
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

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15 Chs

Chapter 13

(Jihyo's POV)

Damn that Yoo Jeongyeon! How dare she kiss her like that? It's so frustrating! I maintained a straight face as I walked towards the Magical Arts Building. I know Shiho is following me quietly, we were halfway to the building when I snatched her hand and dragged her into the dorm.

"J-jihyo? Why are we going to the dorms?" Shiho breathlessly asks me. 

I didn't answer her and continued to drag her. When we reached our dorm, I immediately locked the door and pinned her there.

"I won't let my members get ahead of me. I'm their leader for god's sake. No one has kissed you on your lips yet right?" I smirked at her and she let out a small yes. 

Then I'll be the first. I then leaned towards her and kissed her lips.

Gosh, it's softer than I imagined.

Our kiss started very slow, it was like we were savoring the moment. Then eventually I then stuck my tongue out asking for entrance which she gladly gave me. I smiled into our little make-out session and damn it felt good.

She slightly pushed me and gasped for air. 

"L-let's go to the building. L-let's not keep t-them waiting." Shiho shyly pleaded, I smiled at the sight before me. I nodded and opened the door.


(Shiho's POV )

My heart is still pounding hardly as Jihyo and I went back to our classroom. I immediately went to my seat and put my head down. 

"Shi-chan? Are you alright?" I heard Sana's voice asking me. 

I mumbled a short yes and tried to calm my damn heart. 

"Jihyo-unnie what did you do?" I then heard Tzuyu's voice, she sounds angry again. 

"Nothing, when we were going back she felt lightheaded," Jihyo answered nonchalantly.

Upon hearing that I felt someone pushed my body upwards and put their hands on my forehead. 


I felt my face get hotter by the second. "You do feel hot Shi-chan. Let me take you to the clinic." I didn't get to say anything as she just dragged me. 

Oh, what's with these girls and dragging me?


(Mina's POV)

I know what you did Park Jihyo. 

After she feels okay, I'll reclaim what's mine and rightfully mine. 

"Did you put your name in the cauldron?" I asked her and let go of her wrist. Instead of answering she suddenly held my hand and nodded. 

Your hands are big now, and your hand still fits with mine.