
Finding Yourself a Princess is Troublesome [BL]

Feng XiaLin is a vallant prince in search for a princess to marry. But then some fateful encounter lead him to the clutches of the notorious dark sorcerer, Rong ZhanWu. In order to save the princess, he unwillingly became the sorcerer's slave instead. Or so he thought... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In YunMing mountain peak of Yin Fang continent, three princesses or princes were always born to the King and Queen. If the first born baby is a girl, then the next children to be born have always been girls. If the first born baby is a boy, then the next children to be born have always been boys. Traditionally, the children of the ruler of Yun Ming mountain peak all have the same genders. In the current regime of Feng, oldest princess was called ShuXi, the middle princess was called LouMei, and the youngest was XiaLin. But unbeknownst to the neighboring peaks, XiaLin is a boy. The King and the Queen are both at lost as to how to deal with their current situation. The invitation for the courting day has already been sent few days before XiaLin was even born. And eighteen years after this, the princes from different mountain peaks will definitely come to court a Princess from the Royal family of Yun Ming mountain peak. As a last resort, Feng XiaLin was raised along with the two princesses. The two princesses would always drag their little brother wherever they go and whatever they do. When they were grown, they always cause troubles together. When they want to seek achievements, they would set their goals together. A time will come when a Princess will be courted, brought her to their home, and soon will rule over a kingdom. But for a Prince, it is always be him doing all of those difficult tasks. That was the way it always been and as far as anyone knew, that was the way that it should always be. But the pampered Feng XiaLin doesn’t know how dangerous the outside world is. Being only a literary person that has no knowledge about martial arts, they could only advise him to wait for a Princess to knock on his Pavilion’s door. But as a man, would he allow that? The answer would be no. There’s no way he will be just sitting inside like a Princess and wait for someone to court him! He will find his destined one even if it turns out to be another Prince! A short boys love Fairytale #LGBT #YAOI #DANMEI #BL #SHOUNENAI #M/M

Jiang_YingYue · LGBT+
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14 Chs

There’s no happy ending

Feng XiaLin stirred and slowly opened his eyes. But what greeted him was Rong ZhanWu's concerned and serious face. He observed his surroundings for a moment but then he heard a very loud explosion followed by the shaking of the ground. Feng XiaLin was immediately startled awake and asked frantically, "Rong ZhanWu, what is happening?!"

"Feng XiaLin, listen to me carefully. You have to get out of here!" While speaking, the Sorcerer was already covering him with layers of robe and got him out of the bed.

Feng XiaLin confusedy asked, "I don't understand! Why do I have to get out of here? What is happening?!"

Then suddenly Qin Li barged through their door with a sword on hand. The once composed woman was now smeared with blood, a small part of her robe was burnt, and her hair wasn't tied anymore. She had this anxious look on her face as she growled, "Are the two of you done? You have to leave immediately! Their reinforcement is at the gate already! The barrier can't hold up anymore!"

Rong ZhanWu grabbed Feng XiaLin, "Let's go!"

They were running out of the pavilion with Qin Li right behind them, when suddenly a group of five people clad in black robe blocked their way. One of them spoke, "We cannot let you pass through. Hand over the Prince to us."

Feng XiaLin suspiciously asked, "Who are you?"

But Qin Li pushed him to Rong ZhanWu, "You don't have to ask them. Just go with Rong ZhanWu!"

"What are you talking about?" Feng XiaLin grabbed her arm, "You are coming with us!"

Qin Li pulled her arm and angrily spoke, "Stop being stubborn and go! I will buy you some time!"

Rong ZhanWu nodded his head and dragged Feng XiaLin, "Let's go!"

But Feng XiaLin struggled to stay rooted on his place, he protested, "You're just going to leave her like that? No, I won't allow it! You're coming with us Qin Li!"

Another black robed man spoke, "Do you really think that we will let you go that easily?"

The group of men raised their hands above and a lightning like net formed above them. Rong ZhanWu prepared himself to attack but suddenly, five figures jumped out of nowhere and pounced on that group of men. Those are the giant Black Wolf Beasts.

The elder of the beasts spoke, "Young Master, Young Prince, Princess Qin Li, go! We will deal with them! Hurry!"

Feng XiaLin wanted to warn them but Rong ZhanWu and Qin Li dragged him away as fast as the wind. They ran fairly far enough and they already reached the outside of the barrier, but another group of five purple robed men stopped them on their tracks. One of them angrily yelled, "The chase ends here! Hand over the Prince to us!"

Feng XiaLin's heart almost stopped. Just how many of them are here just to take him away? But this time another group of four jumped from the woods and pounced on the group of men. Those are the Red Horse Beasts! One of them said, "Young Masters, run!"

Then the two nodded their head and dragged the Prince away. But the Prince was distressed, he was confused about what's happening so he asked, "Rong ZhanWu, tell me! What is happening?! I don't understand! Why are we running? This is our home!"

Still running, the Sorcerer answered, "We cannot defend this place anymore. I'd rather let those people burn this place than let them take you away from me."

That caught Feng XiaLin's attention, he asked, "Those people? Who are they? Why do they want to take me away?"

Qin Li answered, "We have a hunch of who their leader is, but we don't have any solid proof yet. We don't know yet the reason why they want to take you away. But one thing is for sure, he assembled the most skilled cultivators who have grudge against Rong ZhanWu in the Yin Fang continent to strengthen his force. Even I am no match to them. So the best thing to do is to escape and investigate the matter later."

While speaking, Qin Li slashed at the protruding branches on their way. As they ran, some of their robes were torn due to the hindrances but they paid it no mind and kept on running as fast as they could. After running for few minutes, Feng XiaLin became suspicious.

Why are they not using their swords to fly? That would be easier right? He was about to ask but suddenly, a voice rang out of nowhere. The voice said, "No one from you will escape this place." And then another five green robed men appeared in front of them and completely stopping them on their tracks. The voice continued, "Unless you hand over the Prince to us."

Feng XiaLin tightened his clutch on Rong ZhanWu's sleeves while Qin Li's hand snaked to the hilt of her sword resting on her waist. Rong ZhanWu remained impassively calm and gave them a menacing glare. Qin Li hissed under her breath, "Rong ZhanWu, take Feng XiaLin with you and leave!"

"No! You're coming with us!" Feng XiaLin protested.

The Sorcerer was just about to open his mouth when a woman's voice abruptly spoke, "That's right! Young Mistress Qin Li must go with them and leave! Let us handle this!"

Three giant birds flew out and clawed the group of green robed men. Those were the Red Beaked Hawks!

The two once again dragged Feng XiaLin away before the Prince could even protest. They had gotten out of the forest and they went straight to a clearing. The three of them breathed with difficulty as they catch their breath. Quickly inspecting their surroundings, Rong ZhanWu ordered, "Let's go! We must get to the thirteenth Mountain immediately!"

They were about to step out when suddenly, a lightning-like ring appeared on the ground stopping them from stepping out of it. Three fiery red robed women came and mockingly said, "Rong ZhanWu, if you want to be buried with an intact corpse, hand over Feng XiaLin to us!"

Rong ZhanWu brought out a talisman and snorted, "Dream on!"

The women bitterly scowled, one of them moved forward and made a hand signal, "To refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, we gave you an easiest way."

Rong ZhanWu blocked Feng XiaLin and Qin Li from their view, his eyes burning with fury, "Stand back. Stay behind me."

But suddenly a massive black and long creature appeared from behind the women and held them in a dead tight wrap. In Feng XiaLin's eyes, it was just like that night when he first met her. The glimmers of her scales were like rare black gems under the silver light of the full moon. It was the Black Winged Serpent, Xia Ru!

Xia Ru hurriedly spoke, "Young Masters, go! Let me serve you with my life even for the last time."

Rong ZhanWu lifted Feng XiaLin on his shoulder. Again they ran faster while dragging the protesting Prince, he was still hesitant to leave and was crying. He suddenly heard something crack; slowly raising his wrist, he stared at his bracelet. Several beads slowly started to crack. Cold sweat formed on the Prince's forehead when he saw twelve beads shattered completely. Few moments later, the twelve beads turned into fine dust.

Feng XiaLin's eyes went wide; he felt his heart was lodged in his throat.

The twelve beasts, they're gone!

He wanted to jump and go back immediately. But as if reading his mind, Rong ZhanWu tightened his held on his waist. He kicked his legs as a protest but Rong ZhanWu just ignored him and continued running. When they almost reached the outer border of Rong ZhanWu's territory, Feng XiaLin mustered all of his strength and jumped off the Sorcerer's shoulder. The action made the two stop to a complete halt.

Rong ZhanWu coldly spoke, "What are you doing?"

"Rong ZhanWu," Feng XiaLin breathed out, he tried to stop his voice from wavering, "I want to go back. Let me go back."

Qin Li flipped her sleeves angrily, "Are you stupid?! We're almost there! What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"They're gone," Feng XiaLin choked while slowly holding up his wrist showing them the last remaining piece of bead bracelet, he miserably added, "the twelve beasts are gone."

Qin Li flinched and her eyes almost immediately moistened, but she regained her composure quickly. Rong ZhanWu might be shocked but he did a good job on concealing it, instead he approached Feng XiaLin and patted his head. He calmingly said, "Those beasts have fulfilled their duties. They knew that this day would come, and they've been prepared for whatever may happen to their lives."

"Just like that?!" Feng XiaLin madly spat, "You'll just let them die?! We could have done something!"

"There's nothing to be done." Rong ZhanWu's voice was cold, eyes furious. But it was not directed at Feng XiaLin, he was sure of it.

"There is!" Feng XiaLin yanked the front of Rong ZhanWu's robes, "Why didn't you use the mirror?! If you used that in the first place, we could have escaped safely! None of this would happen!"

"You don't understand!" Qin Li interjected, "Rong ZhanWu's spiritual p-"

"I did what I could." Rong ZhanWu cut Qin Li off, but he noticed a presence at the corner of his eyes. He silently spoke, "Qin Li, someone is here. Take Feng XiaLin and go!"

He inched closer to the still stubborn Prince. Feng XiaLin was caught in surprise when he felt Rong ZhanWu's tight but gentle embrace on him. The man soothingly spoke, "I'm sorry if I couldn't protect the people that are important to you. But I'm not regretting any of my decisions tonight."

Upon hearing that, Feng XiaLin tried to push Rong ZhanWu away due to his lack of remorse. But the Sorcerer added, "Because I would rather let them perish than see you being taken away from me."

Rong ZhanWu let go of him and stood in front blocking Feng XiaLin from the view of the enemy. Seconds later, a man's laugh echoed through the woods. The laugh was eerie and cold but at the same time familiar to the Prince's ears. They heard the calm and steady footsteps approaching them, and then the voice said, "Are you done saying your goodbyes?"

Qin Li hissed, "It's you?" She unsheathed her sword and made an offensive stance.

"It is us." The man answered.

Rong ZhanWu whispered under his breath, enough for Feng XiaLin to hear, "I love you."

The Prince hasn't recovered yet from the sudden statement when Rong ZhanWu pushed him and barked, "Qin Li go!"

Qin Li immediately grabbed Feng XiaLin from the back of his robe and tossed him on top of her sword before she mounted. Feng XiaLin didn't manage to grab Rong ZhanWu when Qin Li's sword took off in a hurry. When the black robed man saw the escaping form of the two, he barked an order to his companion to give a chase. The other guy complied and dashed in a speed of wind.

Rong ZhanWu stopped him by throwing a fire talisman to his direction but it was deflected by the man in front of him. When they were out of sight, Rong ZhanWu unsheathed his sword. The other man chuckled then his eyes gleamed as he hissed venomously, "Your life will end tonight Rong ZhanWu."

Meanwhile, the other black robed man who was giving a chase mysteriously gained some distance to Qin Li's sword. Qin Li cursed under her breath and sent out a powerful blow of energy towards the man. The man easily repelled it by the slap of his left hand.

Qin Li was busy fending off when she suddenly noticed Feng XiaLin's frame tremble slightly. Alarm flashed through her eyes and she anxiously asked, "Feng XiaLin, what's wrong? Were you hit?!"

Feng XiaLin shook his head and gazed at Qin Li with a sorrowful look, he said, "The Black Winged Serpent is gone…"

Qin Li felt her chest tighten when she saw the last bead on Feng XiaLin's bracelet crumbled and turned into dust. But that was not the time to be emotional, her priority right then was to escape safely with Feng XiaLin and meet Rong ZhanWu at the top of the Thirteenth Mountain.

In the middle of her distraction, Qin Li didn't notice a sneak attack of an ice sword behind her. Before she knew it, blood spurted from her mouth and continued to flow down her chin. The sword pierced her left torso and it hit one of her major acupuncture points causing her spiritual energy flow to be suddenly cut off. Without enough supply of spiritual energy, Qin Li's sword couldn't support the weight anymore and it vibrated briefly before it gradually fell to the ground along with its two passengers.

They didn't fall graciously as their bodies rolled sideways after the impact. Feng XiaLin's vision blurred but he willed himself to crawl on all fours just to get to Qin Li's side. When he got there, he shook her body lightly only to see the blood gushing out of Qin Li's wounds.

"Qin Li!" Feng XiaLin called as he applied pressure to her wound, "Wake up!" he tried calling out her name. Qin Li stirred and slowly opened her eyes. With weak force, she grabbed Feng XiaLin's arm and said in a tired voice, "Feng XiaLin… Take my sword with you and g-go!"

"As if I would allow that!" The man declared as he made his way confidently towards them. With her remaining strength, she managed to shove the sword to Feng XiaLin and pushed him away before she slowly stood up and faced the man bare handed.

Feng XiaLin was still in shock but he reminded himself that he was once a Prince. It is a Prince's duty to protect a Princess!

Without hesitation, he gripped the sword tighter and joined the fight. Days of watching Qin Li practice her sword proved to be useful as the first swing of his blade actually sliced the back of the man. Caught off guard, the man grunted and crouched. Qin Li was alarmed at the sudden outburst of the man and then she angrily howled, "What are you doing?! Didn't I tell you to go?!"

"Qin Li," Feng XiaLin panted, "it is a Prince's duty to protect a Princess."

Feeling insulted, Qin Li snorted, "Feng XiaLin. You know damn well that I'm a practitioner, not a Princess."

The man stood up again, he hissed, "I didn't know that the Prince can handle the sword magnificently. I apologize for underestimating you. I guess I need to get serious with you right now."

The man emitted a ray of light around his body and formed them into ice swords. Qin Li saw the tightness of their situation and when the man released the swords, she mustered all of her remaining spiritual powers and made a barrier around them. Because of too much blood loss and one of her main acupuncture points blocked, the amount of spiritual energy that she could unleash wasn't enough causing the barrier to crack in mere seconds later. The swords broke the shield and went straight to the targets. Feng XiaLin shut his eyes tightly and braced himself for the incoming pain, but to his confusion he didn't feel anything.

Slowly opening his eyes, all he saw was red. Bloody red.

Qin Li stood in front of him with multiple ice swords stuck all over her body. Feng XiaLin's eyes went wide, his mouth agape, his knees trembled, and the tears freely poured from his eyes. He wanted to scream but no sound came from his throat.

"Stupid Feng XiaLin, go…" Qin Li managed to mumble audibly before she fell to the ground face first.

Go? Where to? With his mind in total shambles, Feng XiaLin couldn't get his legs to move.

"Prince Feng XiaLin," the man said coldly as he slowly walked towards the Prince, "you must come now with me."

But even in her limp and pathetic form, Qin Li managed to growl, "No, Feng XiaLin is not going with a scoundrel like you!"

"Heh!" the man snorted, "Scoundrel? You doesn't really sound like a Princess at all!" He mocked as he grabbed Qin Li's limp body from the ground by the front of her robe and raised her mid-air.

"Of course." Qin Li choked, "I'm a practitioner after al-"

But before she could even finish her sentence, a sword neatly sliced her throat open, exposing her air passage that has been cut off.

Blood splattered in front of Feng XiaLin. His horror stricken face was painted with crimson liquid as silent scream escaped his mouth. The man tossed Qin Li's body to the side as he slowly walked towards the Prince's trembling form.

Feng XiaLin trembled, not because of fear, but of anger. They killed the thirteen beasts, chased them out of their home, kill Qin Li right in front of his eyes, and they want to take him away from his lover.

He felt funny admitting that Rong ZhanWu was his lover at a time like this. But alas, he did. They may be married, but there's no intimate action really happened between them except for that single kiss.

He wondered if the Sorcerer really loved him. He bet the man only married him because Feng XiaLin was an amusing person and good at entertaining him. But that was not the time to doubt Rong ZhanWu's feelings for him. He would definitely confront the Sorcerer after this upheaval.

Mustering his courage, and with rage fueling his spirit, he grabbed for the sword and struck the man in front of him. The man was surprised at his sudden attack but he immediately regained his composure. They exchanged blows for few minutes as no one wanted to be defeated. When out of nowhere, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Ming Yan, why did you have to kill Qin Li? Stop playing, we will take him now." The black robed man slowly appeared from behind a tree.

"But Master," the man named Ming Yan protested, "she wasn't willing so I had to kill her. All of them are resisting so we have to wipe them out."

"There's no need for that." The man answered as he slowly removed his hood revealing his face. He continued with a sickening smile plastered on his face, "Because I've taken care of it."

Feng XiaLin's eyes widened upon seeing that face. His body had become paralyzed that his knees buckled underneath him.

"R-Rumong…" Feng XiaLin stuttered in disbelief, "How…? Why…?"

"Feng XiaLin!" Rumong greeted as he gave him a warm smile, "Yes it is I. How? I broke Rong ZhanWu's petty barrier and made a mess out of everyone's corpse. Why? I travel the world to collect rare treasures and beings. You should know by now that you are an important being, so I will take you."

Discovering it was Rumong all along, Feng XiaLin felt betrayed and devastated. Betrayed because he somewhat liked the outgoing personality of this guy. Devastated because Rong ZhanWu was still nowhere in sight. It was impossible for this guy to defeat the Sorcerer, right?

He suddenly felt a foreboding chill and his heart pounded madly against his chest.

"R-Rong ZhanWu, where's Rong ZhanWu?!" Feng XiaLin asked nervously.

"Oh? You mean this man?" Rumong asked indifferently as he threw a heavy thing in front of him.

Feng XiaLin's body shook violently, his face distorted in grief and fear. He desperately crawled forward reaching out his hand as tears poured from his eyes. His head felt as if it would explode anytime soon as cold blood rushed to his brain. His heart ached as if it was tossed in a vat of boiling oil.

He shook his head in denial and cried miserably, "No…this can't be!"

What was laid in front of him was Rong ZhanWu's battered corpse.

The person was hard to recognize due to numerous holes on his body with blood pouring from every orifices. His robes tattered, hair dishevelled and skin bruised and livid. Feng XiaLin wouldn't easily recognize him if he didn't see that unresponsive face.

The face that never ceased to irritate him, tease him, seduce him, and beguile him. Those stormy and dark eyes that enthralled him, once very mysterious and domineering, now half-lidded and void of life.

"Why…?" Is all Feng XiaLin could mutter, his tear stricken face never left the sight of his lover's corpse.

"Why, you ask?" Rumong knelt down in front of the Prince; he held his shoulders and continued with a condescending look, "Because they're hindrances."

"Why do you want to take me?! Why did you have to kill them if it's only I that you wanted?!" Feng XiaLin shouted furiously.

"Because you are rare, Feng XiaLin. Even if you would come with us willingly, do you really think that Rong ZhanWu would allow it?" Rumong answered.

Feng XiaLin's eyes turned into slits, "Rare? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Rumong looked surprised and let go of Feng XiaLin, he asked, "Aii… You didn't know? Hahahah! Rong ZhanWu that bastard!"

Rumong continued to laugh and Feng XiaLin gave him a cold glare, he added, "Fine. Let me tell you something. You are rare because you are an important being, a valuable one to be specific. So valuable that Rong ZhanWu had to marry you and give you half of his spiritual powers. "

"Pei!" Rumong spat, "No wonder why he was so weak earlier that he can't even manipulate his sword. He's missing more than half of his spiritual powers! But that turned into our advantage so I can't be bothered."

Rumong continued spouting nonsense as Feng XiaLin drowned in guilt knowing that Rong ZhanWu died because of him. Most of Rong ZhanWu's spiritual power was inside of him!

He was suddenly pulled out of his musing when Rumong yanked his hair up as Ming Yan proceeded to tie him up. Alarmed, Feng XiaLin asked, "What will you do to me?! Where are you taking me?!"

Rumong smirked, "I will take you with me. Now that your husband is gone, I am now qualified to take his place as your new husband. Don't worry, I'll treat you better than Rong ZhanWu did."

Cold blood rushed to Feng XiaLin's head, he wanted to protest but the words were stuck in his throat. Rumong's statement almost sent his soul flying away. After tonight, his freedom would be forcefully taken away from him.

"Feng XiaLin," Rumong called out as he placed Feng XiaLin at the back of his giant bird, "you may felt a little bit caged like little phoenix that you are, but I assure you that I will love you. I will rule a kingdom and your powers will help me while you perform the duty of being my wife."

And the bird took off along with a struggling Feng XiaLin heading for Rumong's Palace. The Prince resisted with series of insults but Ming Yan casted a spell on him knocking the Prince unconscious.

Rumong gazed at the wide expanse of the dark sky and grinned, "After all, there's no happy ending for you. For the both of you."

When Feng XiaLin woke up, the sun was already so high that it stung his eyes. Inspecting his surroundings, he found that he was lying on a soft Queen sized bed inside an unfamiliar and spacious room with exquisitely designed walls. He was spacing out for a good moment, but exactly that time the door softly slid open. A man entered with a tray of food.

"How are you, my dear Feng XiaLin?" said the man coyly. It was Rumong.

Feng XiaLin glared at him, "Don't call me like that so casually. You murderer! Let me go!"

Rumong sneered, "You've been unconscious for a whole day, don't be so mad. Though I admit you look more attractive when mad, you're also quite delectable when asleep. I got to savor you without you resisting."

As if a bucket of ice cold water was poured over his head, Feng XiaLin felt his nerves gone numb.

"W-What?! What did you d-do to me?!" Feng XiaLin yelled almost crying. Hatred and disgust was clearly written on his face.

Rumong set down the tray on a table; he crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side before cockily stated, "I've marked you. You are mine now."

Feng XiaLin's heart tightened as if it was being squeezed by a ton of blocks. His head felt like exploding due to anger. Enraged, he pounced and shouted, "You animal! Wh-"

But the rest of his sentence were cut off, before his hands could even reach Rumong's robes, he was suddenly stopped on his track. He heard a clinking sound and he gazed down on his feet. There, a shackle was chained around his ankle.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Feng XiaLin bellowed furiously.

"The chain won't let you reach quarter a li, but it is long enough to let you pace around this room. Now, be good and I'll be back with you later. For the meantime, I will leave Li QuanYin with you for your assistance."

The door opened and a beautifully dressed woman came in. The lady bore an elegant and noble look, but despite the alluring façade that she had, her expression was painted with agony and sadness. Her eyes resembled that of a dying woman's. She bowed slightly before entering the room. Satisfied, Rumong left after that.

Feng XiaLin might be grieving and distressed right now, but he couldn't help but to be intrigued about this woman. He felt an ounce of pity for this beautiful flower that looked like it's about to wilt.

Feng XiaLin asked, "How long have you been here? What is a noble woman like you doing in a place like this and serving that monster?"

"I've been here for five years. This noble woman is in a place like this because I served as Lord Rumong's sixth wife." The woman softly and carefully answered, her voice laced with despair.

Hearing her answer, Feng XiaLin grabbed the woman's shoulders and made her sit beside him on the bed. Surprised at the sudden action, Li QuanYin flinched but gradually calmed down as soon as Feng XiaLin made her sit.

Feng XiaLin gave her a serious look, he asked, "His wife?! Do you even know how monstrous that person is? Why did you marry him?!"

"I know." Li QuanYin admitted, "But do you think I wanted to marry him out of my own will? I was forced to do it! My village was burnt down and my elder brother was killed! He said that if he can't have me then the remaining villagers will be killed! He also threatened my Father that he will take my younger brother as his sex slave if Father didn't agree to his wishes." Li QuanYin continued while breaking down into a mess of a sobbing woman. Feng XiaLin pitied her but he had his own problems to solve.

"How many more concubines does he have?" Feng XiaLin asked while wiping her tears.

"I am not sure." Li QuanYin sniffed, "I guess more than twelve."

Feng XiaLin looked at her in disbelief, "You're not sure? What do you mean?"

Li QuanYin nodded before pondering, she continued, "Hm maybe more than that. After all, some women are caged underground to serve as his sexual playthings. Some girls were even aged sixteen or below and they are already bearing his children."

Feng XiaLin cursed angrily, "That scum!"

Li QuanYin continued, "Everyone here knows that. And as your elder, I feel responsible for you. You remind me of my little brother. I despise that man, but I'm still hoping that he kept true to his words and didn't lay his dirty hands on my brother."

Feng XiaLin stared at her with determined eyes, "Then the best thing to do is to find out."

Li QuanYin, "How?"

Feng XiaLin, "Let's escape."

There was a long pause of silence. Feng XiaLin thought that Li QuanYin didn't like the idea so he immediately added, "But I'm not forcing you to come with me. After all, this is a dangerous idea and Rumong might-"

"I will help you. I cannot go with you, but I will help you." Li QuanYin suddenly cut him off.

"But why are you not coming with me? Don't you want to get out of this place?" Feng XiaLin protested.

Li QuanYin bitterly smiled and shook her head, "The women here need my support. If I leave them now, no one will guide them anymore and they will eventually take their own lives due to despair. I'm their remaining light in this dark hell."

Li QuanYin held his hands, her eyes were moist but she said determinedly, "Please, I'm asking you a favour. I'll help you so you can leave this place. But please ask for help from the outside and come back for us. We will wait for you."

Seeing that look of resolution in her eyes, Feng XiaLin hesitantly nodded and willed himself to agree.

They immediately made an escape plan and when the night came, the plan would be executed.

The night finally came and Rumong came to visit Feng XiaLin's quarter, but to his surprise Feng XiaLin was already fast asleep. He then turned around and decided to leave when he heard a commotion. It seemed that his concubines were quarrelling again.

Few minutes later Li QuanYin sneaked into Feng XiaLin's room and made a patterned knock. Feng XiaLin was just feigning sleep earlier so when he heard that knock, he slowly got up and tiptoed his way to the door to greet Li QuanYin.

The woman proved to be useful as she brought with her a key. Using the key, the shackle on Feng XiaLin's ankle was removed. Li QuanYin lead their way as other women covered up their tracks and made a ruckus to distract Rumong. They reached a huge window and there, a long rope that reached the ground was tied.

Li QuanYin passed him an object, "Take this."

She handed him a dagger, she continued, "For your safety. Use it if the situation calls for it."

Feng XiaLin gripped the handle tightly and nodded.

"And this." Li QuanYin added as she handed him a paper.

Feng XiaLin's eyes narrowed, he asked, "What is this?"

Li QuanYin smiled warmly and answered, "It's the map to Rong ZhanWu's grave."

Feng XiaLin's eyes widened. This person knew him?

Li QuanYin laughed lightly, "Don't look at me like that. Everyone here in this Palace knows you. And the Great Sorcerer Rong ZhanWu is a remarkable man. I still can't believe that he was killed."

Feng XiaLin pursed his lips, then she patted his shoulder and added, "Now if you wanted to see him again then go."

Feng XiaLin took the map carefully with his trembling hands. He hugged Li QuanYin, with teary eyes he mumbled, "Thank you."

The pathway to the forest was dark and bushy, but Feng XiaLin managed to find his way nonetheless. He let out an exhausted sigh when he reached the boundary of Rumong's territory. He hadn't rested for that long yet when he suddenly heard some quick footsteps and flapping of wings.

He paused momentarily while anxiously listening to his surroundings. Then a devious voice from the sky barked an order, "Find him! He couldn't have gotten that far yet!"

Feng XiaLin flinched; that voice certainly belonged to Rumong and the guy was currently riding his giant bird again! How did he know that Feng XiaLin escaped? That, he didn't know. His grip on the map tightened as he hurriedly ran towards the northeast direction.

After a few minutes of running, Feng XiaLin struggled to catch his breath. Panting and exhausted, he stopped meter away from the edge of the cliff. With slow deliberate steps, he walked towards a crudely made mound.

It was Rong ZhanWu's grave.

Seeing the mound, Feng XiaLin felt a little bit of happiness and bit of sadness in his heart. He didn't have the chance to mourn so he wanted to do it now. And right now, he really wanted to see his husband; he wanted to confirm that the body buried beneath the soil belonged to the man.

He reached for the dagger from the inside of his robes and quickly dug the soil. He continued digging without care about his soiled robes for few minutes until his dagger pierced a black fabric.

The material was torn and stuck to the dagger. Feng XiaLin inspected it and discovered that it had the silver embroideries that he knew so well. He removed more soil until his hands reached something cold and rigid. Wiping away the remaining dirt from that cold and pale skin, Feng XiaLin was finally staring at that sleeping godly face.

The tears that were welled up in Feng XiaLin's eyes now poured down like a collapsing dam. He crouched down and hugged the cold body while incessantly calling out the Sorcerer's name.

"Rong ZhanWu…" He sobbed softly, "Why did you leave me?"

"That's because he doesn't love you." A malicious voice suddenly rang out. It was Rumong!

Feng XiaLin gasped inaudibly but his embrace on Rong ZhanWu just tightened. He whipped his head to glare at Rumong.

Rumong wore a mocking smile as he stood proudly in front of his men. He continued, "You really are foolish, Feng XiaLin. Did you really think that I will let you go that easily? I gave you all the love and attention that you need, and I will give you more. But now, you really tested my patience and broke my trust. Let me teach you a lesson!"

Feng XiaLin fiercely looked daggers at him as he hissed, "No matter what kind of punishment befall me, I will not submit to you! Rumong, just make sure that I will not escape here alive because if you do, I will make sure that you will regret that you dared to hurt the important people in my life! I will avenge Rong ZhanWu even if it costs me my life! You hear that?!"

Rumong motioned his men forward as he said expressionlessly, "I see. It seems that you still love that piece of cold and battered meat compared to the magnanimous me. I was generous enough to bury him in the soil. But let me demonstrate to you what I will do to his rotting corpse this time!"

His men moved forward while creating razor sharp rotating blades using high level of spiritual energy. One blade was enough to turn the corpse into minced meat, and there were more than twenty of them!

Alarmed, Feng XiaLin raised his dagger in an attempt to protect Rong ZhanWu's body. But he then realized that he was outnumbered and was no match to them. He took a deep breath and mustered all his courage as he pointed the dagger high up to his throat, he declared, "No matter what you do Rumong, I will never be yours. Not in this lifetime, not even in the next life!"

He saw the panicked look on Rumong's face as the man dashed forward to him. Everything seemed to slow down but Feng XiaLin's movement were quick and swift as he plunged the dagger deep to his throat.

The dagger was very sharp that he didn't even felt any pain at his now bleeding neck.

"Feng XiaLin!" Rumong cried as he tried to run and catch Feng XiaLin's collapsing form.

The taste of iron swam in Feng XiaLin's mouth. He formed a smile on his blood trickling lips as he fell to the Sorcerer's side. With weak and trembling arms, he pulled Rong ZhanWu and hugged him as blood continued to pool below his neck. He wasn't afraid of death anymore; in fact, he had this triumphant feeling of seeing Rong ZhanWu again. Maybe in the next life, everything would work better for them.

He snuggled closer at the crook of Rong ZhanWu's neck, he mumbled, "Wait for me Rong ZhanWu."

Shortly after, Feng XiaLin welcomed the comforting darkness.

Feng XiaLin never thought that the coldness and darkness, or even death, would be a wonderful thing. But right then was, they served as sanctuary for their eternal love; preserving its purity for the next millennium to come.

And in the cold darkness of death, they lived happily ever after.

*To refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit = choosing the hard way

Jiang_YingYuecreators' thoughts