
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Chapter 5 - Misunderstanding

"I knew something felt off." Rebecca said with a small smirk, a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek. "What guild are you from? Not just anyone can sneak up on me like that. And I don't recognize you guys from any local guilds."

"I don't think you're in any position be asking any questions. Though I'm surprised that you were able to sense our presence. Impressed even. Is that why you were so confident attacking our ward?" Kakashi asked calmly, reading the small book in his free hand, though you could tell that he was ready for any sudden movement from the female guild master.

She let's out a small chuckle at this. "I guess you saw through me, huh? I would've never guessed that you'd actually let my attack through without moving a muscle. Did you know I harbored no ill intent, or were you just confident in his ability to dodge?"

Kakashi gave her an eye smile at this. "Oh believe me, one of my students wanted to move. But we knew better." The sound of Naruto getting hit in the back of the head by a irate Sakura could be heard before Kakashi continued. "Now....state your name and business. What do you want with our friend here?" He asked with a bit more of an edge to his tone.

Rebecca slowly raised her hands in a surrendering motion. "My name's Rebecca Washington, leader of the Black Hawk Guild. I also go by Rebecca of the Dragon Fist. May I know whom I'm speaking with? Are you the one who defeated that dungeon break?"

Kakashi simply let's out a small hum in thought at this. "My name's.... Not important. I'm just an old dog who should've died a long time ago. And the one who defeated defeated those creatures was none other than....Hmm.... On second thought, you don't need to know that~" He says with another one of his patented eye smiles.

"Oh? Is that so?" She says, a small grin splitting her face before the ground beneath them suddenly exploded, sending Kakashi somersaulting backwards.

He landed in a small crouch, sticking to the far wall of the room as he readied his kunai and raised his headband as dust filled the room. Naruto and the others made sure their captives didn't move as a red glow began filled the room.

The dust slowly cleared to reveal Rebecca with a glowing red aura around her. "Well I don't have time to be playing 20 questions with some unknown asshole who got the drop on me! Now! Release your hostages or else!" She snaps, cracking her knuckles as a red dragon, made of her energy, swirled to life around her.

"Talk is cheap! Kick her ass, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed, only to be silenced by another hit to the back of his head by Sakura.

"I swear, Naruto! Kakashi comes back for a few days and you're back to acting like a kid again!" Sakura snaps, clearly irritated.

Sasuke simply watches with his eyes activated, ready to jump in at any moments notice.

Kakashi prepared himself to do just that, only for Puck, who finally managed to shake off his shock, to suddenly appear in between them. He held his arms out in a stopping motion towards both of them. "Hold it! I think there's been a HUGE misunderstanding here!" He exclaims, causing both parties to blink in surprise.


1 Hour of Explaining Later~

Both parties involved had the nerve to look sheepish, not being able to look Puck in the eyes as he stood above them, giving them all a hard look like a parent scolding a bunch of children. His hands were on his hips, and the only person who was not currently sitting cross legged in front of him, was the doctor who could only look on in shock at the strongest woman on the planet being scolded by what he could only say was a young man, not even out of college.

"But in my defense....!" Rebecca starts.

"You don't have a defense! God! I can't believe I have to be the one to explain how the world works to a fully grown woman! I'M A FUCKING SHUT IN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!" Puck exclaims, interrupting Rebecca mid sentence.

Naruto and the gang smirk at this, giving Rebecca snide looks.

"And don't even get me started on you four!" Puck snaps, causing the four to immediately flinch. "I really appreciate the thought, but read the room next time! Dismissed! Next time jump in BEFORE I almost get punched into next week!" He shouts, though you could tell he was taking it easy on them if the grin on his face was anything to go by.

The four ninja give Puck a final farewell as they began to evaporate into smoke before completely disappearing.

This caused Puck to let out a small sigh of relief as he checked his status, seeing that his cost had returned to 400/400.

Rebecca's eyes would widen at this, stars appearing in them as she stares at the place the ninja just were with wonder before jumping to her feet. "What the hell was that?! Is that your Gacha ability?! If so, what level are you?! Is that how you were able to defeat that dragon?!" She exclaims, rapidly firing the questions off.

Puck simply let's out a small groan in annoyance, having almost completely forgotten about the female Guild Master in his excitement.

She continued to look at him expectantly, her eyes shining with in excitement. A sigh of defeat escapes his lips as he rubbed his temples to try and fend off a growing migraine.

"....Maybe I should've just let her punch me?" He thought to himself before letting out a small huff, rubbing his face. "Look....I'll tell you whatever you want....later. But we should probably clean up our mess first, right?" He says, causing Rebecca to look around at the wreckage that was once a secluded hospital room.

She had the nerve to look sheepish as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Oh yeah....oops!"

Once again, Puck couldn't help but ask himself if this woman was really the leader of onf of the world's strongest guilds....


2 Hours Later~

After spending a few hours with the female guild master apologizing to the employees of the hospital and helping clean up the decimated hospital room as punishment....

Puck and Rebecca were finally able to sit down at a little secluded cafe to talk.

The brunette leveled a even glare at the shut-in, which probably would've been quite terrifying if it wasn't for the fact that she had a massive chocolate and strawberry sundae sitting in front of her.

"Explain. Now." She said simply before taking a bite out of the sundae.

Puck couldn't help as a small groan escaped his lips as he sank back into his chair. He could really use his headphones right about now. No, he didn't smoke in stressful situations. Music was the only thing that seemed to calm his nerves.

And right now, his nerves were going absolutely bat shit!

Deciding not to keep the impatient guild master waiting, he began to explain everything that happened to him in detail. All the way up to him waking up in the hospital, though he kept the secret about his level and class rank to himself.

Can't ever be too careful.

The look on Rebecca's face was priceless.

The spoon fell from her hands as she slammed her hands on the table, startling Puck as she stood up and leaned towards him, pushing her rather impressive bosom into his face as she looked at him with a mixture of shock and excitement.

"W-Wait! So you're telling me that you can summon actual people from that Gacha of yours?! And you already have a inventory FULL of beings like that one from the hospital room?!" She exclaims.

You could practically see her drooling over his ability. It's not like he could blame her though. This is absolutely unheard of in all of awakener history.

Simply put....

He was a anomaly.

A unknown. A new variable. The new information that could come from researching his abilities alone could be worth potentially BILLIONS!

So he couldn't stop himself from nodding his head at her question, only to suddenly pause as a thought entered his head.

"HOLY FUCK!" he suddenly exclaimed, jumping to his feet.

This was enough to surprise the female Guild Master, sending her jumping back into her seat as she looked up at a extremely excited Puck in confusion.

"I WAS SO PREOCCUPIED WITH EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO CHECK MY INVENTORY!" He shouts, not really caring who heard, even as he received strange looks from the few people seated around the cafe.

So, without any further discussion or interruptions....

Puck opened his Gacha inventory for the first time.

What made this ability unique was that it had unlimited space, unlike the normal awakener's regular Inventory that anyone could use that was restricted to 100 slots. All Gacha class awakeners had this ability, but they were only able to keep the things they summoned from their Gacha inside. Size, weight, or the amount stacked didn't matter for either inventory however.

The only problem was getting the currency needed to draw from the gacha itself....

But that's a thought for later.

The moment Puck opened his Gacha inventory he was met by a blank system screen that had one word on it.


His heart sank for a moment until the screen suddenly changed.

~A system error has occurred! The number of items in the inventory are currently being loaded! Current Amount Available: 345/2500~


~Estimated time until Gacha inventory availability: 2 mins 52 secs~

Puck's breath was caught in his throat. Sure it was a relatively short amount of time, but the suspense was agonizing!

"The fuck kinda system is this?! Did I get a bootleg version or something?! My entire time as a awakener has been one huge waiting game!"

Luckily for him, his little rant seemed to make the system feel something, for as soon as those thoughts escapes him, the screen changed.

~ERROR! Recalculating.... Time Estimated: 15 seconds~

This made Puck mentally fist pump as he watched the time slowly count down until finally....


"The fuck is this?"

To Be Continued~


End of Chapter 5~