
Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility

In a world called Gaia. A different timeline has emerged, a foreigner from another world has arrived. With the strength of will and a faulty memory. Will he change the world? Or lead it to ruin far faster with the villain?

Khay_Cee_Padua · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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153 Chs

Omake: Marauder Empress

While travelling through the void, Alexandra who finally had enough tried to get to him forcefully. They have been to numerous worlds, but they haven't been able to meet up and only messages were exchanged.

In her time while having the infinity stones, she studied the intricacies of the time and space stone extensively. And with her patience running thin, Alex decided to get to their location personally. Though it wasn't that easy.

With Tifa and Aerith's help, she ripped the space and with her connection to Ramiel. They were able to located him. But in doing so, they opened up a rift while he was trying to protect the vessel they were on outside of the ship.

"Wait a minute, what the heck is happening?" Ramiel felt spatial distortions and heard Alexandra's voice. "We will be observing your next destination and meet up with you there!" He was about to reply, but the sudden distortion in space while they were in the void destabilized his shielding.

"Fuck me, does something like this always has to happen? Samus! The space around us is getting more and more unstable! Alexandra is trying to reach me!" He strained as the space tried to contort back to normal.

"I'll meet you guys in another universe! I have to let go! The distortion is tied to me!" Ramiel gritted his teeth and can't hold on much longer. He then got swept away so Samus and the others can travel safely.

Due to the violent space quakes, he had to enter a new universe quickly and he fell from the skies. "Damn it Alexandra, you're too goddamned impatient." He sighed and righted himself in the air. He frowned when he checked his energy reserves. It was almost empty, so he looked around for a place to rest and saw a little port village.

"Hmmm, this place looks a bit stuck in medieval times. But the energy here isn't concentrated in the planet. I should investigate further later. Gotta get some rest for now." He flew to the village and decided to use his wings as a tool to make them be afraid or in awe.

Landing in the middle of the village, he looked at the bystanders and they were obviously frozen in fear. "You! Who runs this place?" He picked up a villager with telekinesis and grabbed him on the neck. He wasn't in the mood to be cordial, hence the forceful route.

"T-the village chief is there! Please don't kill us oh great spirit!" Ramiel raised a brow at being called a spirit. "Where am I?" He wanted to know the place and might learn the world upon learning of a few places.

"You are in Yokoya Port, please! We are just poor farmers and fishers!" The guy begged for his life. "I am going to be erecting my residence there in that place, I do not want any of you to disturb me, understand?" He squinted his eyes and the farmer nodded quickly.

Ramiel went to the nearby forest and started building a house for now. "Tough luck, I don't know a thing about this world. Maybe it's just a generic world without any magic whatsoever?" He tried feeling for energy sources. but it was faint. Like it was concentrated in another dimension.

"I should just rest for now." He took out a bed and started to lie on it. Recuperating his energy that will take some time so he could get out of there. He closed his eyes and decided to check the faint energy source.

He entered a realm that was quite unique. It was filled with natural energy, kind of like Mako. But it was different. "Where the hell am I? It's like those cultivation places." Ramiel could feel wells of energy around the place.

Travelling for a bit due to curiosity, he found a barren wasteland with a twisted tree. It felt sinister and he of course checked if it was dangerous. Touching the tree, negativity came from it and it was trying to influence him. Ramiel snorted and stared at it. "What a weak ass attempt in trying to corrupt me."

He was quite surprised though, seeing a giant centipede that emerged from the tree that had a white face on it. "Hmmm, a human in the spirit world? How curious." The centipede's face talked and he was quite creeped out by the thing.

"What the hell are you? A centipede creep that kidnaps children?" He backed off a bit and the centipede looked at him in interest. It went closer to him and some legs in front of it extended towards him.

"Ew, don't touch me you disgusting fuck." Ramiel swatted away the limbs and frowned heavily in disgust. The centipede spirit tried stealing his face. He was able to steal the faces of people that show any expression to him, but nothing happened.

"What? Who are you, mortal. Why can I not steal your face?" The centipede was agitated and Ramiel raised a brow. "You tried stealing my handsome face? You better explain yourself in a few seconds or I'll show you why that was the worst idea of your life."

"I am Koh, the face stealer." It blinked and its face changed to a beautiful woman. "Wait, I know you from somewhere. I'm sure of it... Ah! You're that creepy asshole that steals the faces of people!" He had an epiphany and was sure that he was in the world of Avatar. And he was currently in the spirit realm.

"Why yes, it is surprising you know me. Now, who are y-" Before it could finish its sentence, Ramiel squeezed with his hand and slammed the centipede to the ground. "You don't ask questions, insect. I do, and you've had quite the run ins with people huh? Being an asswipe." He looked at the centipede coldly.

"W-what do you want? Why are you here!?" The spirit that has stolen many faces, even the face of an avatar's lover felt fear for the first time. "Heh, you're going to find that out soon." His arm turned ethereal and he plunged it right onto its body.

Koh screamed bloody murder as Ramiel rummaged through its body, locating the spiritual faces of the people it stole from. He then ripped them out one by one slowly. As payback for the ones that were trapped due to its malicious machinations.

After a few minutes, Ramiel finished and he started siphoning the energy of the centipede. "No! What are you doing!? I can feel my existence get fainter!" The spirit tried resisting, but Ramiel continued in absorbing it for a nice boost.

"You've been stealing a lot for a long time. And I'm gonna steal something from you too. A little taste of your own medicine, don't worry though. Nobody will miss you, and if someone does. Then they're probably like you too. So I will reunite you with them inside my body." Ramiel gave a wide grin.

The centipede screamed as it vanished, its spiritual energy completely devoured and absorbed by Ramiel. "Creepy ass centipede stealing faces. It did have a lot of energy though, thanks for the meal."

He returned to the physical realm for now, because he didn't want to deal with more evil spirits for now. Lying down on his bed, he thought of what to do. "Who is the current avatar? I'm going to have to check later. Maybe I can find them in the spirit world?"

While reminiscing about the show, he felt a person outside and sighed. Standing up, he was about to shoo the curious stalker, but what he saw made him frown. It was a girl that was about 12 or 13 that was skinny as hell.

She was carrying some obviously almost rotting fish and moldy bread. And it was barely enough for a medium sized dog. Her hair was so grimy and dirty that she looked like she hasn't bathed for a year. Her clothes filled with holes and dirt.

"I am sorry! Please forgive me!" The girl immediately kneeled down in terror and begged for forgiveness. "What are you doing here? Stand up." He ordered and the girl slowly stood up, her legs shaking as they were filled with scratches and wounds.

"Great spirit, I was just looking for something to eat, please don't punish me." She was trembling in fear and Ramiel scratched his head, sighing. With a flick of his wrist, water covered the girl and all the dirt and grime on her was vigorously taken off by the water.

He then casted a curaga on her and all of her scars and wounds disappeared. "Come on inside girl." He went inside back to his home and she just stared at him, surprised and in awe. "What are you waiting for? Come on, I won't punish you or anything." He urged her to go in as she was in a daze.

The girl entered the house and was surprised that the floor was warm, her cold bare feet feeling quite nice. "Go on, sit down right there." He took out some chairs and a table. The girl sat down and looked around in curiosity. Seeing the house that was made out of solid marble.

After she sat down, Ramiel took out a steaming hot pizza from his inventory and some orange juice. He slid it to her, but she just stared at him even though she was trembling from desire to scarf it down and eat her fill.

"Go on, what's the matter? I prepared that just for you." He gave a slight smile and she slowly, but surely reached out to take a slice of pizza. "Careful, you might burn your tongue. It's hot you know? Take your time, it won't suddenly disappear."

The girl took a bite and she hung her head low. He was confused, but the girl began sniffling and she started crying.

"What? Was it that bad?" He tried to cheer her up, but she cried even harder. "No... It's the best food I've ever eaten in my life." Her voice cracked and trembled. She then continued savoring the slice of pizza like it was the last thing she'll ever eat in the world.

Ramiel frowned and he patted her head softly. "I've got a lot more where that came from. Come on, eat your fill."

After she calmed down and continued eating, he gave a smile and thought that she was a pretty strong girl, able to live alone like that for who knows how long.

"How old are you?" He started talking to her so she could open up some more. "I'm 7, great spirit." Ramiel was surprised. Because she looked like 12 or 13 based on her height. And the girl was malnourished as hell too.

"Wow, you're pretty big for your age. And call me Ramiel, how about big brother too?" He smiled at her and patted her head.

"Y-yes... Big brother Ramiel. Thank you for the blessing." She started to relax more and she began scarfing down the food in front of her.

She almost choked too, grabbing the glass of orange juice and chugging it down. Her eyes shone when she tasted it.

"So, what happened to you?" After she was full, he asked. Because based on her earlier appearance, she must have been living like that for a year or two on her own.

"My... My parents left me here... They paid a farmer to take care of me. But once they left, I was thrown out in the streets and was left to starve to death. I rummage through the garbage for food. And the adults beat me up whenever they catch me doing it." She looked down on the ground with a forlorn expression.

Ramiel clenched his hand and the girl could almost feel his blood pressure rise. He did breathing exercises to calm himself down or he'll kill people.

He noticed that the girl was nodding off, probably because it was the first time she had been full, clean, and safe for a long time.

Taking out another bed, he carried her and tucked her in. "Rest now, kid. We'll get out of here tomorrow." He decided to at least take care of her for now before he is able to exit the universe.

With a sigh, he lied back down on his bed and squinted his eyes. "Hmmm, should I bury this village? No, there are still kids here. We'll just ignore them."

After an hour of relaxing for a bit, he saw the girl wake up after a nightmare. She immediately looked for him and clung to his body, crying.

"Shhh, calm down. I'm right here, I won't leave you." He patted her on the back and gave her some energy to soothe her.

"I... I had a dream, you disappeared. And the adults started beating me up because I was with you." She reiterated her nightmare, but she was starting to breathe more slowly.

"Don't worry, it's just a nightmare. Go back to sleep, yeah?" He unfolded his wings and covered her with it after putting her on top of him.

"Hngh, so warm and soft." She really liked the feel of his wings and began to drift to sleep again. "Goddamn, she really stayed here in this fucked up place for that long?" He sighed and rubbed her back.

"I guess I should sleep too." He rested, Ramiel noticed something about her. She kind of felt like a spirit and a human. But he'd think about it later and just slept for now.

In the morning, the girl was still fast asleep and was totally relaxed. "Probably the best sleep she's had in ages." He put her down on the bed and put some pillows beside her to cling on.

"Hmmm, I should probably check the spirit world again? But I'll just let my soul go in, so she won't freak out when she wakes up and I'm missing." He sat down and made his soul go to the spirit world.

He began absorbing the energy there like a cultivator and he felt like he was more attuned to nature.

"Is this how benders are made? Have a connection with nature?" He started making speculations and would try it later. The energy there wasn't Mako after all, using it won't result in magic. But bending the elements.

After a nice session of sucking up the energy in the spirit world, he returned to the physical realm and he opened his eyes. The girl was staring right at him and just sat there.

"Well, good morning. Are you hungry?" He greeted her and she gave a shy nod. "Okay, let's give you something a little healthier then."

He took out a bowl of assorted berries and nuts, a steak, and some milk. "We need to bulk you up fast. So you'll be eating heavy from now on, alright?"

She looked at the food and gave an excited nod. He watched her eat it all quickly and gave a smile. "That's it, you're malnourished. Your growth will be stunted if you don't eat. And drink this, it'll help."

He gave her the super packed formula he was drinking when he was a baby. She'll bulk up in no time with it. He'll just have to aid her metabolism so she could use all of the stuff she's eating for her development.

"I'm full, thank you very much big brother Ramiel." She cracked a smile and he patted her head. "No problem, uhh. Yeah, now that I think about it I haven't heard of your name."

"Ahh, I haven't told you yet! My name's Kyoshi!" She introduced herself and he patted her head, seeing her be more cheerful.

"Kyoshi, huh? Then how about you come with me? This place isn't for you, we should get out of here yeah?" He smiled and she did too, but she had doubts.

"You won't abandon me like my parents did, right?" She was scared, even though he was the only one who had ever been nice to her since she was supposedly put in the care of the farmer in Yokoya.

"Well, no. I'll definitely make sure you're self sufficient first. But I will still have to leave. Do we have a deal?" He stared at her and she thought about it.

"I don't want you to leave... But if you must leave, then I cannot stop you, big brother Ramiel." She had a sad expression on her face.

"Come on champ, don't make me feel bad now. I'll definitely turn you into a bad ass. Just let me make a few calls to see the temporal differences here in this world." He patted her head, but she of course did not understand. So she just nodded.

"Kyoshi, wait a minute. Let me check for something okay?" He concentrated and stirred the energy inside of her.

Suddenly, her eyes turned white and her face reminded him of someone. "Kyoshi... Kyoshi island, fuck. She's the current avatar?" He was in disbelief and thought that it was too much of a coincidence.

"W-what was that? What happened?" She didn't remember what transpired, but he had an idea on what to do next.

"Hey, Kyoshi. Ever heard of an ability like bending?" He smirked and would turn her into an absolute machine that is not only the strongest avatar physically, but with the elements as well.

"Uhhh, I've heard of the earth benders in the inner provinces of the earth kingdom." She remembered and that was enough for him.

"Do you want to learn how to do that? Bend the elements to your will?" He planned to even go up and beyond. Make her have control of the elements themselves. Which are a hundred and then some.

"R-really? I can become an earth bender?" Her eyes shone and Ramiel laughed. "No silly, you won't be just an earth bender. You'll be a force of nature that can make this world move with just a flick of your wrist." He remembered that she moved tectonic plates and erupted lava when she separated the peninsula they were on to become Kyoshi island.

"Though that will be for later, for now. I'll have to correct your muscle imbalances and malnutrition." He took out some special fabric that he made. Adamantite cloth made from threads of the magical metal that was indestructible to conventional means.

He then weaved them with his telekinesis, creating a silvery robe that cultivators seem to always wear. "This is my gift to you, some nice clothes no?" He enchanted it to change sizes as well.

"For me? Is this really expensive?" She was hesitating as she saw how he made it and the creation of the robe was simply magical. With shining threads that looked like pure silver.

"Don't embarrass me now, I worked hard to make it." He laughed and she gave a chuckle. "But it only took you a few minutes." She even started joking, but she was sure in her mind that it must be an international treasure.

"I practiced to make it that fast, now let's go. We'll roam around the world to make you the very best that there ever was." He planned on getting some Pokemons too. The fauna of the avatar world is pretty wild after all.

Ramiel was about to tore down his house, but Kyoshi looked sad that such a monumental moment of her life will disappear. So he just sealed it shut in layers of tungsten and steel. Which she will be the only one to bend in order to get in later if she wished.

"You sealed it?" She stared at the walls of metal and thought it looked rock solid. "You seemed to like it after all? Come, let's make an avatar out of you."

She tilted her head, but she screamed bloody murder when they flew into the air.

But after a few minutes, she began to enjoy the scenery. "Flying is amazing!" She cheered and was in awe at the sight.

"Right? Now, let's begin your training. Are you ready? It won't be easy, you will be in pain. Probably even worse than when the adults beat you up. But I'll be there along the way." He asked her, but she didn't hesitate and nodded.

"I will become the best. That way, I can finally feed myself right? Get a nice home. And so you will be proud." She was determined and he was already proud of her.

"That's the spirit. I reckon a week will be needed to get you in peak condition for your age." They went to a deserted island filled with catgators. Gators that had whiskers like a catfish. Though they are much much larger and aggressive.

The two found the biggest and baddest one and Ramiel made it submit. He then programmed it to be Kyoshi's pet. Getting their very first pokemon.

And while the two explored the island, Ramiel went to the spirit world again and sucked up as much energy as he could.

He travelled to the void and communicated with Yuna and Alexandra. "I'm fine everyone, and Alexandra. You're in big trouble, missy."

"Sorry, Ramiel... That was a mistake." She deflated and because of her shenanigans, they were far from each other again.

"Hah, you'll get punished later. You'll be suffering some emotional damage when I see you, just wait. And Yuna, can you ask Samus how much is the time difference here and there?" Ramiel asked of her.

"Okay, one moment... Samus told me that a day here is roughly a year there. Thank goodness, or we would be old ladies by the time we reunite." Yuna chuckled.

He laughed, but then he had an idea. "Can you guys wait for a couple of days? I have an interesting individual with me. She's basically the guardian of peace for the world. And I'll make her the very best."

"That there ever was?" Alexandra quipped, but he ignored her, still annoyed by her antics that could've caused the crew's lives.

"I'm sorry." She shut up and Yuna pitched it to the others. "They're alright with it, go on then. But just a few days alright?" They cut their calls through their mental links.

He returned to the island and found that Kyoshi was eating some fruits she found with their pet catgator. And it was munching on a huge ass lizard.

"Hey! You're back!" She hugged him tightly and he patted her head softly. Ramiel created another house and a pond for their catgator that he named Mr. Whiskers.

For a week, Kyoshi was drinking the SOLDIER formula and eating anything she could get her hands on. Ramiel was boosting her growth and metabolism and she is always hungry.

At the age of 8, she was already 5 foot tall and he wondered how large she would get.

"Big brother Ramiel, I feel amazing!" She looked at her body and the previously emaciated body that looked like a toothpick was now strong and healthy.

And the exercise she was getting with Mr. Whiskers around the island developed her muscles generally.

"Then let us start your training, young Padawan." Ramiel turned his hand non-corporeal and plunged it inside her to modify her very soul.

Due to the avatar being the bridge between the spirit world and the physical realm. He was able to make a pretty nice connection easily. Putting her into a semi avatar state in which she gets pumped with spiritual energy constantly.

He also cut off the avatar cycle from her so she won't be burdened by that thankless job. Some rando could be the avatar for all he could care. And if they were a bad guy, then Kyoshi. The master of every element could beat their ass and kill them.

After training her body to the point she could wrestle with the 10 meter long Mr. Whiskers who is a couple of tons in weight. He began training her in bending.

And they found out that she was inclined to fire and earth bending. But it was pretty equal all around, she just preferred the rigidness of earth and the aggressiveness of fire.

He taught her every martial art he could to incorporate it into her bending and she was a natural prodigy. Coupled with her drive and clearly special physique, she was able to master a couple of them in a few months.

It also helped that he was her sparring partner. Someone who had complete control over their body and mind.

And after mastering the basic bendings of fire, earth, water, and air. They went to the subsets, which are extremely rare in their time.

"Now, do you know? You can bend more than the 4 basic compounds?" Ramiel raised his hand and lava emerged from the ground.

He did a couple of moves and showed her some more. Mist, crystals, sand, lightning, combustion, blood, etc.

"Wow, there are so many?" She clapped in glee and Ramiel smiled at her eagerness. He hasn't seen that much motivation since Tifa and Alexandra.

They practiced it all. And with her abundance of energy, she was at it all the time. Learning every single one until she can't learn anymore.

"Ahhh, unlimited power!" She shot lightning from her finger tips and was having some fun. "Well done, I have raised you well." Ramiel patted her on the head and she closed her eyes, enjoying the calming effect of his headpats.

And after a few years of learning all the subsets of bending. He gave her lessons in chemistry so she would be able to bend all the elements. And her favorite so far was Carbon, Tungsten, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.

She could make miles and miles of sea combust and explode with a combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen, while with carbon. She could make diamonds. Even combining it with Tungsten to make the monocarbide form of it that rivals diamonds in hardness, but isn't as brittle. A metal at least a hundred times stronger than steel.

And her absolute favorite one is a move that Ramiel taught her. It involved crystal shards that pierce a target and explode into millions of sharp pieces. Shredding the target, and she tried it on one of the violent wild animals there. They exploded into a mist of blood and gore.

"Kyoshi, we're going to go for the last steps for you to become unstoppable. Absolute control." Ramiel pulled water from thin air, created vacuums and turned a boar into a dry husk, bending bones to shred the insides of a target, and superheated plasma.

"But... I suck at fine control." She pouted and thought it was going to suck ass. "Well, that's where you're wrong. Remember how you make diamonds and compounds? That's much much harder. You're just being lazy." He pinched her cheeks.

She huffed and sighed. "Hngh, I guess I'll train harder." Kyoshi sucked it up and started controlling her bending much more. And at first, it of course sucked ass. But when she started seeing results. She began trying her hardest to reach his level of control.

"Kyoshi... Fly with me?" Ramiel smiled at her and she nodded. They flew into the skies and with her newfound control, she could fly easily. Keeping up with him in the air.

"It is time, Kyoshi... I have taught you everything you need to know. Even the boring ones, like politics." He smiled softly and Kyoshi froze.

"S-surely you haven't taught me everything yet? Big brother Ramiel... Right?" She was starting to have a panic attack and he hugged her.

"Look at you, you're already 6 foot tall. But you're still a crybaby. You've grown well, Kyoshi. I was confident to let you go on your own journey years ago. But it is time for you to learn the rest on your own." Ramiel patted her head and she frowned heavily.

"Is... Is it really time? Am I good enough? What if I need you?" She was still dependent on him. "Then I would be disappointed, no?" He gave a wry smile and she winced.

"Am I the best that there ever was now?" She looked up at him and was tearing up.

"Best that there ever was, except me of course!" He laughed and she gave a smile even though she was crying.

"I'm proud of you, never forget that." He gave her a box made of Adamantite and it was her last task to open it up. "Here, I left a present for you inside. But it's really hard to open, so do your best."

She accepted it with trembling hands, the fact that he was leaving dawning on her for real. "Will... Will you come back?"

"Hmm, know what? If you really, really wanted. When you think that there's nothing else to do in the world. Then call out to me, we'll go on adventures with the rest of my family. You're a part of it now after all." He turned his hand ethereal and plunged it into her chest. He then connected their souls together so she can call out to him.

"You promise?" She wiped her tears and knew he was going to uphold his promise. "I swear, now. Run along." He patted her head one last time and gave her a tight hug.

"You promised okay! I'll hold you to that!" She saw his form starting to get more transparent as he began transporting himself to the void.

He only gave a smile and a nod. Mouthing out that he was proud of her. She witnessed him disappear. And she looked at the spot for a couple of minutes.

"I'll make you even prouder, big brother Ramiel." She promised to herself and started having plans.

"The world is my oyster... And I'll make it mine." She thought of uniting the world in one banner. Cultures mingling with each other. "An empire that is only fit for someone as great as Ramiel."

She went back to their island and took Mr. Whiskers with her, she then went to the first destination she sought to start with, Yokoya.

Meanwhile, the next reincarnation of the avatar was chosen and it was a girl from the fire nation named Rangi. The avatar reincarnation changed its pattern and instead of an earth nomad, it suddenly turned to the fire nation.

Her mother, Hei-Ran. Suddenly saw her enter the avatar state. And who better to confirm it, than she herself. Who taught the previous one, Kuruk. Fire bending.

"Such irony, my daughter is the reincarnation of you, Kuruk." Hei-Ran was feeling quite complex, because not was only she his fire bending teacher. She also had a run in with him before she lost respect for him because of his hedonism.

"Oh great spirits. She can access Kuruk's memories!" Hei-Ran face palmed and was sure that her daughter will know in due time. And that will be a painful discussion for sure.

"Mom, am I really the avatar?" Her little daughter went up to her and Hei-Ran smiled. "Yes, Rangi. And did you know? Mom is the previous avatar's fire bending teacher."

"Wow, but how about the other elements? I need to learn to bend them as well, right?" Rangi tilted her head, she is a smart girl. Which made Hei-Ran's eyebrows twitch. Because a single meeting with Kuruk and she will ask about her mother to him.

"We'll get on that later, I will write letters to my friends so we could teach you everything you need to know." She hugged her daughter and hoped Kuruk won't show up. Instead, the wise Yangchen who was his predecessor would if she can help it.


Kyoshi arrived back at the port with Mr. Whiskers and the small village port was in a panic. People stared at her and the catgator who grew even more. With Ramiel feeding it some special pokefood. As well as juicing it up with energy from the spirit realm. Making it jacked as hell and it can even use water bending.

"I am Kyoshi, and this is my village now. Surrender peacefully and I will provide stable farm lands for this village. Retaliate, then Mr. Whiskers over here will have a talk with you." Kyoshi declared and the catgator hissed and growled. The vibrations from it rumbling their bodies.

"W-we surrender! Just don't kill us, please!" The village chief who arrived can't possibly do anything to her and Mr. Whiskers, so they immediately surrendered.

"A wise choice." She moved the earth and started bending a plot of land. Providing a farm land with a lot of nutrients that will feed them for generations.

"And I will give you this, it will maintain the land for the years to come. And remember that this village is now mine. Let myself be very clear, you live on top of what I control, this peninsula is covered by my waves, and you fill your lungs at my discretion. Betrayal will be rewarded with a dog's death, loyalty? With a prosperous life." She made herself clear and the villagers bowed.

She then left them with instructions of permaculture, crop rotations, agroforestry practices, and cover plants.

The villagers then started spreading news about a marauder that demands absolute loyalty. In exchange for a place to live without any worries.

Kyoshi then started rounding up the Daofei, criminal organizations with complex codes of honor.

She amassed an army, her promise of farm lands, protection, and towering walls that keep savage wildlife at bay quickly gathered attention like a snowball.

Her group slowly encroached on the kingdoms of the earth nation and she was known as the charitable marauder.

But they were given an example of her no nonsense policy when an uprising from the nobles were planned.

With her lessons in politics, psychology, and massive intelligence network due to the Daofei. They were quickly found out and Kyoshi spread news that the nobles planned on taking all the benefits she gave the people for their own.

Making the populace hate the nobles of the earth kingdom. Soldiers deserted, riots started, and when it was all ripe for the taking. She executed the nobles in public for breaching her trust and very simple policy.

With crystal bending, she used the needler technique and made them explode into mist of blood and guts. Taking absolute control of the earth kingdom with the Daofei acting as her regents.

And with her not really demanding anything from her conquered territory. Giving more and more benefits to improve the economy and life by decreasing taxes. Peasants and normal people loved her reign.

The people did not fear raiders and thieves due to the better life and protection. Her steel walls that tower her territory will prevent anyone from even trying to invade.

With more spending money, the quality of life improved and everyone was happier. And because of Kyoshi's deceptive tyranny, the nobles who just sit on their asses and do politics were deprived of power. And any attempts to gain more than necessary were dealt with extreme efficiency.

Using the principles of manipulating the media, she became the overlord of the now united earth empire in just a single year at the tender age of 13.

It was so quick that the other nations didn't even had the chance to intervene. And the people were ready to fight tooth and nail against any who try to change their lives.

She rose to fame and was called the marauder empress. Uniting the earth nation to its peak. Centralizing power in her circle of people that she could trust. And if they had ideas of rebellions, what could they even do? Tickle her with arrows? Her body was the product of Ramiel's training that made her bulletproof.

She can wrestle the giant catgator Mr. Whiskers with her barehands, no human can match her physical might. Not to mention her mastery of the elements and bending.

And her shadow organization from the Daofei that she trained herself with Ramiel's methods were assassinating fools who aspire to be in power left and right.

They also exported tons of precious metals with her control on gold, silver, and platinum. Making the earth empire the richest nation.

Crops and goods were abundant in her nation due to her focus on the agriculture, marine aquaculture, and culture in general. With the people not having to worry much about their livelihoods. Talents, artists, and entertainment grew as well.

"Whew, in just a short time. I have made an empire, Big brother Ramiel's teachings about those boring classes were definitely useful, isn't that right Mr. Whiskers?" She petted her catgator who was always by her side.

She then received a letter from her shadow organization. "Hmmm? A letter from the fire nation?" Kyoshi was interested and was thinking of conquering the other nations soon.

"Interesting, they want me to teach the avatar earth bending?" Kyoshi was amused, she mostly only used earth bending and metal bending after all. Not using the other elements much.

"Tell the Firelord that I am interested in taking in the avatar as a disciple. This will be quite interesting." Kyoshi stood up, she was already 7 feet tall and was an absolute unit.

A person suddenly appeared behind her who kneeled. "Your will shall be done." He then disappeared into thin air and Kyoshi petted Mr. Whiskers.

"Maybe this will help me develop further? Teaching someone just like how he taught me? Isn't this exciting Mr. Whiskers, big brother Ramiel would surely want me to continue on improving myself." She smiled, but she was quite lonely. Especially at the very top. Thinking about Ramiel every single day.

At the fire nation, the current Firelord was working tirelessly to better his nation. Due to poor harvests and the collapsing fishery industry, he was stressed to high heaven.

And it didn't help that Rangi, the current avatar was going to be a major piece in the politics of the whole world.

"Hah, why can't we have someone like the marauder empress? She annexed the earth nation's massive landmass in a year. What a monster." Firelord Zoryu sighed, wishing to make connections to her as the avatar's teacher in earth bending.

"Shhh, don't even make a peep of a sound. Or you'll know why." He suddenly heard someone whisper at him and his blood ran cold.

"Our empress has accepted the avatar to be in the earth nation for teachings." Kyoshi's agent then disappeared and Zoryu was able to breathe. Cold sweat pouring down his back.

"Great spirits... I thought I was going to get killed. The earth nation is much, much scarier than we have thought." He was trembling, Kyoshi's agent bypassed the whole guard without alerting a single person. Just suddenly appearing out of nowhere like a ghost.

He started writing a letter after he calmed down. Informing Hei-Ran and her daughter Rangi that they should travel to the earth nation immediately. In order to build good relations to the marauder empress Kyoshi.

"Guard, quickly give this letter to Hei-Ran of the Sei'naka clan. It is imperative that she receives this immediately." He called out to his royal guard and they delivered it.

Hei-Ran received the letter quickly and she read it. Calling for her daughter, she knew the importance of making relations with the strongest nation right now. Which is absolutely stacked, military wise, and economically.

"What is it mom?" Rangi arrived and was curious why she was needed urgently. "We found your earth bending teacher." Hei-Ran was both happy and concerned.

Kyoshi is now known as the charitable tyrant. All those who obey her rule experienced prosperity, but those who try and plot against her die gruesome deaths. With reports on executions detailing their bodies exploding into mist of blood and organs.

So she was extremely worried about her daughter. "Really? Who is it?" Rangi has mastered her fire bending and has begun her training in the other elements.

"It is the marauder empress Kyoshi." Hei-Ran announced and Rangi's jaw almost dropped. "Really!? I heard she could move mountains and erect titanic walls with her bending!" Rangi squealed in delight.

"Yes, that is actually true. Their villages and cities are protected by massive walls of metal and stones. But I want you to remember one thing, Rangi." Hei-Ran held her on the shoulders and was really serious.

"I want you to be respectful to her, you are young. Smart, but young still. Empress Kyoshi is immensely powerful. And it is not an exaggeration that she can wage war against the entire world and win." Hei-Ran had some intel from them.

The army of the nation had different divisions. Steel armored ones against the air nomads, cloaked soldiers who are fireproof against the fire nation, and the last ones who are decked in armor that specializes against blunt force and cold for the water benders.

"I understand, do not worry. I will not be a disgrace to the fire nation. And I respect her too much to be disrespectful." Rangi swore and Hei-Ran nodded with a smile.

They were then surprised as an entourage of sky bisons landed in front of their clan estate. Soldiers of the earth nation that were accompanied by the royal guards who can bend metal arrived.

"We are here to take avatar Rangi to the earth nation, please be advised." Their leader shouted and Hei-Ran was shocked, but that was convenient.

"Go on, let us pack up and go to the earth nation." She urged her daughter to be quick and they travelled to the earth nation. With Rangi admiring the sceneries on top of the sky bison.

They arrived at her palace and it was huge. Decorated with gold, silver, and platinum even from the outside.

"Woah, this place looks extravagant." Rangi commented and Hei-Ran made an estimate that the palace will cost a country at least.

They were escorted inside and they found a meditating beautiful woman that was encircled by a massive catgator.

Kyoshi opened her eyes and smiled at them. "Hello, welcome to my home. Say hello, Mr. Whiskers."

The catgator growled softly, but it still made the air rumble. "Uh... Greetings, your imperial majesty. I am Hei-Ran, avatar Rangi's mother." She bowed with Rangi.

"Good morning empress, I am avatar Rangi. Thank you very much for this opportunity!" She greeted enthusiastically and Kyoshi liked her attitude.

"Well met, I am Kyoshi. You can call me that in private, I give you my permission. Now then, how about I test you a bit yeah?" She stood up and they were surprised on how tall she was.

She led them to the courtyard and Kyoshi gestured for her to come at her. Rangi went into a stance and began fire bending.

She attacked with waves of fire, showcasing her mastery at her main element. But when it hit Kyoshi, it just disappeared into thin air. Not a single scratch on her.

"Hmmm, you lack power. This is how you create fire." Kyoshi started her stance and a massive pillar of flame erupted from her fist as she aimed it at the sky.

The surroundings darkened due to the brightness of her flame and the mother and daughter started sweating from the intense heat.

They then stared at her, their jaws dropping from the godlike firepower she just showcased.

"Y-you can fire bend too?" They were shocked to their core. "I can do this too." Kyoshi used another stance and hurricane like winds swept through the nation.

She also took water from thin air, something which was unheard of from even water bending masters. "W-who are you?" Hei-Ran questioned her and herself. Having a crisis, seeing someone control all the elements just like the avatar.

"I'm Kyoshi, the disciple of Ramiel. With his greatness and teachings. I became that there ever was! And I united this empire at the age of 13, how about that." She puffed her chest in pride.

"What? You're the same age as my daughter?" Hei-Ran felt light headed and almost fainted. Hearing that the empress of the earth nation was just a damned teenager.

"S-so cool!" Rangi had stars in her eyes and started to admire her even more. "Huhun~ I am, right? And I'll make you cool too! I was always taught by my master to be kind, but hard and firm as steel."

The two started getting close pretty fast, with Kyoshi having her very first friend.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.