
Sacred Heart

"And they lived happily ever after"

A man with a long white hair mumbled softly as he gently patted a boy's head. The boy looked up at his grandfather's phoenix eyes, he asked innocently, "Is there a happy ever after even in death grandfather?"

The man answered, "Of course there is. As long as you are with the person you love, it is still considered a happy ending; thus, a happy ever after."

He barely remembered how many times he had been telling this story to the children inside this same cage. This watchtower, where he had been kept from the outside world like a caged golden phoenix, he had repeated the same line over and over again.

"And they lived happily ever after." He softly spoke again; the look on his eyes was that of longing and reverie. It was when he spoke of those words that his heart only felt at ease.

Because even that monster of a scoundrel forced his way with him, leaving traces of his essence all over, the white haired man kept on repeating those words mentally just to console his self as he cried in pain and disgust. He persevered for a hundred of years now, enough for him to grow old and for his once inky blue hair to turn white.

Even if he was submerged in despair, he kept holding onto those words, convincing himself that everything would be all right.

That he would come back.

He was snapped out of his musing when a girl suddenly asked, "But grandfather, they are both dead. How can this be?"

His hand that was patting the boy's head stopped frigid.

They are dead, that is right.

He might be alive, right now, but his heart had long been dead and buried along with that certain Sorcerer.

"The physical form may perish, but the heart will remain true to its owner's will." He answered as he smiled sadly.

Suddenly, another girl cried out, "Aiya! That monster of a scoundrel! Using underhanded tricks and sneak attacks to kill the Prince! Poor Princess, I hope she is happy now even in death. If I were there, I will use my great father's sword and pierce it through that monster's chest!"

The children then sighed in frustration.

A boy then suddenly said, "Let's not forget the heroic deeds of the Prince's divine beasts. And the lady snake…" he paused for a moment as tears fell down from his innocent face, "it makes me want to skin alive that monster and dry him under the sun!"

Then another boy objected, "No! That is not enough! He must die with a thousand cuts!"

The children started to discuss among themselves with the monster's tragic death as their topic, until the room erupted into a frantic uproar.

The man couldn't help but to laugh inwardly. If only they knew who this monster was, they would surely cower in fear. That monster was none other than that scoundrel of their grandfather.

The door to his room suddenly burst open, causing their attention to shift to the direction. Then came in an old man wearing a majestic brocade with golden intricate designs, his presence carried that of a King's. He confidently walked in along with his eunuchs, he ordered, "Story time is over! Get out of this room this instant!"

It was obviously directed at the children. The kids already knew this so they immediately scrambled to their feet like some startled rats. The man looked at the old man; he wasn't surprised of that old man's cold treatment to the children. After all, they were just his spawns from his numerous concubines.

When the children completely left, the old man ordered the eunuchs to leave as well. After the doors were closed, he turned to the man sitting on the bed and gave him a wicked smile.

"How are you?" The old man greeted as he approached the man sitting on the bed. Lifting his chin up, he smiled viciously. Unfazed by the gesture, the man remained seated like a frigid corpse on his spot. What was really seated on his spot was just a shell of his old self, a ghost. He didn't dare make any defying actions as he knew everything would be futile.

He learnt his lesson a long time ago.

But his resentful eyes didn't conceal the abhorrence that he felt towards this old man for a hundred of years.

"What's that displeased look for, Feng XiaLin?" The old man, Rumong, asked mockingly. "Did you miss me that much? You do not need to worry anymore; I came home just for you to shower you with all my attention." Rumong continued as he reached out his wrinkled hands to pry open the Prince's robes.

Revolted, Feng XiaLin slapped his hands away, hissing, "Do not touch me!"

Rumong raised a brow and sneered, "Why not? We have done it multiple times already." he drawled with his voice conveying a triumphant tone, "For a hundred of years."

Feng XiaLin felt disgusted but he didn't comment further. As if remembering something, Rumong beamed, "I see! Was it because of my concubines?" But Feng XiaLin remained silent.

"Aii…" Rumong sighed, "You don't need to compete with them for my attention. They are nothing compared to you." Feng XiaLin knitted his brows when Rumong sat on his side and continued, "You're incomparable, look at you! You honestly still looked the same, just like a hundred years ago. Your skin, lips, alluring scent, your eyes. They're still as beautiful as before. Your hair might have turned white, but they are still as silky and smooth as before. You never aged my little phoenix."

Rumong rambled sweetly while his hands ran sensually all over Feng XiaLin's body, as if he was probing a fine grade jade in an auction house.

Feng XiaLin couldn't endure the sensation of those filthy hands roaming all over him any longer, he slapped the hands again and warned, "I said do not touch me."

Displeased, Rumong stood up angrily. His temper growing thin, he madly asked, "What are you angry about?! Why are you not letting me touch you? Are you still jealous of those concubines? Fine! I'll dispose of them!"

After speaking, he immediately turned to leave. Feng XiaLin flinched; he didn't want that to happen! Rumong's statement made Feng XiaLin fear those women's safety. Some of them were Princesses and daughters from noble families. But Rumong was unstoppable. He didn't know how but during his early years of captivity, the guy apparently gained influence around half of the continent. Now though, his influence was dominant all over the continent.

Calming himself, he breathed out. Reluctantly throwing his pride, he tried to act docile to stop Rumong.

"Rumong…" he called out softly and he almost tasted the bile in his mouth.

Rumong turned to him and asked coldly, "What is it? If you have more demands then state them immediately. I don't have time for this!"

Feng XiaLin's eyes softened as he stared at him, he fidgeted before he spoke, "It's not about those concubines…"

Rumong, "Then what?"

"It's about the children." Feng XiaLin carefully answered.

"What about them?" Rumong was intrigued.

The prince braved himself, "Don't you think you are being too harsh on them? They're just children. You just came back and greeted them with scolding already."

Rumong's eyes softened, he sat down next to Feng XiaLin again, "Were you displeased because of that?"

'Your presence is more than enough to displease me.' is what Feng XiaLin wanted to say, but instead he answered, "Yes."

Rumong reached Feng XiaLin and embraced him tightly. Feng XiaLin tried his best not to shudder and Rumong spoke woefully, "I never considered being a good grandfather. More so, I never considered those imps as my grandchildren in the first place. They're just the bastards of those women I shared bed with. But if they are my grandchildren bore from you then that's a different case. Of course I will treat them in most special ways. But if that's what you want, then I will treat those imps nicely from now on."

As speaking, he kept on caressing Feng XiaLin's back, as if he intended to roam his hands all over while imagining the different possible ways to defile him again.

Feng XiaLin pushed him away causing a confused look on Rumong's face. He then diverted the topic, "Enough. Why are you even here? What caused your sudden visit?"

Rumong beamed at once after being reminded of his sudden visit. He let go of Feng XiaLin and went in front of the doors, he gleefully said, "I want to introduce you someone!"

By the look of excitement on Rumong's face, Feng XiaLin couldn't help but to think that whatever Rumong was excited about, it couldn't be any good.

Rumong opened the doors and a man in his thirties entered. He wore a dark blue robe designed with black embroideries. He was a fine man, but there's nothing pretty much attractive about him. One look and you could easily tell that he was Rumong's spawn. He clearly resembled the monster; from his slanted eyes, raised eyebrows, strong jaws, thin upward lips, and most of all the smug look on his face.

Feng XiaLin's eyes narrowed in suspicion, he asked, "What about him?"

Rumong let the man sit on the chair in front of Feng XiaLin while he sat on the bed with Feng XiaLin again. The Prince felt sullied by that gaze the man was giving him; it's as if he wanted to lick him all over right then and there. His eyes gleamed indecently which made Feng XiaLin feel stripped bare and naked. He subconsciously pulled his robe tighter around his body.

Rumong continued, "I hope you remember him. He is Wu GaoYu, my youngest son bore from lady Wu. He will inherit my throne. You see, I am getting old so I wanted him to inherit everything that I own."

Feng XiaLin suddenly felt a foreboding feeling, he asked while trying to look indifferent, "Why are you telling me this?"

Rumong casually answered, "That's because you are my wife."

Cold sweat formed on Feng XiaLin's forehead, he spoke viciously, "You are implying something."

Rumong stood up and looked at Feng XiaLin under his domineering gaze, "You are included in that inheritance."

Feng XiaLin's eyes widened in shock, all the muscles in his body trembled but not a single inch of his body managed to move. He growled in disbelief, "You animal! I'm not some kind of possession!" Feng XiaLin backed away to the wall like a cornered beast, "After you had your way with me, you even wanted to give me to your son like a used cloth! Let me go this instant, or I will definitely not have any second thoughts of taking my own life right in front of your eyes!"

The father and son stood up languidly, unfettered by Feng XiaLin's threats, they walked toward him. Rumong smirked, looking at Feng XiaLin sardonically, "You would not dare. Remember what happened the last time you did that? Performing those stunts again will only cause you grief."

Feng XiaLin's breathing almost stopped that instant. He remembered clearly well what happened after his attempted suicide. Feng XiaLin thought he escaped from his rotten predicament, but the next time he woke up, he was once again dragged back to this pit of hell by Rumong.

As a punishment, Rumong excavated Rong ZhanWu's grave and destroyed his corpse right in front of Feng XiaLin's eyes. Feng XiaLin could still remember the ache that he felt in his heart upon seeing the process. He screamed his throat dry as they incinerated the body of is lover. The flame that turned the Sorcerer's corpse into bones was too hot that it turned blue, but it was not hot enough to dry away the tears of anger that incessantly poured down his eyes. He clawed the soil until his hands bleed as he struggled to break free, but they firmly held him down.

Defeated, Feng XiaLin kowtowed numerous times, his head hitting the ground as he pleaded for Rumong to spare his lover and leave him with an intact corpse. And that's how Rumong managed to made Feng XiaLin marry him.

But Rumong was not satisfied by that, he had also ordered his men to cease and kill all of the concubines and house attendants who helped Feng XiaLin escape. On the execution night, Rumong dragged Feng XiaLin to the palace ground. The Prince was forced to watch the massacre while Rumong sat languorously on his throne as if he's watching a musical performance.

The wail of those women disturbed him to the core. Their cries were like thorns that were slowly wrapping around his heart. He would never forget the despair on their eyes as they beg for help, and the lifelessness that painted on them after their lives have been brutally taken away. Blood painted the ground after that. The memories still hunt Feng XiaLin down. He would carry the guilt as long as he lived.

Feng XiaLin slumped to the floor, his knuckles turned white as he clenched his fist. His head hung low while tears silently flowed like pearls from his eyes.

Rumong walked closer, he crouched down and patted Feng XiaLin's head, "Even your teeth itch, you have to obey me." He held Feng XiaLin's hands and supported him to stand up, he continued, "Come now my love, show GaoYu how obedient you can be."

As speaking, he started undoing Feng XiaLin's outer robe and led him once again to the bed. Feng XiaLin immediately knew what this action meant, what this old man wants him to do.

With glassy eyes, he slowly climbed on the bed and lied down.

Rumong faced GaoYu and said, "GaoYu, you might want to test you future wife?"

GaoYu's face lit up upon the suggestion. He immediately climbed on top of the bed, but he was suddenly grabbed by the back of his robe by Rumong. Rumong warned with a frown, "Feng XiaLin is delicate, be gentle to him. Don't you dare break him. His power is essential for your upcoming regime."

GaoYu held up his hands in pretence of surrender, he said, "I'm not a ravenous dog, Lord Father."

Rumong sat on that same chair facing the bed and continued to watch GaoYu climbed on top of Feng XiaLin. Satisfied that Feng XiaLin didn't make a move, he sighed and smirked.

GaoYu started undoing Feng XiaLin's belt before excitedly shedding off his inner robe, revealing that smooth and pearly white skin of his chest.

Having his skin being suddenly exposed to cold air, Feng XiaLin had the urge to cough up blood and bile. GaoYu suddenly pointed out, "Aiya… How can this be?! I can't believe it!"

"What do you mean?" Rumong asked.

GaoYu replied in bewilderment, "Through all these years, this man never aged. Truly a beautiful and fascinating creature!"

Feng XiaLin averted his gaze but GaoYu gripped his jaw tight, he continued while caressing Feng XiaLin's smooth skin, "I used to admire his beauty when I was a mere child. His skin, slender body, luscious lips, silky hair, phoenix eyes, not to mention his alluring scent; everything is still the same! I can't believe that I would have the chance to have him. I'm truly grateful for Lord Father's generosity. I will treasure him as long as I live."

Rumong chuckled as he rested his chin on his right hand, "You should be. And he will remain beautiful like a rare jade for more generations to come, thanks to Rong ZhanWu. He loves Feng XiaLin so much that he gave him most of his spiritual powers, he even sealed his appearance. Truly admiring as a man!"

Upon hearing the Sorcerer's name, Feng XiaLin instinctively slapped away the roaming hands of GaoYu. Pulling himself up, he pushed the man out of the bed before backing away to the head of the bed. Rumong stood up in alarm.

"Aiyo!" GaoYu yelped as he soothed his sore bottom, "You ungrateful thing!"

GaoYu then pounced on Feng XiaLin and he pinned him onto the bed. Feng XiaLin struggled to break free by kicking and thrashing, but Rumong securely held his legs down. Rumong laughed coldly, "Hah! You really did it now Feng XiaLin!"

Feng XiaLin didn't manage to retort when he felt that GaoYu was licking his lips. That nasty rough tongue glided over Feng XiaLin's lips as if it wanted to enter.

Disgusted, Feng XiaLin did open his mouth and let that maggot enter. GaoYu was overjoyed for a second when suddenly, Feng XiaLin bit the man's tongue. The taste of iron flooded the two's mouth. GaoYu immediately backed away as he cried in pain, Feng XiaLin on the other hand spat out the remaining blood in his mouth.

Feng XiaLin hatefully spat, "That is more than a rat like you could ever dream of!"

Enraged, GaoYu slapped him hard causing his vision to spin for a moment. Rumong was alarmed and he warned, "GaoYu! That's enou-"


Rumong's words were suddenly cut off by the sound of loud explosion. The father and son stopped their action and looked at each other. Then the sound of hurried knocking was heard, GaoYu went to partially open the doors only to be met by their anxious eunuchs. They explained the situation, GaoYu nodded while listening but mere seconds later his face turned grim. He dismissed them with barks of orders.

Rumong approached and asked in a low tone voice, "What happened? You look unwell."

GaoYu whispered as he dragged Rumong away, his face blanched and cold sweat fell from his forehead, "The Gong sect is here and they want your presence. They're here to ask you about the Prince and the Sorcerer's death. The Emperor along with the alliance is here too!"

Rumong's face turned grim. He fixed his robes and grunted, "What brings this up again so suddenly? I remember giving them my explanation few decades ago!"

He then turned to Feng XiaLin and softened his expression, he reprimanded, "Feng XiaLin, behave while I'm gone. I'll return to you shortly after this."

Still dazed and confused, the Prince pushed himself up while he watched the two's retreating form. After the doors closed with a click, Feng XiaLin hastily stood up from the bed; he paced back and forth while thinking of a plan to escape. He would use the commotion outside to distract them. But then he remembered; Rumong must have stationed several guards outside to watch him.

Hopeless, Feng XiaLin sat on the floor. But then the door creaked open again. There came in a young man wearing a guard's uniform. But oddly enough, his face was something that Feng XiaLin knew very well. His eyes widened in shock and his breathing halted for a second. But how could he be still so young up to until now? And why is he a guard under Rumong's regime?

The guard carefully approached him with light footsteps, as if he was afraid that he would startle the Prince. Feng XiaLin doubtfully called, "G-Gong ShenGe…?"

The guard smiled warmly as he picked up Feng XiaLin's robe from the ground and covered the Prince with it. He explained, "If you call me by that name, then you are probably Young Master Feng XiaLin. Sorry to disappoint you but I am not that person. If you are looking for him then he is outside, dealing with Rumong. I am Gong Yuan, his grandson."

Feng XiaLin was surprised, he tightened his robes around him and said, "Oh my! I apologize. You really looked the same."

Gong Yuan assisted him to his feet, he calmly said, "Do not worry Young Master; my grandmother also says the same thing."

Even though this Gong Yuan held him, Feng XiaLin didn't feel revolted at all. This young man's firm hold on him was that of protection and support, absent of any malicious intent, and Feng XiaLin felt comfortable at the moment.

"Young Master," Gong Yuan continued, "we'll be freeing you from Rumong. My grandfather hopes that you didn't get attached to Rumong."

Feng XiaLin frowned and he jokingly responded, "What does your old man think of me, a maiden that is easily swayed? And don't call me Young Master anymore; I am much older than you think. I shared the same generation as your grandfather."

Gong Yuan laughed, "It's difficult to admit but I agree. But looking at Young Master now, I still can't convince myself. No wonder my old man once fell for you." As speaking, Gong Yuan was busy on removing the shackle on Feng XiaLin's ankle.

Feng XiaLin was surprised, he asked, "He did? But how? Since when?"

Gong Yuan stood up and held his hands, he said, "A long time ago, when the two of you first met. But he didn't dare make any advances at you, afraid that you will hate him. He thought that it was impossible for two men's romantic relationship to work out, so he gave up the thought."

Gong Yuan turned to look at his agape expression, he smiled, "But to think that you married the great Sorcerer, it was really a pity for my grandfather that I almost wanted to cry for him."

Feng XiaLin contemplated for a moment, and then Gong Yuan gripped his hand gently and said, "Young Master, let's go. My father and grandfather are just buying us some time to escape. This palace will be sieged very soon; I must get you out of here."

Feng XiaLin nodded and they started to run out of the room. When Feng XiaLin stepped out of the watchtower, the warmth of the sunset and afternoon breeze immediately kissed his skin. It was the sensation that he had almost forgotten.

While running, he made a quick glance to the side and there he saw numerous men of Rumong were being apprehended. Then a sudden explosion shook the ground, Feng XiaLin lost his footing but Gong Yuan held him firmly as support. When they were out of the palace ground, Gong Yuan unsheathed his sword, held Feng XiaLin by his waist and hopped on the weapon. Gong Yuan thrusted the sword forward and off they flew away.

While flying mid-air, Feng XiaLin suddenly said, "Tell your old man, I'm sorry."

"For what?" Gong Yuan asked in confusion.

Feng XiaLin, "I wasn't able to reciprocate his feelings. He went to great lengths of rescuing me today, but I'm afraid my heart remains devoted to Rong ZhanWu."

Gong Yuan chuckled, and then he laughed until his stomach hurts. It was Feng XiaLin's turn to be confused, he asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Gong Yuan wiped the tears that formed on his eyes, he breathed out calming himself before answering, "Young Master, you really are pure-hearted. My grandfather made the right decision of taking you back from those animals. Do you know he's been planning this attack for almost sixty years? Forming an alliance with the emperor was quite difficult. He wasn't convinced that the Great Rong ZhanWu died of illness and you were married off to Rumong as his last will."

Feng XiaLin suddenly felt guiltier. Gong ShenGe was still thinking about him through all those years. Seeing that guilty expression on the Prince's face, Gong Yuan patted his shoulder and said, "But you have nothing to worry about Young Master. You heart shall remain devoted to Master Rong ZhanWu as long as you live. My grandfather did this on his own accord, in account to your short friendship when you were both young. He wanted nothing in return. He felt indebted to you. If it's not for you, he would not meet her loving and doting wife, it's all thanks to you that I'm alive right now."

While they were leaving the palace, multiple explosions were heard and shook the ground. When they were finally out of the vicinity, smoke and fire erupted from the palace's ground rising towards the sky.

They rested for a while at the edge of the forest. Feng XiaLin patted Gong Yuan's shoulder and warily said, "Don't you have to go back and help them retreat? I'm finally free now; doesn't that mean that your mission succeeded? They must retreat now."

Gong Yuan answered, "I cannot do that. It is my task to return you safely to our sect before sending you back to Yun Ming."

Feng XiaLin sighed, "If you insist then that leaves me with no choice. Would you accompany me to a certain place then? There's someone I would like to retrieve."

GaoYu stood up, "Someone? Well if you are talking about the concubines then don't fret. They are currently being rescued as well."

Feng XiaLin blinked, pondering for a bit he smiled and said, "Oh, there's that too. Well then I trust you. But this person is not one of the concubines. Let's hurry or else Rumong's men will get their hands on him again."

They ran for a few minutes until they reached a clearing near the cliff. Satisfied that the place was not disturbed, Feng XiaLin hurriedly went straight ahead. Gong Yuan thought that he decided to jump down the cliff to commit suicide so he immediately ran after him.

Reaching the dull mound, Feng XiaLin immediately dug the soil with bare hands. Gong Yuan breathed a sigh of relief; he also squatted down and started digging without even knowing what he was supposed to dig. Few moments later, Feng XiaLin tugged a cloth and he happily pulled it out.

The cloth wrapping contained a very light material. Gong Yuan eyed the item and asked, "Young Master, what is that?"

Feng XiaLin laid the wrapped item gently on the ground. With a smile and tender care, he untied the cloth. Gong Yuan's eyes widened in shock, all of his muscles froze. No sound came from his mouth.

Feng XiaLin levelled the item in front of his face and he gently placed a light kiss on it; as light as a dragonfly makes contact with water. He cupped the item in front of him again and he placed his forehead on top of it. He said longingly, "We're finally together…"

"Young M-Master, t-that's…" Gong Yuan stuttered.

The object on Feng XiaLin's hands was Rong ZhanWu's skull.

"This is Rong ZhanWu." Feng XiaLin turned to Gong Yuan and smiled. Seeing the agape look on him, he explained, "Do not worry, I did not lose my mind. I just wanted to bring him back with me so I could give him a proper burial."

Feng XiaLin placed the skull back inside the cloth and tied it securely before he stood up.

Gong Yuan continued, "I do not doubt your sanity, Young Master. But all these years, we really thought that Master Rong ZhanWu was being held somewhere by Rumong. We didn't know that he really did…"


Feng XiaLin smiled, "A lot of things happened in a flash during that night. Let us not dwell on it. It's better for us to go now."

The truth was Feng XiaLin doesn't want to remember anymore, because it hurts.

They were preparing to leave when Gong Yuan heard light footsteps.

"Not so fast!" The voice ordered. It was Rumong!

Gong Yuan immediately stood in front of Feng XiaLin and raised his sword, he barked, "Rumong! How did-"

But Gong Yuan didn't finish his sentence when a large blast of spiritual power hit him and threw him to a tree. He lost consciousness immediately after that. Alarmed, Feng XiaLin glared at Rumong, but the face that he saw horrified him.

The flesh on Rumong's face was partially burnt and some chunk of flesh and skin were coming off. Rumong approached him; the gurgling sound from his throat was disturbing beyond imagination.

"Feng XiaLin…" he spoke with difficulty, "Do you know how difficult it was for me to escape from those low lives? I even had to sacrifice GaoYu's life! My only successor!"

Rumong's eyes were red in rage; his saliva flowed from his mouth as he bared his teeth.

Feng XiaLin hugged Rong ZhanWu's remain tightly, praying to all deities that he wouldn't fall to the clutches of this monster again. But then, something on Feng XiaLin's left side shone brightly, it was so dazzling that he was almost blinded. Feng XiaLin turned to it then noticed that it was the ring that Rong ZhanWu gave him. The light engulfed the vicinity for about a li.

After that flash of blinding light passed, he was surprised to see that a golden sword was tightly gripped on his left hand; his ring was gone.

Rumong saw the sword on his hand, his eyes widened in shock and panic. He pointed at the sword while stuttering, "T-That sword!"

Feng XiaLin narrowed his eyes at Rumong; he stood into a fighting stance and raised the weapon. Crazed with rage, Rumong charged towards Feng XiaLin, killing intent glazed his eyes. Feng XiaLin closed his eyes, breathed in and out, and then he opened them again. Using the sword, he made two gigantic incisions to the wind and it was directed at Rumong.

The incisions turned into two golden lethal slashes in the air. Rumong's eyes widened as they approached him, the last thing he saw was the dazzling golden light before his body was neatly cut into four pieces.

"He's…dead." Feng XiaLin muttered when he saw Rumong's body parts fell to the ground.

Feng XiaLin's knees buckled under him, the tears fell from his eyes. Finally, he was free. The long years that he spent in this horrible nightmare had now ended. His tied wings were now unbound, he can go wherever he wanted to.

But his wings were crippled. He had been tainted.

Even if he was free to go wherever he wanted to, he couldn't. There was no place for him to go.

His family was long gone.

The beasts were also gone.

The home that he and Rong ZhanWu shared was gone and burnt to ashes.

Rong ZhanWu was gone.

Rong ZhanWu left him, just when he needed him most.

Feng XiaLin sat on the ground; he looked at the sky and smiled with a crazed expression. The smile turned into chuckle, until the chuckle turned into a hysteric laugh. His body shook as he continued to laugh madly, but while laughing, the tears on his eyes never ceased to flow. From that delirious laugh, he crouched and started weeping, "Why?!" he cried while hitting the ground, "Why do I have to be alone?!"

Why did Rong ZhanWu had to leave him?

Then from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the light of the sword on the ground blinked.

Unconsciously, he rested his right hand on his chest; then he noticed something.

The rhythm of the sword's blinking was synchronized with his own heartbeat!

Slowly, without letting go of his husband's remain, he crawled towards it. He grabbed the hilt and raised it towards the sky. His eyes were moist and beautiful; they sparkled as they reflected the stars on the vast dark evening sky. He smiled longingly, and contentment was finally painted on his face. Feng XiaLin straightened the sword and muttered, "Wait for me Rong ZhanWu."

And the Prince pierced the golden sword straight through his chest.

He plunged it so deep that it went through his back, making sure that he would finally die this time. The taste of iron rapidly rose to his throat, he coughed a mouthful of blood before his body fell to the ground. Feng XiaLin embraced Rong ZhanWu's remain tighter, his body curled into fetal position. He then slid into the darkness.

"This time, we will finally be together."

The darkness that swallowed him felt different than before. Compared to the previous one where he was clouded with uncertainty, this one was very much reassuring. The previous one embraced him, but this one engulfed him. He felt like he was submerged in a vast ocean, he sank deeper and deeper, and the pressure was heavier each time passed.

His chest ached and for him it was a good sign. Maybe because that was the sensation of his own heart stopped beating.

As he sank deeper, he realized that he was not floating in the void anymore, but was actually under the water. As he went deeper, the pressure became greater squeezing his lungs flat. He felt constrained as he choked for breath. He raised his hands, hoping somebody would grab it, but in a blink of an eye everything went blank.

In the void, he heard someone call for him.

The next time he regained his consciousness, his mind was still foggy. His eyes were still tightly closed but he felt that he was currently lying in something soft. He heard a buzz but gradually the sound became distinct. At first they were just incoherent mumbles that echoed through his head, but soon they became clearer.



"…Feng XiaLin…"

"Feng XiaLin!"

His eyes immediately opened wide. His body arched when he gasped for air, his hand was tightly held by something. Cold sweat formed all over his face. Over all, he looked like a total mess. He squinted his eyes when his vision was suddenly greeted by the sunrays from the window. He closed his eyes again when he felt that his vision was faintly spinning.

He slowly opened them again; his vision was coming in and out of focus. But he still noticed that someone was looming above him. He fixed his gaze and the silhouette turned clearer.

"Feng XiaLin, answer me!" the concerned voice almost growled.

As Feng XiaLin saw the face of the person, his face contorted in agony and longing. Tears started to well up at the corner of his eyes. His left hand was still tightly held but he lifted his feeble right hand and held that person's face tenderly.

Feng XiaLin spoke hoarsely, "Please, let not this be a dream, Rong ZhanWu."

Rong ZhanWu's other hand went over the top of Feng XiaLin's right hand, savouring his younger lover's touch. His eyes narrowed in concern and anger. His right hand tightened his hold on Feng XiaLin's left hand, in a controlled voice he answered, "This is no longer a dream. I've been calling out to you countless times."

That voice, Feng XiaLin was sure of it!

"Rong ZhanWu..?" he softly spoke.

"It is I." Rong ZhanWu reassured, afraid that the Prince had gone blind and couldn't see him.

Disregarding his dizziness, weakness and throbbing of his head, Feng XiaLin lifted his hands. Clinging to Rong ZhanWu's neck, he locked him in a tight embrace as he cried his heart out calling for the Sorcerer's name.

"Rong ZhanWu! Rong ZhanWu!..." he wailed incessantly like a child.

Rong ZhanWu was shocked but he immediately hugged him back. He did few circular rubs on Feng XiaLin's back while he also patted his head to soothe him. Feng XiaLin felt the tenderness and love in Rong ZhanWu's touches, but he didn't notice the killing intent that clouded the Sorcerer's eyes.

Few moments later, sounds of hurried footsteps were heard. The doors to the room opened wide to reveal a group of anxious people. The very first person to speak from the group was Qin Li.

"Rong ZhanWu, how is Feng XiaLin?!" she asked in a concerned and hurried voice.

She was bearing a worried expression and an appearance of a person that didn't get any sleep. The people behind her also wore the same expression. Upon seeing them, Feng XiaLin tried to cover his eyes to stop himself from wailing any further.

"The sacred beasts…Qin Li…they, they're alive..." he just managed to say before he started weeping again.

From the statement alone, they immediately knew that Feng XiaLin was trapped in a nightmare. It didn't take an idiot to deduce what it meant; they all perished in Feng XiaLin's nightmare and by the looks of it, they didn't meet a good end.

Rong ZhanWu couldn't hold his rage any longer and he casted a spell on Feng XiaLin to put him into a temporary state of frozen slumber, wherein he wouldn't be able to have dreams. He gently laid him down and covered him with blanket. Looking at his face, he brushed away the strands of hair from his face and he tenderly caressed his cheek with the back of his hand.

Rong ZhanWu then stood up; he looked at the other people in the room and ordered, "I'm leaving. Keep your eyes on him."

Qin Li blocked his way, she protested, "Where do you think you are going? You are leaving Feng XiaLin at a time like this?"

Rong ZhanWu glanced at her coldly; he controlled his voice but stated furiously, "I am going to kill Rumong."

They immediately knew that Rong ZhanWu already suspected Rumong. But for him to go there for a direct kill without any proof was very unlikely of him. They believed Rong ZhanWu was a person who doesn't unjustly jump into conclusion and act recklessly. So for him to act like this puzzled them, but they didn't doubt him the slightest.

The leader of the Giant Black Wolf beasts stepped forward, he respectfully said, "If Master is going, then we will go too. Let us accompany you."

The other beasts looked at each other and nodded in agreement, in unison they said, "We will go as well."

Seeing their determined faces, Rong ZhanWu smirked and calmly spoke, "Very well. We are leaving now."

He grabbed his black outer robe and draped it over his shoulders. Usually, it was Feng XiaLin who fixes his robes for him like a nagging wife. He would always make sure that the Sorcerer was dressed to perfection. But then, that said person was incapable right now; and it was Rong ZhanWu's task to avenge him.

They were about to take their leave, but Rong ZhanWu paused and looked back, he said, "Xia Ru, it is better that you stay here with Qin Li. Take care of Feng XiaLin while I'm away."

"Yes." Xia Ru bowed courteously cupping her hands together. The group vanished immediately after that.

Oddly enough, half an incense stick later, Feng XiaLin broke Rong ZhanWu's spell and regained his consciousness. The first person that he looked for was his husband.

"Rong ZhanWu is out right now," Qin Li calmly explained, "he will be back later. You should rest."

But Feng XiaLin resisted and cried out, "Rumong! He will kill Rong ZhanWu!"

Then Qin Li finally knew that Rong ZhanWu's intuition was right. But then, how did he discover that it was Rumong before Feng XiaLin could even tell them?

The group maneuvered their way in the air in a storming speed. Not half an incense stick later, they reached the top of a foggy mountain. The first thing they saw was a person staggeringly emerged from a stone cave. In a blink of an eye, Rong ZhanWu was already hauling that person's front robes.

"Rumong." Rong ZhanWu deviously drawled, he asked with his poison laced voice, "Where do you think you are going?"

Rumong glared at him, he snorted, "So you already knew?"

Rumong abruptly blasted a powerful amount of spiritual energy to Rong ZhanWu; but the Sorcerer's senses were quicker so he easily dodged the attack.

"Master Rong ZhanWu!" the divine beasts cried in alarm, they were currently in their beast form. But Rong ZhanWu just dusted off his robes, reassuring them that he was fine.

Rumong steadied himself and asked, "As expected of Prince cousin. How did you know it was me?"

Rong ZhanWu eyed the divine beasts signalling them to get into their positions. The beasts obeyed by sneakily moving around Rumong.

"Instinct." Rong ZhanWu curtly replied as he threw multiple talismans to Rumong, sounds of several explosions ensued. The beasts were on high alert, never letting even the shadow of Rumong escape.

Through the smoke filled surrounding, Rumong's maniacal laugh echoed, "Ha ha ha ha! You know, I never expected you to take revenge for something petty like that! You've changed."

Something petty? Rong ZhanWu's eyes narrowed into slits.

Rumong laughed again. The hysteric laugh was displeasing to Rong ZhanWu's ears, for him it sounded like a delirious man on the verge of death and was still putting up a fight. Rong ZhanWu blasted him with another storm of spiritual power; Rumong's noise was suddenly cut off after that. The beasts put up an array on the ground, immobilizing him.

As the smoke dispersed, Rumong was already crouching on the ground coughing up blood. He pitifully said, "How can you be like this to your dear little cousin? You have such a black heart!"

"My hand slipped." Rong ZhanWu casually answered. And in a blink of an eye, he was already in front of Rumong and was actually stepping on his head.

Rong ZhanWu smirked, he coldly spoke, "I didn't know that I could kill you so easily like this. Was your spiritual power impaired because Feng XiaLin managed to escape from you illusionary spell?"

"What are you talking about?!!!" Rumong yelled, but the weight on his head only grew heavier.

The Sorcerer expressionlessly said, "Soul Thief Demon."

Rumong tried to lift his head to give Rong ZhanWu another burst of displeasing cackle; but Rong ZhanWu beat him to it as he stomped his feet to his head, grinding it to the ground. He hissed, "You dare try to steal him from me!"

Rumong's face contorted but that didn't stop him from provoking the Sorcerer further. He chuckled, "Feng XiaLin is a fine man with a fine body, as smooth and exquisite as jade. I have to tell you that I enjoyed taking him underneath me and marked him all over. Even when hesitating, his voice still gave off those sensual sounds. It's just a pity that you didn't touch him even once. Even mine was just an illusion, it still counted as mine! Just a little bit more and I would be able to suck his power and pure life essence! But yo-!"

Rumong's hysteric loud voice was immediately cut off when his face made a sudden contact with Rong ZhanWu's iron fist. The punch weighed a hundred tons of disgust and a thousand tons of rage. Even the divine beasts were urged to jump at him and smack him senselessly. How dare he taint their master in the most indecent way!

Rong ZhanWu's eyes were seething with fury, he roared, "That's more than a scum like you should ever dream for!"

The Sorcerer raised his hand to the air, a sphere of dark purplish matter rapidly formed above him. Seeing that purple-black sphere, Rumong's eyes widened in panic, he stuttered, "Y-You w-wou-wouldn't do t-that to your o-own cou-s-sin!"

"Who's my cousin?" Rong ZhanWu stated indifferently.

Rumong's face contorted in horror, he was beyond terrified that his eyes welled up with tears; snot flowed down his nose mixed with blood. His head was bloody and his pretty face was scarred too. He coughed up blood as he breathed in and out heavily with panic.

"I will snuff out the life from you, in a way that you will never be reborn." Rong ZhanWu stated impassively, but his eyes were gleaming with bloodlust.

"Rong ZhanWu! No!" a panicked voice suddenly called out, it belonged to Feng XiaLin!

The terror and panic overwhelmed Rumong, so after hearing the sudden cry, he was shocked to unconsciousness. He pathetically slumped to the dirt face first; anyone who would see him will definitely think that he fainted due to heart attack and died instantly.

Rong ZhanWu on the other hand slowly turned his head to Feng XiaLin's direction. His face immediately relaxed and his expression softened after seeing his younger lover. The dark matter gradually disappeared above him and the beasts secretly sighed in relief.

If their master really tried to use that sphere on Rumong, then there was no doubt that this entire mountain would be wiped out!

Supported by Qin Li, Feng XiaLin rushed towards Rong ZhanWu and locked him in a tight embrace. He was still weak so the Sorcerer supported him by hugging him back; but he gave Qin Li a glare.

Qin Li flinched, "Don't look at me like that. I tried my best to stop him, but he insisted on seeing you; saying that Rumong will kill you."

Feng XiaLin anxiously asked, "Are you all right? Did he manage to land an attack on you?"

Rong ZhanWu smirked, but deep inside he was still furious, "What do you think of me? I didn't become the greatest Sorcerer for nothing."

Qin Li eyed the surroundings and deduced that few minutes earlier Rumong got the taste of Rong ZhanWu's wrath. While the beasts were tying the now unconscious Rumong with spiritual binding cables, Qin Li couldn't help but ask, "So, how did you find out?"

Rong ZhanWu was still soothing Feng XiaLin and whispering him with some comforting words, he then answered without sparing her a glance, "Aside from I suspected that the concoction that he gave Feng XiaLin was laced with soul snatching poison, I also considered something else. The moment he came back from that ridge, I suspected that it was no longer Rumong."

Qin Li's brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

While fixing the Prince's robes, Rong ZhanWu answered, "Whoever enters that ridge can never go back to the living again. It might be his body but it's not the same Rumong that we know anymore. He was replaced by something sinister. A fierce demon."

Qin Li narrowed her gaze at Rumong before turning to Rong ZhanWu again, "Then this is not Rumong? And you knew all about this but you didn't tell us. You kept it for five years?!"

Rong ZhanWu turned away, "I just had a hunch. I should have believed what that priestess told me. There's no such thing as miracle when it comes to the ridge."

"The Priestess? Who is this person?" Qin Li queried.

Rong ZhanWu, "She guards the ridge. She would suck out the life of whoever enters her territory."

Qin Li suspiciously questioned, "You saw her?"

Rong ZhanWu nodded, "Yes, in the Han ridge."

Qin Li was surprised and puzzled at the same time, "If so, then how come you're still alive and telling me what she has done to everyone who entered the ridge? Could it be that you're a fierce demon too?"

Rong ZhanWu turned around, he calmly spoke, "My case was a special one and I can't say the exact details. But I assure you that I am Rong ZhanWu."

The beasts were done restraining and sealing Rumong, they approached the three and asked, "Master, we have apprehended him"

Feng XiaLin recoiled; he didn't dare look at Rumong's unconscious form. Rong ZhanWu noticed the reaction and gently squeezed the Prince's right hand, calming him down. He ordered, "Take him to the underground dungeon."

The beasts bowed and off they went.

Qin Li asked, "What are you planning to do to him now?"

Rong ZhanWu, "Make him suffer."

"You softened." Qin Li commented.

Rong ZhanWu coldly said, "Death is just an easy escape for him. It's not enough as a payback for what he did to my Feng XiaLin."

While saying, Rong ZhanWu encircled his arms around Feng XiaLin's waist and hopped on the fire breathing bird; Qin Li followed them as well.

Feng XiaLin suddenly remembered, he tugged at Rong ZhanWu's sleeve and muttered, "I'm sorry."

Rong ZhanWu, "For what?"

Feng XiaLin averted his gaze, "In my dream you died because of me."

Rong ZhanWu, "I'm willing to die for you."

Feng XiaLin's brows knitted, his eyes narrowed into slits, "Are you delusional? You were killed because of me! If it wasn't because you gave me most of your spiritual powers, you wouldn't be killed easily by Rumong!"

Rong ZhanWu tilted his head to the side and confidently smiled, he bragged, "Do not worry. I can't be killed that easily. It's true that I gave you more than half of my spiritual powers, but that is for your own safety. But I guess the amount wasn't enough so I'll be giving you more.

Feng XiaLin was stunned, "What?! So you actually did?! A-Are you alright?"

Rong ZhanWu patted his head, "You have nothing to worry about. I can easily replenish my energy. I just have to cultivate or dual cultivate with you for faster results!"

Qin Li choked with her own saliva, "Please make sure I'm not at home when the two of you do that."

Feng XiaLin, "Dual Cultivation?" But Rong ZhanWu didn't answer further and just smiled at him.

The stars and the moonlight on the slowly darkening sky contrasted Rong ZhanWu's pitch-black persona. Feng XiaLin's gaze was glued on that pale but alluring face. He felt like it had been a hundred of years indeed since he last seen this face, so he stared for a long while.

Rong ZhanWu shot him a glance, he smirked, "Am I good looking?"

"Sorry." The Prince's face flushed but he also nodded, "I couldn't help it."

Rong ZhanWu sat closer to him; he whispered seductively, "Since when did you develop the habit of staring at me like that? Don't you know that it's turning me on?"

Rong ZhanWu intended to tease the Prince to elevate the mood, but Feng XiaLin didn't answer. Instead, he kissed Rong ZhanWu on the lips before hugging him tightly. Burying his face to the Sorcerer's chest, he hid his expression and said, "I've missed you."

Rong ZhanWu was caught off guard by that kiss. Feng XiaLin's execution was so swift that he didn't manage to savour it. He desperately wanted to do it again!

"It's over now." Rong ZhanWu calmly spoke, "Everything was just an illusion; no matter what happened or how many years have passed there, everything wasn't real."

Feng XiaLin's body trembled, his voice shook, "B-But he marked me all over… I feel disgusting. I'm filthy now Rong ZhanWu."

The Sorcerer gulped. That demon actually violated his Prince in that alternate world. Rong ZhanWu would make it appoint that 'Rumong' would suffer tenfold and would die a very not peaceful death. He would extremely torture him to the extent that he would beg for his own death and he would wish to be never born again.

"Feng XiaLin," Rong ZhanWu stated, "you are not filthy. You are still as pure as a rare jade. All that scum had just managed to do was to implant you with disturbing and fake memories in attempt to break you. But guess what?"

Feng XiaLin stared at the Sorcerer's smiling face, "What?"

"You didn't." He finally answered and planted a kiss on the Prince's lips. He then broke the contact and said with a confident smile, "Because you love me. You exceeded my expectations."

Feng XiaLin bashfully asked, "Then what will you do if I didn't wake up?"

"I will follow you; even in the next life." Rong ZhanWu resolutely answered.

Feng XiaLin was saddened, "Don't do that. To be stuck there alone was more than enough; I don't want to drag you as well. I am just thankful that there were people who helped me escape."

Rong ZhanWu asked curiously, "Who are these people? I shall thank them properly."

Feng XiaLin, "You don't have to. They were Rumong's concubines, a hundred years old Gong ShenGe and his grandson. They don't exist, except for Gong ShenGe." He then smiled and added, "I forgot to tell you, this ring also saved me. It turned into a golden sword!"

Rong ZhanWu chuckled; he held Feng XiaLin's left hand passionately and asked, "Did you use it to kill Rumong in that world?"

"Yes." Feng XiaLin lowered his head and stared at the ring, "And I used it to end my life as well."

Rong ZhanWu's hand grew cold and stopped its movement. Qin Li, who overheard the statement, also felt a sudden chill but didn't react further.

"XiaLin," Rong ZhanWu stated, "No matter what happens, promise me that you will not harm yourself anymore."

"I will," Feng XiaLin answered, "If you also promise me that you will stay by my side forever."

"I promise." Rong ZhanWu swore, "And I will protect you as long as I live. So please, don't be impulsive anymore. This Sorcerer can't bear losing you again."

Feng XiaLin's body slightly froze. That was the closest confession that he could extract from Rong ZhanWu yet. Mustering his courage, he said, "Only you made me feel this way. I started to realize that I can't imagine my life without you. But it will be difficult for the both of us if our feelings aren't mutual. Rong ZhanWu, do you l-love me?"

The Sorcerer eyed him seriously, '"Were you doubting my feelings for you? Only you made my life worth living."

"Then," Feng XiaLin steadied his voice, "if you do, say it to my face. I don't want to have any doubts in my heart."

Rong ZhanWu breathed out to brave himself, fixing his expression he held Feng XiaLin's hands and planted a kiss on them. Looking up at Feng XiaLin's shocked and crimson face, he declared, "I love you Feng XiaLin, more than anything in this world."

"You are my world."

I didn't mean to cause distress, but I only forgot to upload this chapter. I was focusing for my licensure examination so I totally forgot. But I thought I uploaded this. Maybe that was a dream? Hehh...

*Being called a 'damn author' sure hurts XD

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