
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

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28 Chs

Chapter 20: Winter is Coming.

[298 AC]

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Bran was practicing archery alongside Arya, Jon and Robb were supervising them, helping them hone their skills. Sansa was preparing the supplies for the coming hunt. Rickon and his brother and sister, Rolan and Raina, were wrestling in the mud. Upon the balcony, Lord and lady Stark were supervising their pups. Their life has changed for the best. And now it was the time to take the triplets on their first hunt.

The words of encouragement coming from the balcony from time to time. When suddenly the news of the capture of a deserter of the night's watch came to him. And still being the honorable man he is, and how seriously he takes oaths. He decided to stop the hunt, for the time being, send word to prepare the horses, and let everyone, including the triplets, prepare for a short trip. Most of his children have already been introduced to the harsh reality of the world. Even Arya and Bran have already experienced it. Thanks to the many hunts they have participated in since becoming Lycans.

But it was new for the triplets. They have always been treated as the treasure of the Starks. And now it is time to introduce them to the Lycans way. Even Lady Stark has taken her new identity seriously she started to abandon the faith of the seven. Embracing the old gods like the rest of her family. So this time around, she didn't have a problem with her children experiencing the cruel world.

At the execution site, guards were already waiting for their liege. A rough man could be seen, talking in a low voice, seeming almost crazy. But what he said make lord Stark think of the time were his destiny was changed. And the words of warning he left before leaving. But now, it was not the time for that. He brought out of its sheat the Starks Valyrian steel, Ice, and started reciting, ending with.

"I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die" And as soon as he finishes, he takes the sword, positions it, and swings down, decapitating the deserter. Everyone seemed unfazed, excluding the triplets, that, being only trained in the theory. And not the practice, and having only six years of age. It was astonishing seeing such a gory scene. Even more, being "protected" from such things from her mother up until now.

But it wouldn't be long till they follow their siblings in the customs of the Lycan, as their blood was boiling for battle. Hence the hunting trip was being prepared for them. Their instincts were already entering the development stage, and they need to start training them.

And thanks to the new way of life they have been living by. He did not have to explain why the deserted needed to die. At this time, all the starks knew what needed to be done. And thanks to the constant sermons lord stark gave them throughout the years in their hunts, and the briefs teaching Hodor gave them when he visited, Their identity as Lycans was with great respect in their hearts.

After finishing the task and on their way back to Winterfell, they found a rotting carcass of a deer, gutted. And after smelling the surroundings, they were able to find a dead Direwolf. With antlers inserted deep in the body.

But they noticed almost instantly the odor of more Direwolfs close to the body, and this time around, there were seven Direwolf pups, and as they didn't have the same reservations as before, all of the Stark children took one. And as soon as they took them, something strange happened, the Direwolfs seemed to bond with the stark children.

Unlocking kind of a warging ability. As Lycans and their Bonded Direwolfs. They can feel what their Direwolfs feel. But apart from being a little surprised, they didn't pay much attention to it, as their lives were already crazy enough.

Not long after their return, while Eddard took his children out to the hunt, a raven arrived at Winterfell, bringing news of the passing of Jon Arryn thanks to a fever, and also, the ones of the king riding to Winterfell, with the queen and his only remaining child. And as they were important news, a party of riders went out in search of the Stark family.

[Kings Landing]

While the king was seen mourning the death of the hand of the king. The queen was talking crazed at Jaime.

"It's all your fault. First, you lost our children, and now their fates are unknown to us. Next, you let him found about us. And put in danger the only one that we still have. What if he told someone. What if they are already planning against us. Who can be trusted, everybody is against us, they take our children from us, they will take our head, we need to act first," Said Cersei in a low voice, but to Jaime, it sounded like the screams of a delirious woman.

"We cannot act so recklessly. Everybody is watching us we will not give them more reason to doubts us even more. We now have control of at least half of King's landing. If we play our cards right, we will come ahead. Joffrey is the heir to the throne, and our father has set him straight to be a great ruler. We just need time and patience," Jamie replied, a little worried that Cersei would do something stupid. Because even though he did everything to please her. Deep inside he knew that the woman he once loved, was lost under the grief of losing her children.

"How can you say that. They are scheming against us as we speak, haven't your heard we will be going to the north with those savages. Probably the King's way of getting rid of me, I have heard rumors of him starting a search of a worthy whore that will gift him with more heirs. And on top of that, if the king finds out about the things we did, he will take the only thing I care for in this world," She replied, without even taking what he said in mind.

"Don't worry, if he told the king, both our heads would be in the city gates by now. Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know it died with him. You need to act like nothing is wrong, you will go to Winterfell with the king, and you will act like the queen of the realm. Is the only way in which you can guarantee that Joffrey will be safe," Jamie replied, trying to convince the lunatic Cersei from committing even more stupid actions. Like letting the little demon torture in broad daylight and take whoever got in his way, just to never be seen again.

But when she was about to answer, the king came out, looked at them, and continue on his way. They will get on the road soon, so he needs to prepare.


On a balcony, looking at the sea, Daenerys contemplates what the future will hold for her.

She thinks of all those years living in the streets, all those bad people trying to kill her, and then a time of peace came when Illyrio invite them to live in Pentos. Who would have thought that at the first change his brother got, she would be sold in exchange for an army? Todays the day when her future husband will arrive, and if he approves, they will get married, used as a bargaining ship for her brother.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her brother started calling for her. It was now time for her to accept her destiny, even if she didn't want it.

"Where's my sweet sister?" said Viseris while entering the room.

"A gift from Illyrio. Touch it. Go on. Feel the fabric, isn't he a gracious host," he continued while showing the fabric to Daenerys.

" we've been his guests for years and he's never asked for anything," she replied, almost with no emotions on her face.

"Illyrio's no fool. He knows I won't forget my friends when I come into my throne" He replied with a smug looked on his face.

"You still slouch," he said while starting to remove Daenerys tunic. Like she was some kind of livestock he was ready to sell.

"Don't fail me today. You don't want to wake the dragon, do you?" He finished looking at her sister hesitation.

"No," she said, almost instinctively.

"Good, When they write the history of my reign, they will say it began tonight," he added while leaving Daenerys so that she can get ready.

While this was happening, a horde of around sixteen thousand riders and about four thousand Giant Direwolfs were approaching Pentos. At their head was the foreign Khal, responsible for causing terror throughout the Dothraki Sea.

[David POV]

Well, the things that Illyrio offered are tempting. The likeliest option is that Varys wants to drag me on to the game of thrones. By making me marry Daenerys, putting a target on my back, Promising his stupid brother that I will give him an army, and tying my legacy and my pack to the Targaryen.

Maybe it was the fact that I was curious about her that made me accept the offer. When I turned Jon Snow, a reaction from his Targaryen bloodline happened. And now, I'm excited to see what a pure-blood Targaryen will turn into when becoming a Lycan. At worse, a new powerful Lycan will join our ranks. And knowing that sooner or later, I will have to return to Westeros, and having in mind that I was already on the bad side of Cersei and the King. And thanks to all of this, my decision was made.

And well see how everything develops with Daenerys. I don't know how I will react. In my past life, I never dared to get close to anyone apart from my family. And now that I was marrying someone I didn't even know. I started to feel a little nervous.

But now I need to maintain my Khal image, and as I remembered the way Drogo did it in the TV show, it would be easy. The only thing that could get to me was the brother, Viserys. Let's just hope he is not like in the TV Show or who knows how long he will survive.

And as we approached Pentos, I instructed my Pack to stay outside of the city and make camp. Entering only with my Bloodriders, Hodor, Gendry, Tommen. As to not changed the scene I remembered too much. Remembering that my braid should be showy, and thanks to my Lycan genes, It was already on par with Drogo. I just needed to make it more noticeable.

And with my preparations finished, we enter the city.


Let me know what you think of this chapter, I have officially entered the TV show, I want to know, what you think of this chapter and how I'm developing the story. I have been a little hesitant on how to advance the story. But decided to go with this after a lot of drafts, so your input would be appreciated.

Let me know any suggestions you might have on what I should. And how I could develop it further. I'll try to get on schedule again but well see.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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