
A dance lost in time

I went into the garage to start improving the lizards cure, because I know these prisons are fucking shit at holding superpowered people as for tonight I have a fucking heist to pull off.

I sit there and increase the strength of the dosage to the serum and make a special cartridge for it and then I filled up the web cartridge with the new cure.

I headed up for lunch and ate heartfully with a lot of nerves for what's about to happen tonight because I am infiltrating the base of spidermans worst villian with the least bit of training and tech available.

I don't feel like this is a good plan but I have to do it right now because once he gets the goblin juice in him I don't know if I can stop him even if I have all the strength in the world. The nerves didn't stop until I put on the mask in the evening and started swinging for the oscorp building, I landed near a vent and started unscrewing with a screw driver I had in my tool belt.

The vents were not clean, so I am thankful for bringing the oxygenator to breath clearly and the goggles help with the dust and all so I don't have to fear the dreadful sneeze in infiltration movies. As I have already mapped the vents before, I knew exactly where to go and I reached the basement where the goblin serum is held.

I opened the vent and jumped up to the shadows to hide from the cameras, I already found the serum because I can see that the sequenser is running and the monitor is showing 'OZ serum', I don't even need an entire vile of the substance.

All I need is a drop of it, so I waited for the sequenser to finish, which would take atleast 15 more minutes as I roam around in the shadows, I see a board with a lot of numbers written on it, I studied it for a minute and understood what was happening.

These guys only have half the formulae and they don't even know what the other half is, so they are kind of playing a guessing game with numbers on the right sequence. This means no matter how many samples I have, I can't cure the oz serum because one half is stable while the other half can be one of any number of combinations.

I'll have to find a way to completely neutralize the serum but that means I will have the cure to the super soldier serum and letting even trace amounts of that stuff fall into shield(hydra's) hands is dangerous.

I have options here 1. Get strong enough to one punch the goblin 2. Make a cure to super soldier serum and get strong enough to one punch the goblin sigh option 2 it is even if it is more work cause better safe then sorry right?.

Once the sequencer is done I pull out the newest web cartridge and insert it in the web shooter and shot a web onto the top of the sequenser and pulled, why am I not afraid to be caught you ask, it's because this webbing is so thin it's invincible.

Once the sequenser is open, I throw my newest invention, the lizbot short for lizard bot at the camera to believably hide the camera from my thievary by obstruction from a lizard. I pull back the sequenser and shoot a web to the serum, I open it and take 3 drops into a cartridge before gently dropping it back in there.

After that I make my way back home and think of the consequences of letting ozborn continue with his little underground project, I mean I could collect evidence and throw that at the cops but the lawyers would work their ass off to prove oscorp innocent.

What to do? What to do? My phone rang at that time and I lifted it to hear billies voice "What's up Pete?" I smirk as I say "the ceiling" she laughs and says "stop making corny jokes parker" I smile and ask "You love them though right?" she sighs and says "I love the person who says them" I chuckle and ask "what's with the flirty mood?" Billie asks me in mock offense "I can't be flirty with you now" I smile and say "no".

She chuckles and asks "what's got you in this mood?" I fall back on my bed and ask "What mood?" She snorts and says "this one" I stay silent and think whether I should tell her about my identity but I promptly ignore that thought and say "nothing's wrong" Billie sighs and says "alright then keep your secrets" I try to say "it isn't about tha.." but she interrupts me "whatever, I don't care just ignore it and tell me when the video would release" I smile at her attempt to change my mood and tell her "Tonight" and she promtly yells "What? And you didn't tell me"

I laugh as I say "I didn't tell anyone" and then Billie did the girlfriend thing by saying "and I am just anyone" I laughed and said "it was a spur of a moment thing, it was supposed to be next week with the fans hearing about it way before the release" Billie stayed silent for a second before she asked me "Peter what is happening, you are nervous about something and it's making you have a get it over with attitude with everything".

I get angry as I ask "and what about it? I don't want to feel fake to my fans and that's it" Billie snaps back in annoyance "I am not talking about the videos, it feels like that in our dates too" I get more angry as I ask "Are you bored of me now? Is that what it is?" She yells back "Peter Parker you are the one making me feel like I'm boring whenever you are trying to be done with the date quickly" that took the fight out of my soul as I said "I'm sorry, it's just something I'm worried about" Billie asks me "What is it that you are worried for an entire week?".

I rub my face and said "something to do with life and death" she gulps as she asks "yours" I said "No" she asks "is it me" I say "no" she asks "is it may and ben" I say "god no, by the way may and ben asked about you" she gets interested as she asks "really, what did you say" I smile as I say "I told them that she is my girlfriend and they can't stop me from meeting her anymore" she chuckles as she says "stop acting like Juliet" I laugh as I act "save me Romeo, please" she laughs before I hear a gasp "you are changing the subject and I didn't even notice, I have to be carefull around you mister".

I smile and ask "and what would I do? If you aren't carefull" she thinks for a second before saying "I don't know maybe you'll have your way with my body" I chuckled and accused "that's what you want" Billie said in a pouty voice "and you don't?" I whispered into the phone "I would try everything I have ever imagined I would do to you if I had the chance" Billie squeals and asks "can you come over right now?" I get excited as I ask "what about bang and Susan?".

Billie muttered "I think they are asleep" before I heard footsteps and a yell of "if you two buggers don't sleep right this instant you'll seen the wrath of gigantus" and I can't stop laughing until she asks "why are you laughing?" I stop for a second and ask "what is gigantus?" and she tells me "oh gigantus means I'll smother them in my gigantic tits until they fall asleep out of oxygen deprivation" I start laughing again and my laughter doesn't stop until I hear a knock on the door.

"Peter, talk to your little girlfriend when the sun is up in the morning please, the walls are thin here" uncle ben says and I blush as I yell back "sorry, uncle ben" but I still hear his muttering as he goes downstairs 'innocent my ass, that kid would have been out the window if not for me'

I hear Billie laugh at me getting caught and says "that puts a stopper to our plans" "hmm" and I say "anyway I need to sleep if I want to get to class tomorrow so goodnight" she says goodnight back and I hear kiss and I kiss back feeling awkward to do it.

-The next day-

-??? POV-

"You could have came in the afternoon, when it isn't raining like hell?" I say and the shadowy figure moves forward as he says "didn't want to keep you waiting" and I smile at that and ask "How are you feeling?" He stills for a second before saying "alone" I nod at his trust to tell me what he wouldn't to his psychiatrist, to his friends or anyone really.

I say "Well there's no time like today to make friends" but he shakes his head and says "I am different from them, everything is different, I won't fit in" I smile and ask "and when had that stopped people from being together" he smiles at that and asks "and the world is going to accept a man who acts like their grandfather" I look into his eyes and ask "the world has changed steve, the people are kinder, more tolerant, more free, more accepting" he nods and asks "and the bad guys all just vanished"

I frown and ask "when did you get so pessimistic?" He smiles and says in a defeated tone "when I woke up..from death and found out all of my friends are dead" he pauses and continues

"and when I found out that, I didn't end the war but something else did" I was at a loss for words so I said "just leave it be" steve laughs and says "I can't just leave it be" I sigh as I say with a little bit of force in my voice "you weren't there when pearl harbour happened, there were thousands dead and dying hoping we'll save them from upturned ships, you haven't heard them bang the hulls for help".

Steve asks me in an angry voice "and that justified civillian bombing" at that my throat constricted and I sigh as I say "there is no mission, I regret more than that but it happened and we can't change history but I made sure it won't happen again" he nods and I laugh as I say "met after 40 years and we talk about the past again" steve has this gloomy look as he says "it would have been my future until yesterday" I nod and say "there is no use in thinking of the past, think of the future, what do you wanna do" he smiles about something as he says "had I not met someone, I would have joined shield" I get shocked and suspicious as I ask "Who?".

He looks around for anyone else before saying "he called himself spiderman, he had insane reflexes was able to keep up with me" I am shocked to find steve has met the newest vigilante on his first day "don't tell shield about it Peggy, he said not to tell them that I met him" I wince as I tell him "they probably already know" he frowns and asks "how?" I sigh and point at him and around the room as I say "they probably have three trackers and four listening devices on and around you by now" he winces and I ask "what did he say to change your mind?".

He smiles and says "if you think he knew some deep seated shield secret, you'd be wrong all he said was 'spy agencies hide so much that they can hide their own flaws' " I nod at that and say "they'll increase surveillance on him now" steve nodded sad that he broke a promise or something silly like that so I distract him "So are you going to settle down with a wife somewhere" he coughs and says "I don't want shield hearing my love life" I chuckle and say "push that button and the TV will play some music" he starts the tv and asks "what's Spotify?".

I smile and explain like the good old days when I had to explain to him about different wines "it's a collection of every song in existence, so what do you want to hear, something new, something old" he thinks for a while before saying "a new song for a new beginning" I just play whatever and ask "so you wanna settle down with a girl" he looks me in the eyes and I am back in the plane, helping captain America go on a suicide mission as he says "I can't" and I ask softly "Why?" But we are interrupted by the music as it sounded a lot more older than the current music.

"Well looks like music didn't change a lot" he says and I say "no, this is more 80's but it just released yesterday"

Georgia, wrap me up in all your-

I want you, in my arms

Oh, let me hold you

Never let you go again, like I did

Oh, I used to say,

I look at steve and he seems to be looking at my eyes again and I look back as the music continues.

I would never fall in love again, until I found her"

I said, "I would never fall, unless it's you I fall into"

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you

-Steve rogers POV-

The song held my hand and guided my thoughts to what I wanted to say for 70 years now but broke my heart with what i want to hear but isn't possible as the woman started to sing I turned away from Peggy and looked at the screen.


When I held you again

How could

We ever just be friends

I would

Rather die than let you go

Juliet to your Romeo

How I heard you say

I wish I could hear those words from her but, I look at her ring finger adorned with a ring and sigh as the song continues.

I would never fall in love again, until I found her"

I said, "I would never fall, unless it's you I fall into"

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you

I would never fall in love again, until I found her"

I said, "I would never fall, unless it's you I fall into"

I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her

I found you

"Well, that answers my love life" and peggy seemed to want to say something but bit her lip and cried and said "I'm sorry but everything will be fine steve, everything will be fine" I nodded and said "thank you, I'll leave you to rest" and left the hospital with a heavy heart but feeling content that I didn't have to say the words myself, words I would have held back, words I would have omitted, words I would have stuttered all stringed together in a beautiful melody as if it was written for me.

-Peggy POV-

Now I understood why he came back after all those years, why he survived Ultron, Thanos and everything life threw at him. He survived because he wanted that dance, but steve doesn't know yet, he shouldn't know yet so I held my breathe as his heart broke when he heard the woman sing knowing I can't tell him that we danced to this very song when he came back for me.

I almost wanted to tell him everything but I held back at the promise I made and told him the truth but it would seem like empty words to him and watched him leave.

"Those words comforted me a lot more than you'll ever know" I heard from the door and looked up to see my steve standing there smiling. I sniffled as I ask "why didn't you tell me you were awake for 70 years?" He sighed as he told me "your memories kept me awake and I didn't know how long only how lonely it was"

I shed tears for him again and asked "can you play the song again?" He laughs and gets the remote while saying "I almost strangled Spidey when he said he didn't write this song for me but it fits my story sooo.." he played the song and sat beside me holding my hand as I felt happy to have him and sad to have left him alone now.

Next chapter