
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
43 Chs

Chapter 25 - Dungeon's Final Chapter

What was once a bustling city, where all types of races and people of different ranks in society, mingled and lived together in harmony....

Was now nothing more than a ghost town.

One of the largest and most powerful kingdoms of the continent....

Vanished in a blink of an eye.

Even with their final trump card, Edgar Silvabell....

They could only watched as they were swept into a battle that they weren't even apart of.

Of course Edgar fought with all his strength.

But this wasn't a battle that either he, or his brother, could step into anymore.


This is a battle that even the gods were forced to turn a blind eye to.


Explosions rocked the now dead kingdom as the head of one of the demon king's seven generals, The Sixth Seat: The King of Blood, was sent on a crash course with the castle at the center of the city, giving it a new ornament hanging from its walls.

Puck was having the time of his life!

His scale covered body was completely drenched in a layer of blood that wasn't his own.

He was currently fighting the 5th Seat of the Demon King's army, a powerful necromancer with a army of unkillable undead.

The old skeleton was more than a little upset at the fact that he had just killed the 7th and 6th seat.

They seemed close.

Puck still couldn't wrap his mind around how a Vampire, Succubus, and Lich became such good friends....

But it didn't matter.

They were going to die anyway!

Puck crashed into the center of the sea of undead, sending limbs of several hundred skeleton in the air.

His breath came out raggedly as he slouched in the crater he made upon his entry.

The shaking red pupils in his eyes glowed with a deeply embedded insanity that bored holes into the necromancer's empty sockets.

He suddenly took a deep breath as a wave of skeletons and zombies converged on his location before throwing his head back and letting loose an ungodly roar.

The shockwaves of the thunderous roar tore apart the sky and sent the waves of undead exploding backwards.

~System Notification~

~An Ancient entity has heeded your call!~

~The Gods that have been ignoring the fierce battle suddenly stiffen in fear of a familiar presence!~


~Congratulations! You have successfully summoned: The Beast Sealed in Between Dimensions!~

~Skill Cooldown: 23hrs 59mins 30 secs~

~The Old God of Insanity and Absurdity falls to the floor in a fit of laughter!~

~System Notification~

Two massive black and red wings suddenly erupt from Puck's back as he lifts himself into the sky.

The ground shatters from the force of his lift off as he stared down at the, still stunned, Lich.

The grin that split Puck's face was enough to send a shiver down even the undead's spine.

Just as the Lich was about to send a humongous hand, made out of the bones of several thousand bones of skeletons, on a crash course with Puck's location....

He froze in his place.

A pressure suddenly fell down on the battlefield.

The sky, that was once blacked out in a sea of dark clouds, suddenly began to crack as something tried to force its way into their reality.

A unfamiliar feeling of dread gripped the Lich's soul.

He began to panic, beginning to create a humongous dragon made of bones to try and halt whatever it was that was trying to make itself known.

The bone dragon reared its head back and let out a loud roar, challenging all those who dated to harm it's master....

Which turned out to be the biggest mistake in its extremely short life....

The sky began to ripple and crack as, whatever it was, knocked at the walls of our reality before suddenly....

Two massive black claws forced the crack open.

Puck sat there, floating in the sky as an unearthly miasma flooded the battlefield.

~System Notification~

~The Great Dragon of Calamity shows a great interest in the being that feels close to its father!~

~System Notification~

A humongous muzzle suddenly forced its way past the widening crack in the sky, revealing a demonic looking dragon the size of several skyscrapers.

Several smaller wyverns escaped the crack from around the black beast like dragon.

The dragon didn't move past this point however as it's blood red eyes starred in interest at the battle that was currently occuring.

The smaller wyverns, that we're still the same size as the bone dragon, lined up behind Puck's back as if heeding the call of their master.

~The Gods have decided to team up against the invading entities!~

~The Gods have blessed the demon king's army!~

~All stats of demonic creatures have increased by x50!~

~The Great Dragon of Calamity is feeling enraged by the Gods' interference!~

~The Great Dragon of Calamity is forcing its way into your dimension!~

The beast looming in the sky let out a ungodly roar, completely suppressing the Demon King and his army for a moment.

Even with their newly acquired stats, this was going to be troublesome if that entity actually entered the battlefield.

So, with this thought in mind....

The Demon King Finally left the safety of his throne and took his first steps onto the battlefield.

~System Notification~

~As the heir to the God of Dragons, the royal blood in your veins is feeling tumultuous at the unfairness of the Gods!~


~Dmg increased by 100%!~

~All stats increased by x75!~

~You've been slightly influenced by the gods!~

~The Old God of Insanity grins madly as he allows the Gods' influence through!~

~You're now under the curse, "The One Fated to Kill God"!~


~Calculating amount of damage received....~

~System Notification~

Puck let out a scream of agony as blood suddenly erupts from his mouth.

A hellish amount of pain rocked his body.

"It feels like my organs are on fucking fire and trying to claw their way out of my stomach!.... THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!" Puck exclaimed inside to himself, his crazed grin never leaving his face.

~System Notification~

~Damage calculation complete!~

~You received 5,000,000 points of unavoidable damage!~

~Current Health: 100,000/10,000,000~


~System Notification~


That was the last thing Puck said before a massive pillar of rancid black energy enveloped his body.


The Demon King's confidence was through the roof at the moment!

He was actually starting to get nervous that the hero, who was way more powerful than he had bargained for, would actually destroy his army!

Hell! He hadn't even used magic yet and had already absolutely decimated two of his seven demon  generals!

So that, plus the fact that the gods were, presumably, on his side....

The Demon King honestly thought that they were as good as dead....

But who would've thought that the gods would actually turn on the hero at the last moment?!

And not only that, but give him and his demons a huge power boost to boot!

He felt like he could take on anything!

Even the gods themselves must be regretting their decision!

A huge grin glowed out from the depths of the Demon King's good.

He was covered from head to toe in a black robe that hid all of his features, save for his white eyes and mouth....

But even with just that, he was known as the most feared of all the demons for his ungodly power and ability to freely manipulate different forms of matter!

And now with this new power boost....

The hero shouldn't be a problem.


A hero without the gods?

"Heh, he's just another toy that was tossed away." He sneered.

After he's done with the hero, he'll have to deal with that humongous beast howev-?!

The Demon King had to stop mid step as he watched a massive pillar of energy engulf the hero and drench the battlefield in a eerie red glow.



~System Notification~

~Due to the instability of the dungeon, a random skill that was previously locked has beed restored!~

~The skill, "Bard's Melody" (previously known as Bard's Incantation), can now be used!~

~"Bard's Melody" is now in use! All allies stats have been increased by 15%!~

~The song, "Beast Unleashed by Vin Jay", will now be played to all those in the vicinity!~

~System Notification~

The pillar of black, rancid, energy began to twist and distort before finally beginning to converge into a cocoon around Puck's form.

The black cocoon radiated a red aura as the wyverns surrounding it and the massive dragon, who finally managed to breach into our dimension revealing a large wickedly horned, black, western style dragon with glowing red eyes, all stood to protect their new master as he transformed.

The Demon King knew one thing.

Whatever it was that was in that cocoon....

Wasn't a hero.

Nor could he let it hatch open into this world.

So with that, the two sides clashed.

Demon versus dragon in a epic bloody war without end.

The first to be pushed back during this bout would decide the fate of the entire world....


~System Notification~

~The status condition, "coma", has prematurely ended due to the skill, "Monstrous Trance"!~

~You will now retake control of your body from your second personality!~

~Your second personality sneers~

~"Good luck~!"~

~System Notification~


The fighting suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Neither side even dared to breathe as the sound of the cocoon starting to crack broke through the battlefield.

You could hear a pin drop as the red cracks spread along the cocoon one after the other.

And then....

It pulsed.

They barely managed to stand their ground as what sounded like a heartbeat erupted from the cocoon.

If a heartbeat had enough pressure behind it to make a tree topple over.

The armies waited with baited breath as the cocoon slowly began to fall apart.

Floating in the air above the ground, like a puppet with it's strings cut....

Was what could only be described as a thing.

It's body was covered in a billowing black fur that almost seemed like rolling black clouds of smoke with the way it came off it's wrists, ankles, tailbone, and neck like a fiery mane.

It looked like a mixture between a werewolf and hyena, it's face twisted in a permanent crazed grin, revealing several rows of razor sharp fangs.

It had a long mane of black hair, which somewhat fell into its face, with bloody red blotches, sprawling down to the middle of it's back.

It's maw and eyelids were highlighted with red lines, almost like they were dyed in blood.

The same could be said with the claws on its hands and feet.

In fact....

It looked as if blood stains littered it's entire body, but more so on the hair and tail.

Three red, semi diagonal, claw marks lined it's sides, marking the places in between it's ribs.

So, all in all....

It looked like some nightmarish bipedal Fenrir wearing the hero's armor.

The scales of the armor clinked as its paws finally met the ground.

It's eyes immediately snapping open upon doing so....

This cause a majority of the demons to suddenly become blood stains on the ground.

The pressure and insanity radiating from those spiraling black orbs alone was enough to drive even the Demon King's seven generals mad before finally succumbing to brain hemorrhaging and falling to ground in pools of their own blood.

The Demon King himself couldn't tear his eyes away from the beast's nightmarish gaze.

It's eyes were black pits of horror with red spirals that met a crazed white pupil in the middle.

Upon opening it's eyes, tears of some acidic red liquid began to flow from it's eyes, which sizzled and scorched the ground upon making contact.

Even it's drool matched said red liquid in color and acidity.

It's body radiated a black miasma that twisted and distorted the air around it, making it seem like the air itself was starting to crack around it's body.

With each step it took, it drew closer to the stunned Demon King.

Leaving a trail of scorched and smoking, glowing red, paw prints in its wake.

~System Notification~

~Several of the Gods watching have lost their minds....~

~The Gods have forfeited their lives....~

~The Old God of Insanity and Absurdity applauds your newfound godhood and ascension into his realm~

~Congratulations! You have completed the hidden requirements for clearing the dungeon! The requirement: "Only One God Left Standing", has been met!~

~You have completed the hidden emergency quest: "A Different Type of Hero"!~

~Rewards will be calculated shortly~

~System notification~

The Great Dragon of Calamity bowed at the new godly before it, and all the wyverns quickly follow suit.

Demon King was as still as a statue as the creature stalked towards him.

It's claws hands dragged the ground as it lurched forward in it's hunched form, as if getting used to it's new muscles.

It stopped just in front of the robed Demon, who's eyes were just now beginning to tear blood, his pupils shaking violently as they rolled up into the back of his head.

The beast continued to stand over the Demon King for a few moments, it's breath was ragged and rancid.

Stinking of old rancid meat and copper.

It's stood a intimidating 7 foot even, yet it felt like a mountain was standing before the Demon King.

"You.....  aren't.... worth.... it...."

It spoke like it had never said a word before.

It struggled to even finish that small sentence before beginning to walk past the now broken Demon King, who fell to his knees before falling to the ground in a heap.

His heart had exploded and his brain had already turned to mush in his ears.

Those words held enough insanity in them to finally shatter the walls of the dungeon and make it completely fall apart.

Leaving the beast in a void of absolute nothingness.

But it could still feel one more presence watching over it.

It's eyes drifted across the abyss of what was once a dungeon.

Scanning for what or who it was....

Before a system notification finally popped up.

~System Notification~

~Congratulations on completing the first ever SS Ranked Dungeon!~

~Extra rewards are being accumulated!~

~Congratulations on completing the dungeon with a completion ranking of S+ or higher!~

~Extra rewards will now be accumulated!~

~The Old God of Insanity and Absurdity applauds your performance!~


"That's enough of that...."

"You really have surprised me!"

"Who would've thought I'd ever get the chance to meet an apostle here?!"

"Looks like I made the right choice~!"

~System Notification~

The creature tried to make sense of what was going on, but it was no good.

The system notifications just didn't make any sense!

And voices in his head was starting to return even louder than ever.

It had overstayed it's welcome....

And it was slowly losing consciousness.

~System Notification~

"I'll be watching you from now on! Take these things as a gift of sorts for putting on such an entertaining show~~!"

~System Notification~

That was the last thing Puck could read before his vision finally faded to black.


End Chapter 25~