
Flames within

Sasaki Shiho an orphan with no magical powers enters a school for the magical. Discover how she gets entangled with TWICE on her journey to unravel who she really is. Will she ever find out her dark and shady past? ~~~ Disclaimer! Everything in this book is purely fictional.

icia · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12

(Shiho's POV)

It's been two days since I woke up. Luckily it was a weekend so I got to rest myself up. On Saturday I had an unexpected visitor. Shin Ryujin was knocking at my door asking for forgiveness and of course, I accepted her apology. Since then we've been pretty close.

Right now I'm walking towards the school when suddenly there was a large crowd seemingly waiting for me. The crowd erupted in cheers and shouts of glee. 

"SHIHO MARRY ME!" that statement stood out the most which left me dumbfounded. 

What the fuck are they doing?  Well, they were waving so I waved back and some of the girls screeched in joy.

"Well, what a fan club you have there Hyo-chan." Ryujin suddenly appeared beside me and patted my shoulders. 

Fan club? Since when? 

"It started when we fought, people took a liking to you." I stared at her confusingly. 

"You said that out loud. Let's go to class, there are girls waiting for you." She stated and winked at me. I immediately blushed.

I'm not going to lie, those girls took my interest also. But I need to think about what I feel, it would be weird liking all of them at the same time. But it feels right, isn't it? Ryujin and I went inside our respective classrooms and

I was greeted by the girls who are occupying my mind. 

"Good Morning Shi-chan/Shiho." They greeted me and I smiled sweetly at them and greeted them back.

In a few minutes, our adviser went inside the room and made an announcement. "In a few weeks' time, the school's annual tournament for the BLANK will happen. Per class would have at least one representative. Since almost all of you are already in BLANK, the others are qualified to enter. Hwang Yeji, Lee Chaeryeong, Shin Yuna and Sasaki Shiho. I expect one of you to participate." The whole time she was explaining she kept on looking at me meaningfully. 

Yeah, I will enter teach. Calm your titties down. I released a heavy sigh which was noticed by the girls around me.

"Are you okay Shiho?" Nayeon whispered at me. 

I only nodded at her. She then smiled and focused again on our adviser. I found myself looking at THE Myoui Mina. Well, the back of her head, admiring her long blonde hair and imagining things that made my heart flutter. 

"Hey, it's rude to stare. She might melt." Jihyo whispered from my right and found also Tzuyu looking at me. She looks... scary. I smiled shyly and lowered my head.

"For those who wish to participate will have their name written in a piece of parchment and put your name in the cauldron. It will be located at the Magical Arts Building. That is all. See you tomorrow." She then exited the room and once the door closed I slumped down my desk. I felt the presence of the girls around me, so I looked up. 

Am I in heaven?

"Uh, no. You're at school Shi-chan." Sana chuckled amusedly at me. 

I felt my face getting hot and smiled at them sheepishly. "Are you going to enter?" Dahyun asked me. 

I looked at her and noticed she changed the color of her hair, she colored it purple. "You look good with your hair." I complimented her. In return, she blushed hard. 

Woah? I did that?

"That wasn't the answer we need." Tzuyu barked at me. Damn. She's scary. 

"Uh, sorry. But yeah. I'll be entering." I smiled widely which made them smile also. 

"Well, I hope you win." Jeongyeon smiled at me and went in front of my table and kissed my forehead. 

I blushed deeply again. Damn, these girls will be the death of me. When she released her kiss someone cleared their throat and I looked towards Jihyo as she was gesturing for me to follow her.