
Peter died.

Author's note:I know people won't like this chapter but if you don't, write your own fanfic.

No more MrNiceGuy.

-Time skip-

"The notorious vigilante spiderman strikes again, going into places he shouldn't and doing the job of the police, look son i get it you want to help the people but heres the thing YOUR NOT FUCKING HELPING ANYONE DOING THIS SHIT. There is a procedure to follow when dealing with these cases and YOUUU RUIN IT BY PUTTING YOUR WEBS ALL OVER THE PLACE AND TAMPERING THE EVIDENCE. THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE MANY WAYS THAT SPIDERMAN HAS RUINED THIS CIT.... "

"AAAAHH" V screamed as she looked at the remote sticking out of the TV and heard peter yell "BIGGEST FUCKING DRUG BUST OF THE DECADE AND HE STILL COMPLAINS AAAAHHHH" I was surprised he was this upset about it but i still said "You broke the TV" and he ignores it while saying "ill buy a new one" I get annoyed and yell "you shouldn't be that careless just because you have money now" He sighs and asks "why do you think he hates me?" And falls back on the couch.

I shrug and say "maybe he had a bad experience with vigilantes" Peter shrugs and says "yeah maybe, whatever" He leaves the room and i think about what might have prompted that, so i try to find some other news to cheer him up but the video i found made me understand his anger.

Reporter: "what do you think of the biggest drug bust in a decade? " A homeless man looked at the reporter in an 'are you kidding me' way and said "Drug busts aren't about the tons of substance taken off the market, its about the people responsible for it being caught but all the people that got caught were low level dregs, so whats the use" The reporter seemed stunned at the thoughtful homeless man.

But the show must move on so he asked "but doesn't the seizing of 80 million dollars worth of drugs hurt the gangs more" The homeless man smiles, showing his rotten teeth as he says "oh it'll hurt them all right but new ones will just pop up right after them", the reporter nods along and asks "Then what do you think, spiderman should have done?" the homeless mans smile widens and he says to the camera "hey spidey, remeber what I said".

Before turning to the reporter and talking seriously "He handled it really well considering he was a lone man but the evidence he provided would only get the city grunts and rent-a-cops out of the streets, what he needs to focus on are the money stashes of these gangs because without them they got no money to bribe, so no legal help, no favours to pull, no way to survive" the reporter was stunned and the video cut to another woman.

Reporter: "what do you think of spiderman after this drug bust?" The woman seems nervous as she says "it's good I guess but after last week..." she pauses before continuing "I think it's best to let the cops deal with these type of things, with all due respect Spidey, it wasn't your fault but let's just let life be simple"

Now I understood why Peter is soo angry, he is still not happy with what happened last week.

-Last week-

Peter left me in the middle of the mario cart race and rushed out wearing his suit, I connected to his suit and saw his POV through the laptop he gave me to monitor his enemies.

I watched as he swung towards the bank heist happening and yelled into the mic "You left so I win the race" his voice comes back "take the win V the bank has hostages" I immediately get serious and told him "the cops blocked the entrance faster than usual this time, these robbers are regulars for the last 3 years, 5 heists successfully pulled off without the cops even arriving" Peter asks "what changed?" V laughed as she said "the commissioner".

Peter got into the bank through a second floor window and stalked the hallways and noted all of the thugs and their locations before getting out and approaching the cops "hey guys I got info" they all turned but one of the cops shot at him immediately but Peter dodged it only to hear a woman scream behind him, he turned around only to find a woman crying as she clutches a bloodied hand.

V saw as Peter tried to move forward to help the woman only to stop at the words from the cop "you move and I shoot" V watched as commissioner gordan yelled "Eddie stop firing, he's friendly" but the cop Eddie yelled back "he's a vigilante sir, we are supposed to take him down".

Peter seemed to try to explain what happened but he got shut off by commissioner gordan "he's right kid, just leave we'll take care of the bank and the woman. WHILE YOU EDDIE, YOU BETTER BE PREPARED FOR THE ENQUIRY ON YOUR ASS" Peter nodded and jumped upto the roof of a nearby building in one leap.

After that it was as if a fuse was lit under the media

"Spiderman obstructs police from their duty"

"Spiderman shot at sight for vigilantism, innocent bystander injured"

"Who would have thought vigilantism is a crime, it's great that the police are finally remebering their job"

"Officer Eddie under enquiry for excess use of force all claims denied, officer Eddie walks away freely"

"Let the cops do their jobs spiderman"

"Let him stick to the small leagues, why bother with the big police jobs"

"Come on spiderman, just do the street jobs for a while"

-POV Peter Parker-

-Time skip-

Peter was swinging towards the thief about to steal a purse and stopped and pulled the thief's hand away from the purse and quipped "uh, uh, uh not your lady, not your purse" the thief stammered "I,,uh,,,I" but someone shouted "hey how can we trust your word for it" Peter was confused as he said "what? I saw him reaching for the purse" a man beside the woman said "I didn't see him do that" Peter explained "you were infront of him, so u couldn't...".

But was interrupted by the thief "yeah, I wasn't stealing, I just tripped" as the other people tried to argue against spiderman a homeless man yelled from outside the crowd "fuck off you people" and the crowd parted a way for him either due to his smell or his words no one knew but he came to the center and grabbed the thief and checked his pockets before he exclaimed "you an amateur kid, no one keeps stolen shit on them to the next robbery" as he pulled out various jewellery from a secret pocket in his jacket.

The people said sorry to Spidey and left in a hurry with their heads down until only Peter and the homeless man were left as the thief was taken away by a man to the police "you don't know how grateful iam man" the homeless man laughed and said "I will once you feed me" Peter took out his wallet and paid for the man's meal and they both sat down on a nearby park bench where Peter said "again thanks for the help".

The homeless man nodded but exclaimed "don't thank me, you'll be in situations like this a lot more from now on and I wouldn't always be there to help you for a meal" and laughed while Peter frowned and asked "what do you mean?" the old man had a solemn expression as he said "The people of this city found you amusing for a while..." and dread began to pool in peters stomach as the man continued "...but what they like more than seeing a hero is..."

I was thinking of all the different reasons for him knowing that, from alternate dimensions and mind reading to another traveller as he continued "...see them fail, fall, die trying. You have failed once, you'll fall next and you'll die trying" I ask him with a dry throat "where did you hear that?" He looks at me smugly and says "colonell Philips said that in an interview with the newspaper after announcing the death of captain America"

The weight was taken off my chest and I breathed a little easy and asked him "how can I avoid that?" He says "what?" I gulp and say "death" he rubs his chin and says "stop helping when you are not asked to" I was about to firmly deny saying "I can't ignore people's need for help..."

But he talks over me "not completely you dolt, something along the lines of malicious compliance. Read the law and find loop holes" I muttered "I don't think it's that easy to find loop holes" he hits the back of my head and says "not the entire law book, just those about vigilantism which aren't as tight knit as the other laws"

Peter nods and says "what if I did something big, like kicking drugs out from a large part of the city" he snorts and says "do that and watch what happens" Peter nodded and swung away.

All the comments in the next 2 days made Peter do what peter only planned to do after he took down the green goblin. He took down a whole of 19 gangs in a night and gathered all the evidence he had on them and called the media and they did the rest of the job.


Even though he did all of that, there was still doubt among the people if he should be involved in the work that should be done by the police.

If this goes on for too long he might even stop being spiderman, I didn't know how correct I was in that assumption.

-3 days later-

V approached Peter who was tinkering with something to probably make a video about and said "hey" he looked up and said "hey" and got back to his work, v sighed and asked him "it's almost 10, do you wanna go on a patrol" he didn't even hesitate to say "no" I bit my lip and asked "you haven't been out as spiderman in 3 days" he nodded and said "nothing big has come up yet".

I get annoyed as I said "something's always up, people might need your help" he finally stop his work and looks up at me and says "the police can handle it" I get angry as I yell "is that all it is, you want to be petty" he looks at me in equal anger as he says in a low tone "petty, you wanna know what's petty. Shooting at a man trying to help because a law said he shouldn't help, that is what I call petty, what.I.am doing is staying safe".

I get angry and yell "you have Spidey sense, you can dodge any bullet they fire" he sighs before explaining "look it's not about bullets, I see them everyday. It's the people the bullets are coming from not the bullets themselves, I don't want to fight for the people that would look the other way when I get shot in the back" I denied saying "that's not it.."

but he cut me off "the people of this city have turned on me" I couldn't find anything to argue with but I said one last thing in a soft voice to persuade him "Peter, if you save an awful man from his death, you are not just saving him, you are giving him the chance to be someone else, someone better" he shakes his head and says "I'll ruin my future to save theirs"

I feel the tears in my eyes as I ask "So, your just giving up?" He sighs and rubs his eyes as he says "yes, until it becomes legal I can't do anything" I yelled at him with tears in my eyes "the Peter I knew would never give up like this, he would get back up and fight harder, if need be he will make vigilantism legal just to have a chance at helping people"

He turned backwards and said "That Peter died after he understood that jumping into fire to save a dying family is a firemans job not his" I cried as I left for my room, angry at the dumb media and the dumb people for making him like this.

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