
Evolution core system

When gates open across the world leading beasts to invade the globe, humans awaken powers to battle them. As Gil turns 15 he embarks his journey to true power.

Artaxs · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 13

Gil and Tash decided to spend the rest of there day split by going to the training ground and going to read up on Gils books. After finishing there lunch they headed to a training arena outside whilst it was still sunny.

There Natasha showed Gil the benefits of here style defence for her.

"Whilst using the pole to defend the front and side, it allows me to create a sort dome. From here I can fire blades of ice using the tips of my staff." Tash handed the staff over for Gil to look at.

[Special two part staff

This staff was made using a combined material from within the gate. Level to low to get material break down.

The staff can be split into 2 equal poles. This staff has a strong affinity to ice mana and will increase the mana of ice power]

Gil was shocked when looking at the staff, as how own weapon was a simple sword. Looking at the way Tash fought Gil though he should try it. By being able to create a similar dome using his sword he could increase his defence against long range attacks.

Stepping away he began trying to attempt this. He kept changing his grip until felt like he had a handle on how to do this.

"Would you mind firing some simple attacks over" Gil asked.

Tash responded by raising her hand and firing some ice blades over. Gil found that the practice he just did wasn't any help and tried to learn whilst under fire. After 10 minutes of this he felt like this would be very useful.

"Thanks Tash" Gil said walking back to her. "Guess we should look at how I fight, I fight more on instinct. I've been trying to incorporate a lot more mana and sword attacks instead of relying on one at a time. For you and the staff you could change from close, medium and long range so that's already better then me. When fighting close I would try using your ice powers."

"How would I do something like that" Tash asked. Tash had been trained by professional teachers for 7 years and felt like the has the best approach for her attacks.

"I've got no clue. Sorry I can be help but when I fight I tried to do what felt natural hence why I prefer the fire mana as it feels more natural"

After saying that Tash split her staff in two and charged at Gil. As the two started to fight Gil ignored his health and focused on defence. Tash's normal clean strikes became wild. Leaving small gaps between swings she attempted to extend the blade of ice on the staff. After a while of trying this she felt like it wasn't a wast of time like she thought. She could extend the ice blade longer then combine the staff together and fight mid range.

After fighting together for a while and trying different things for a while they decided to set of to the library for books. When the got there Gil was wondering how to get to the second level when out of no where a rift appeared.

"Finally you came. I've been waiting all day" Leon started talking before he was out of the rift. " Now Gil the pass you have had been updated to allow you access to the second floor. Natasha take this one. " Leon handed Tash the same card Gil had.

"The books you are after should be up the stairs and to the left, first section you some to. I would recommend reading a few here but bringing them back down to the first floor. " Leon said walking back to the rift.

This was exactly what they done. Gil picked and earth and wind book as they where the two he used the least and wanted to know more about them. Tash picked a water one hoping for something to learn about ice.

After reading there for several hours and learning some useful ideas the two left.

"I'm going back to the training ground, would you like to come?" Gil turned to ask Tash.

"I'm going to get something to drink then head to my room to finish some more books" she replied showing the several ones she checked out. "Don't forget to knock for the morning run. Last dorm on the girls side, I don't have a roommate so don't worry about waking them up"

With that the two went there separate ways.

Gil went to the training ground he was at in the morning, as he approached the entrance he took his card out and waved it in front of the gates which then opened, he walked in and activated mana detection. After reading the books in the library he had several ideas he wanted to test out.

First he stared in the mana in the air and closed his eyes remembering the position of the earth mana in the air. He versioned it slowly moving into the ground he pictured, when he had the two meet he changed the colour of the ground to a dark purple. When he felt their was enough dark purple he pictured it raising to form a pillar. Once he was happy he opened his eyes.

[Earth manipulation learnt]

[Earth manipulation lvl 1

Raise and flatten the earth at will, the higher the level the better the result.]

After looking at the skill he inspected the pillar, it was about 1.5 meters high and about 3ocm across. "this will do for the next test" Gil thought as he walked back several meters.

The next skill he wanted was one he wasnt sure he could do before going to the library, he wanted try imbuing wind mana into a strike creating a wind slash. After looking at Tash's weapon he wasnt sure his normal sword could achieve this, but after looking at the intermediate wind book it stated that any weapon could, but weapons created for specific mana would yield better results.

He pointed his sword outwards and closed his his eyes, he versioned the wind mana collection in his sword like he did with the earth. Hi opened his eyes and saw the blade had a slightly white glow to it. He drew the blade back and performed a slash like an opponent was inform of him.

[Wind slash learnt]

[Wind slash lvl 1

A slash of wind projecting from the edge of the blade. The higher the level the longer and more power it will become.]

Ignoring this he saw the wind slash smash against the stone pillar causing a chunk of the pillar to fall. Gil was pleased with this result and moved on the the next test. For this he formed a fire blast in his hand and use mana shaping to alter the shape into different objects. firstly a needle, then a circle and anything else he could think of. For each new shape he learnt a new skill, he then repeated this for all other elements.

After completing this he started shooting element needles to the stone pillar until it crumbled. He then made another one and attached with wind slashes till this crumbled. He repeated this for an hour until he felt he had no mana left.

Watching from a small tear in space, Leon was watching Gil train wondering what his power was, He had showing an increased strength compared to normal human, and also different element attacks. After Watching in admiration to how hard he trained Leon watch him slowly return the earth pillars back to the earth and head back to his dorm.