

Whatever happens, we need to stick together. We need to get out of here.

We have to get out because otherwise we may not have the sunrise tomorrow.

But I frowned again as we passed a creek. I rolled my eyes. The road is familiar to me. I accelerated my run to the gita of the creek and confirmed what was on my mind.

As before, there were dead snakes in the water. "Guys, do you think what I'm thinking?"

They nodded at me in response.

This is what I was trying to say a while ago. I noticed we seem to be just going round and round. I just can't find proof." Francine said.

The presence of the shadow disappeared.

But we still quickly crossed the creek, felt the surroundings, and thought for a moment.

"So, we're lost, I guess." I said.

"Probably," Lily replied.

"What are we going to do?" Camilla asked.

No one spoke. A moment of silence prevailed. Only the sound of the wind blowing on the trees and plants can be heard.

And our few sighs.

"Let's go," said Camilla.

We were just about to take a step when we heard a shrill chirp again. A snake. Suddenly, a giant snake appeared in front of us.

I covered my mouth.

We slowly backed away with trembling knees.


After a while, we were left alone when the snake moved.

We just realized that the blood had spilled on the ground.

When we turned to the source of it, we said a variety of cheap things. Macey was almost bitten by a snake. She was screaming as he fell to the ground.

But the snake did not catch him.


He probably blocked himself.

"Oh my gosh," I exclaimed.

"Get the child!" Lily stammered.

Francine was the one who moved to approach Macey and lift him away from the snake.

"L-let's go!" I tearfully screamed.

It was very difficult for me to step my feet away from there.

My voice was full of nervousness and fear. Camilla and Lily seemed hesitant to follow me.

They were watching our friend's condition.

I was distracted again.

And I could clearly see how whole and alive the snake swallowed Chren.

My two eyes could clearly see how whole and alive the big snake had swallowed Chren.

I trembled. I wiped the tear from my cheek. My face was covered in sweat, tears, and a few drops of blood.

"H-hold her tight, maybe later we'll catch up!" Aunt Camilla stammered at me.

It pulled me away when I could barely step away.

I was carrying Macey while running.

I can no longer seem to feel the weight of the child. I feel even heavier than I already am.

Macey seemed weightless in my arms.

And all the weight was being pressed inside my chest where my heart's pounding was so fast and loud that I could almost hear every beat of it.

When we got a little farther away, I gasped and stopped for a moment in front of a tree.

I clung to a bag that was wrapped around the trunk of the tree.