

As the wife escaped through the window, the commander stepped forward.

Step back, the commander shouted at his men. Bargy you have performed a shameful act, for that I wouldn't forgive you!!! He said has he pulled out his sword then activated it power.

The blade of Eliza the blade fire burned steadily. He swings at the barrier forming a X sign the stick it in the middle.

Then he started chanting.

[maximize magic: volcanic explosion ]

A water like fire pumped like an heartbeat, the barrier shattered.

Wosh wosh BOOOOM!!!

Sending a rage of flames at him, blasting everything in sight away. In the midst of the smoke and flames, the commander gave orders to his men, you lots hunt down the vampire and the abomination dead or alive I want them here, now time to atone for your sins Bargy.

Has he managed to get up, thinking of how he barely got away from the attack just now, when he saw the barrier cracked, he managed to put up another barrier before the fire could turn him to crust, he thought

'that was close I can't die now'

he got up and pulled out the little flame still on his clothes then he thought,

'I have to believe that you are both fine'

Then took in a deep breath, he took a step forward has he pulled out his sword from his pocket dimension then took a fighting stance, the commander grinned and moved at incredible speed towards him, then swing down blade horizontally at him, he was able to block it, but he was sent on one knee, while the aftershock felt like a wave of wind, blowing away all the smoke from sight, as if the commander was waiting for it, he sent a mid-air kick sending through the walls of the house, landing in front of his house.

While he was still down the the commander started chanting.

[triplet maximize magic: flames of inferno]

A form of little fire formed at his back, then rushed at him while he was still on the floor.

While the flames was rushing him he shouted

[ice breaker] an eight feet tall ice appeared all of a sudden, the flames rushing him devoured the ice. What are you surprised, I am not a low level magic caster as you I don't need to chant anything.



He appeared at the commander's back, swing at him vertically he managed to block it, then he pointed his fingers at him.

[wind style : slashing tiger]

Winds in form of fangs pierced through his body, knocking him off the place he was staying.

Has he got up, he dusted off the dirt on his clothe, wow nice strike, has he looked at his wounds, but don't lump me in the league of you lots. He beamed.

Bargy come, come, come. You make me feel good, let me show you want it takes to get to my position. Eliza he said has he held out his sword. Eliza!!! The flame burned even brighter. Then he started chanting.

[Release : tornado of flames ]


The fire consumed the commander, then his face appeared out of the tornado, come Bargy let end this. The commander twisted at super speed, burning everything in sight before it took off the ground and took shape of a bird, Bargy fired all his wind elements at it but it only supported the fire even more, before he could cast water magic, he was consumed by the fire, then was on the floor.

He started to spit out blood, with the commander back in his normal form, he pointed his fingers at him.

[maximize magic : cold gal---]

Before he could complete it, his heart was ripped out of his chest. The commander said has he stood up from him, It was a good exercise Bargy.

Hasba POV --------

Has his face was buried in the chest of his mother then all of a sudden they heard.


When they looked back they could see half of the house on fire, but she just kept running through the woods, all of a sudden they heard voices, over their one of the man who entered the house shouted.

Has he looked up at him mother in tears has she ran, he shouted Dravene, still no reply. Dravene please help, please don't let her die, please I will do anything.

Then a familiar voice could be heard, I thought you wanted to save the world on your own so why ask for my help?

Please they are the only family I have got, please don't let her die I do anything.

I am sorry but it already too late, once an action is done it cannot be undone so accept the situation and move on, then the voice vanished.

Dravene but no reply, when the mother saw that he was crying since she couldn't hear him, she patted him don't worry I will keep you safe. Has she got close to the river she used some of her items to create a small boat, then placed him inside.

When the soldiers got to there position, one of them spat on the floor before speaking, Hmmmm even an abomination has feelings, haha haha another officer laughed.

Why don't you just come quietly, and I promise to give you a quick death. What? As one of them realized what was going on he shouted, the baby is on the boat we have to stop that boat.

Then she started chanting.

[ maximize magic : Hell wall ]

A black fire stood up as a wall not letting anyone through, they fired lot of weapon at it but it all melted away before it could get to the other side. Out of nowhere a red flame broke through the black flame piercing through are skin, leaving her screaming in pain on the floor. Then the commander stepped out of the shadows, don't worry you will join your husband soon. She looked up while crying He brought out his blade and stuck it in her heart.

Then the life left her body slowly. So where is the baby, they know what kind of commander they have, so hud the first officer said. Sir when we backed her to a Conner she summoned another monster that swallowed the baby in other to make this wall. Then the rest of the shouted ah that true sir.

Dravene hasba shouted.

(author : thank you all for reading hoped you like it, and please let me know what you think and please don't forget to vote. I really appreciate you guys reading this it makes me want to write more)

Still the one foster k