

Has he walked down the stairs and approached the door, then he opened it, their where soldiers at the door. The one in the blue hat was the first one to enter before two more followed him in.

Good evening commander Veron what brings you to my house this late. Let us skip the formalities and get straight to the point, the royal magic ministry filed a missing report on the elixir of life out of three, one is missing, and it only you the assistant Minister of magic and the Minister magic who has access to that room, so can you tell Bargy what would you want it for because we know it not the minister of magic who took it because he has been with the king since morning.

Silence fell upon the room, has he looked up trying to give an excuse, something did that for him.

Huwen huwen huwen, the cries of a baby could be heard, having eared that all focus went upstairs. What is that Bargy?

He started to sweat from his head, has the commander started to make his move for the stairs, he jumped in front of him you can't understand I needed it please.

He was pushed aside by the commander then they made their way upstairs, everyone was shocked by what they saw.

Hasba POV --------------------------------------

He was still confused with what was going on, he tried to control his but it just keep moving disorderly, the he thought about what Dravene said, second chance at life with powers, the he was looking for in game buttons but couldn't find any, he wanted to check his stat, he kept saying started but all he could do was giggles softly, the woman holding him kept smiling back at him then he stopped. The he thought since I have it all I have to do is think it then. He thought Check stat. All of a sudden lots of information started pouring out.

Name: hasba hirako

HP: lvl100 250,000/250,000

MP: lvl200 500,000/500,000

Physical Attack: lvl50

Physical Defense: lvl30

Agility: lvl100

Magic Attack: lvl180

Magic Defense: lvl200

Resistance: lvl60

Luck: lvl5


Should I continue? the notification popped up, how come I am so unlucky, he thought about it then he was like yes let continue. But the information was much faster this time.

Race: half witch half vampire.

Hair color: Black.

Weakness: physical combat

Eye type: chameleon eyes alligator at night human in the morning.

Healing potion: x100 locked

Magic potion: x100 locked

Summon of the dead locked

Blade of Susano: infinity usage locked

Ring of death infinity usage locked

Ring of wish infinity usage locked

Power of the apocalypse: infinity usage locked

Ring of fire : infinity usage locked

Head of meduza locked

Wings of icrus locked

The power of the house hold locked

The legs of ---

The pain was getting too much that he couldn't hold it in then he busted into tears, then the woman started petting him, till he stopped crying.

Then they heard footsteps coming up the stairs, then they saw men in military uniforms then the woman started to cry, then he thought, what is the problem.

Bargy what is this abomination a vampire? Not only that you broke the rule of fraternizing with them, and had a baby. This is first degree offense. All of a sudden they saw the elixir bottle already empty, don't tell me you have used the potion.

You have to understand my baby was dying and their is nothing that could save him but that. You used the Devine potion on a stupid monster child, wait what do you mean your baby. We are here to arrest you before but now we are arresting you all.

You would not touch my family.

[Magical barrier : level 10]

A brown barrier appeared in front of him grab towards his family, this should hold them for a while and I will stay to make sure they don't follow you.

No no am not leaving you promised you wouldn't leave me, that we would never be apart. OK how about you keep going and I will be right behind you.

Don't let them get away bring this barrier down now.

Go now and don't look back and take care of Hirako for me. While they fired a multiple fireball at the barrier it started to crack.