
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 14

(Shiho's POV)

It's been two days since I've put my name in the cauldron. The same day Jihyo kissed me. The same day Mina-hime-sama asked me out.

Yes. She did.


"Hey Shiho, are you free this Wednesday night?" Mina-hime asked me. 

"Uh, I guess I'm free that night. Why hime-sama?" She stopped walking and looked at me. 

"When it's the two of us just call me Mina." I was surprised by what she requested but I nodded at her anyway. 

"I want to invite you to our house. Not the dorm. My mom's requesting my presence and I would like you to take you with me. Is that alright?"

~~~Present Day~~~

Of course, I said yes. I mean who wouldn't? Right? But damn who am I kidding? In the past few days, the girls have managed to have their way with me. Not in bed though. 

Not yet. Kidding. 

They have been more clingy and touchy. Like for Mina-hime she would always kiss me on the cheeks whenever we see each other. Which was a huge surprise for the other girls and saw that as a competition. So, almost everyone kissed me on the cheeks. Except for, of course, Chou Tzuyu. I don't get why she's always mad at me. 

I haven't done anything wrong right?

But one day, I'll be able to break her walls. I always notice that glint of sadness in her eyes whenever the girls kiss me. It's like she's preventing herself from kissing me too. I just have to know why. 

Wait for me, Tzuyu.

"Hey, have you been waiting?" I was startled by the soft voice of Mina-hime-sama. 

I looked at her figure and she looked hot in regular clothes. The checkered flannel takes her curves pretty well. 

"I haven't Mina. I just arrived a while ago." She smiled and gestured her hand for me to take. Once I did, her soft palms greeted my calloused ones. I shyly smiled at her and followed her to a car.

"Good Day Hime-sama and Shiho-sama." The butler greeted us courtly and opened the door for us. I let Mina-hime-sama enter first before I went in.

The trip to their estate was intriguing. Since I've been homeschooled, I haven't got the chance to explore the city. The only places I've been to are our house and the nearby park where I played as a kid. Though I don't have a lot of fond memories there, aside from that one girl that I used to play with. I wonder where she is right now?

"You seem to be thinking about something. Care to share?" Mina-hime-sama suddenly spoke which made me jump a little. She chuckled at my expression and held my hand again. 

"If you're nervous about meeting my mother, well don't be. She'll love you." I unconsciously nodded at her as I took in her beauty. We were having a staring contest until her butler announced that we had arrived. He opened the door for us and helped us get out.

"Wow." That was all that I could say to their wonderful mansion. 

Coated with porcelain white with beige linings. Their house really screamed "royalty." Mina-hime-sama led me inside their estate and as she opened the door two maids greeted us. They offered to take our bags as the other led us to the living room. The size of it can hold up to 50 people. It really is big. I smiled at the maid as I sat down with Mina-hime-sama seating near me. Too near that, I feel her arms hit mine. I blush at her proximity.

"Mina, my daughter. You're already here." A sophisticated woman walked down the grand staircase. Mina-hime and I stood up to greet the woman. 

"Yes, I'm home okaa-san." The princess greeted with a wide smile.

Yes, that smile would be forever embedded in my mind. They shared a loving hug and once they parted her mother shifted her gaze to me. 

"Are you Sasaki Shiho?" I was surprised that she knew my name but I nodded nonetheless and held out my hand. 

"Yes, Myoui-sama. It is a pleasure to meet you." I then gave her my signature smile. She returned the handshake and chuckled lightly. 

"Oh, please drop the formalities. Any friend of my daughter is welcome to call me Sara." I blushed at her remark and replied 

"Oh, uhmm. S-Sara san." I smiled again.

After the little conversation, Sara-san led us to the dining room. Where a lot of traditional Japanese foods were laid out for us. It was like a feast. After we sat down, Sara-san motioned for us to eat. During dinner, we had a small talk about school and the upcoming tournament. Sara inquired if I would be joining it and I nodded at her approvingly. 

"That's great news. Please send my regards to Dan and Natsume." I choked my last bite of sushi and Mina-hime immediately gave me water. 

After calming myself, "H-how did you know my parents?" I looked at her curiously. 

She smiled at me and said, "Well, we were close friends for a long time now." I nodded my head at her answer.

The night quickly went on as Sara-san showed me Mina-hime's childhood pictures. I noticed that Sana and Momo nee-chan are with her in every picture. Then it was only when they were in middle school when Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and Chaeyoung unnie got into the pictures. The last ones were Dahyun and Tzuyu, who wore big round glasses. 

It looked familiar. Where have I seen those glasses before?

I really enjoyed my stay here at the Myoui Residence. Too bad that it was getting late, I might not be alive tomorrow if I don't go home immediately. 

"Thank you for letting me stay for tonight Sara-san." She suddenly hugged me which I also returned. 

"You can come here anytime. Our door is always open. Now run along, your bride is waiting for you." I blushed at her statement and looked at Mina-hime who was also blushing at her mother's statement. 

"Ya! I'm not her bride... Yet. But we'll get there, don't be impatient okaa-san." My face then went a deeper shade of red. The princess just took my hand and led me to a different car from what we used earlier.

"This one is mine, okaa-san gave it to me when I was 18." She stated with a smile and opened the door for me. 

When we were both inside, she let me guide her towards my house. Aside from my directions, we didn't talk about anything else. But that allowed me to take in her beauty again. Hopefully not being interrupted again.

As I stared at her, I didn't notice the car come to a halt as it was parked outside our house. Mina-hime then turned her head towards me and we held another staring contest. I had no intention of backing down, but I couldn't help but flinch as she went closer. I closed my eyes and waited for something soft to touch my lips. Instead, I heard the unclasping of my seatbelt. Which caused me to immediately open my eyes. Wrong move Shiho.

I was greeted by Mina-hime's face up close. Too close, that I could feel her breath on my lips. I gulped loudly at the sight. I feel so mesmerized by her eyes that I found myself leaning towards her. I was glad she met me halfway. As our lips touched, the butterflies on my stomach erupted. Just like what I felt with Jihyo-unnie. But this time, this kiss was soft. Not a forced one, but a passionate one. I eventually parted our lips for precious oxygen, well I can't die yet right?

"Shi-chan." Mina-hime whispered my name. Which made the hair on my neck stand up. It sounded so raspy and sexy. 

"One more. Let me kiss you one more time." I hummed at her request and let her devour my lips once again.

This time the kiss we shared was heated, with tongue and with ferocity. I was too engrossed with our make-out that I didn't notice that Mina-hime is now sitting on my lap and is slowly grinding on my thighs. I went to rest my hands on her butt and squeezed it lightly which caused her to moan. I smirked at her and went to shower her neck with kisses particularly giving extra attention to her collarbone. When I was satisfied with my art, I went to look at her flushed and red face. 

"You're so cute Mina." I blurted out. She only smiled and held our foreheads close. We stayed in that position for a few minutes.

"This is one hell of a night Shi-chan." She whispered as she fixed herself and went to sit down on the driver's seat again. 

I smiled at her and bid her goodnight. I went inside my house only to see Chou Tzuyu wearing those big round glasses with my parents casually talking in the living room. She noticed my presence and we shared eye contact.

"Why are you here Tzuyu?"