."

Chris nodded and motioned for Oliver to follow him.

"Oh and, Chris, you can invite your friends to come as well. The more the merrier. We have a guest mansion in case they want to stay for the summer." said Brittney.

He nodded smiling then asked, "Is that all miss?"

"Yes you may go now." laughed Brittney.

While on the flight Chris handed Oliver his phone and asked him to call his friends. When his friends heard that they get to see where he worked they all cheered.

"Oh who is that hottie behind you?" asked Lexi.

"Oh, that's their driver Oliver. I am flying to pick up his friends as well as you guys." laughed Chris.

Everyone cheered and soon he picked up all of Oliver's friends. It didn't take Chris long to pick up all his friends as well. When he landed at the private runway next to the beach house the twins were waiting for them. It didn't take them long to get out of the jet.

"I am so happy you let us come," said Liam, "So you are the famous twins we have been hearing about all the time."

"We haven't heard a single thing about you." laughed Sam.

"Damn!" laughed Brittney, "Come on sis. Let's go back to the pool or should we go to the beach."

Lexi and her two friends ran out of the jet and hugged the twins.

"Um do we know you?" asked Sam.

"No, but I know we will become close friends." laughed Lexi and her friends.

"One rule here is don't touch us unless you introduce yourself first," said Sam pushing the girls off her and her sister.