

He logged off then went to bed straight. He thought "I have to sleep early so it won't affect my job."

Few weeks later he was on the street of Gohan on his way back from work, he picked out his phone from his pocket then tried calling kitty again, lucky she picked up.

"I have been trying to get in touch with you but you never answered "

"yeah I know, but I know what you want to ask, but I don't plan to play again "

"but why? "

"it is personal "

"please tell me "

"I promised myself that when I am zeroed out for the forth time I would quit the game because I have used alot of money to get their "

" but you know I could ---"

A car came from his back hitting him, sending him to the sidewalk, the car reversed then faced him, while he was bleeding on the floor, he tried to look about in other to shout out for help but his leg was already face the other side. The light of the car was too bright, he could not see what was going on. Suddenly a man stepped out of the car.

Has he walked closer to him, he tried calling for help but everytime he tried, blood comes out of his mouth. Then the man stop in front of the car blocking the light, the huge man with tick beard said, I thought I told you that I was coming for you, confused about what he said, he bent down ooo sorry you don't remember me hasba, it is me Ceaser you zeroed me out remember, I have been following you for 10 days now. Before you continue I know you want to know how I got your name, I got your name from your stupid friend who was about to die remember?. As he tried to speak again blood rushed out of his mouth, he stretched out his hand in other to grab him with range in his eye, aww don't worry it was doing the gameplay I have got nothing to do with her all I want is you. But do you know how much I spent before I could get to that level.

Well it only fair I zero you out too. He pointed the gun at him then shot him in the head, then walked back to his car.

In a dark space, he felt the emptiness, the loneliness and the coldness in the dark, all of a sudden he was pulled to the light. He was called by a strange voice. Hasba you said you want to change the world, you wanted true peace, so you played game and payed for it, in other to make it come true, but still you where killed over it.

I am here to give you a second chance,

He felt his mouth heavy has he tried to speak, he tried speaking but no words came out.

I can read your mind so you don't have to speak, I have kept a close eye on you, now to the point I Dravene Devine will give you all that power you had in the game, with your ring of power but none of them will be useable until you reach the age of 20, I want to see if you can help those in need, if you can keep that ideal of yours. I want to see what you will do when life happens to you. Now go, the all of a sudden the light got brighter.

Suddenly he heard a woman crying, then a man rushed up to him, Fereya I told you it will work, he his breathing again, has the man picked him up from the bed, he looked at his hands then found out he was a small baby, when he looked around it was all shabby and a small stone illuminated the room. The woman run towards them with all teary eyes, her eyes where that of an alligator but was dyed red. Suddenly a loud knock came from the door, they both looked at each other.

Open up this is an order from the king, the loud knock could be heard once more but even more louder. You know what to do, stay hidden up here, don't worry I will be fine, he touched his son once more. The woman held the baby closed to her chest. Hasba without knowing what was happening could say nothing even if he wanted to, but was just quiet.