
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 12

Gil and Tash moved over to a area away from everyone else after getting there guide.

"So… I guess I'll tell you about myself first" Gil said scratching his head and moving his silver hair out of his eyes.

"I don't really have any friends as I've never stayed anywhere for long so I'm sorry if I seemed to ignore you at the training hall the other day, I wasn't sure how to talk to people well. Is there anything you would like to know?" Gil asked , not sure how to talk to people.

"Where were you before coming to the hunters school.? What do you want to do when you graduate? What type of training do you do?"

Tash rattled of these questions.

"Before coming to the school I moved all around, the longest I stayed in a place after the gates opened was 1 year, when I was 6. After that I was moved from government building to building and the last one was in area D for a few months.

I've never thought much about the future I just focused on what I can control now.

The training I do is a run in the morning then going to the training hall for several hours have lunch then go to the library to read." Gil responded to the questions in the order given to him.

"What about your family?" Tash asked.

"They died as one of the very first gates opened, both parent and my little sister passed away. The only thing I have left is this locket and there rings." Gil lifted a necklace from him neck showing a golden locket with pair of ring to each side. Tash instantly regretted asking after hearing the story and seeing Gils expression darken.

"What about you then, tell me about about Natasha." Gil asked hoping he would have to elaborate the types of questions he was after.

"My full name is Natasha Sparkes, and my family specials in snow and frost mana. My dad is the God of blizzards and even my mum as I kingdom level hunter. Each member of my family had awakened sting powers and they are hoping I will take over as the heir when I'm older. I have a brother who joined the army to fight the front lines of the gates. Next time you go for a morning run would you mind if I joined you?" Natasha said a bit about her self.

"Of course, where about a is your room, I'll nock in the morning and wait for you. I'm at the end of the boys side." Gil replied.

"Ah what a coincidence, I'm the end of the girls side" Tash said with a slight smile.

They both talked for a bit more about there weapons and other random things before deciding to read their guide.

"Group 6.

Natasha and Gil.

Strong points fighting style complements each other, with Natasha having a solid foundation in defence and fights at a distance. Gil seems to be better at attacking at a closer range and has some floors in defence.

The two should spend time learning how each other uses there power and build it into there fighting style.

Key points to work on:

Natasha - try to increase close range attacks to keep the opponent pressured so she can change fighting patterns.

Gil - He seems to favour the fire ability out of all of them. Should read the intermediate uses of the basic elements on the second floor of library.

Once they are used to how there partners fight they should challenge other groups to get experience. Bring this scroll to Leon, where ever he want, and he will give you a card allowing you to go the the second floor if the library, you should only take the books mentioned above to read and nothing else."

After reading this the two decided to head to the 1st years lunch hall to get some food. On the was they asked some of the other instructor's where Leon is and they weren't able to say. When they got there Gil wasnt sure if he should ask to sit with Tash or not. As he never sat there he didn't know of she already had friends bit non in the group they where in. Tash walked over the one table she normally sat at without looking back and seeing Gil standing there. Tash liked this spot as she could out the window and across the lakes, as she sat down she realised Gil wasnt there she motioned for him to join her.

The lunch hall was already busy and as Gil entered he caught some eyes.

"Looks thats Silver, he normally just grabs something to go. I wonder what he's doing"

"Shall we invite him over here" A group of girls where saying in hushed whispers as Gil walked past.

"Oh look another one that wasnt to try sitting with Natasha, cant wait to see him fail!" The cam from a man sat in the corner rather loudly causing a few laughs. Through the time before school started a couple people thought they would sit opposite Natasha, each time they had to be taken to the schools hospital due to frost daggers being thrown at them. After Ethan made this announcement everyone looked at Gil.

As Gil got closer they where all waiting for the daggers to fly but where shocked when he sat down and the two looked over the menu. Soon word spread and people where talking about Natasha and Silvers relationship. As the two of them had lunch talking about how to progress on there training, they had no ideas of the new being spread.

"So this Silver thinks he can take my Natasha, ill show him when we meet." A boy sat up and starting to rip through training dummies.