
Back to boarding school part 2

"I will show you a photo for a second and I want you to tell me every detail you see," instructed Miss Lee.

"The man is in his late 20s. Well more like 29 years old, he wears glasses, has blue eyes, and on his hand is a scar 3 centimeters long. Wait he has brain hair and a hat on with a green stain on the left corner. He is from London, England. He is also wearing black shoes with a hole in the soles, black pants, and a grey shirt with a black vest on." Said Brittney and Samantha in unison, "Also his hat is tilted to the left."

"I am impressed, Sam and Brittney," said Miss. Lee.

"Do it again!" cheered one girl.

"It is fine they can do another if they wish." laughed Miss. Lee, "Now do me. You only get a second to look then you have to close your eyes."

Both girls looked at her closely then closed their eyes and said, "She is 31 years old, she is holding a pen in her left hand, a clipboard in her right hand, she has blue eyes with a little bit of green, she is wearing a white blouse with a black skirt, and black high heels that she has only owned for one week. In her ears are diamond earrings that most likely cost about $800 each."

They gasped and remembered something else, "I can't believe we didn't notice this at first but she is also wearing a diamond wedding ring."

Miss Lee laughed and nodded then said, "I got married last week and my last name will soon be changed to Mrs. Anderson."

"Wait isn't that the principles last name?" asked one boy.

"It is so don't tell anyone. My husband isn't ready for everyone on staff to know yet," she said blushing.

"We are going to head to bed it's been a long week for us," said Samantha.