

Meham a College student along with his classmates got transported to a world of fantasy unwillingly when they look for the reason behind this circumstance they found that they are summoned for a reason, a goal to defeat the evil forces, they also found that they are not the first people to show up for this, but then that this world is already at peace, means the demon lord is defeated there's no quest or instructions by the voice of the world and the emergers are aimless, then why are they summoned in the first place? is it a mistake? some evil ploy? or something bigger? they set on the journey of finding their answers but they have to be prepared for who knows what this new world has to offer.

FreeDreamer · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Spoils of War

Suchi after being done with her handicraft rise-up.

"This is a rune, anyone can draw them but activation is the hard part, mostly Mages or Sorcerers do this job"

Suchi explained to Meham since he was focusing the whole time she was creating the rune.

"Already acting like a senpai huh!" Leah poked at her cheek.

"W… well I can guide him like a big sis!" Suchi's face turned red.


"Hahaha! Big SIS?! you…in what world?" Leah was laughing hard, Meham and Aram thought the same thing.

'Thats cute…'

Suchi punched Leah in her stomach, her hardened visible abs got squished inside and Leah's face turned pale, she start shivering while holding her stomach, Suchi looked over those two, they both were speechless.

"Let's Start" she said with an angelic smile, she head to the rune and start chanting.


The rune layout started to glow up and in an instant, they found themselves back at the Altar.

"Woah, did we get teleported? why are we back here? " Aram freaked out a bit.

"No, It's not the same thing," Meham noticed it was well maintained unlike when they appeared.

"We are in a fragment of my memory, it is just a mirage." Aram tried to feel the walls but his hand fazed through it.

[I am scared!] they heard a voice when they headed to the direction of noise it was Suchi who was hiding behind another girl, a boy was also standing alongside them.

"Fiana and Duke" Meham figured that they definitely the friends she was talking about.


In front of them were the King's retainers in red cloaks approaching them. it followed just as Suchi told before.

"Let's skip this part" Meham suggested wondering if she can do it.

"You are right" Suchi raises her hand and waves slightly.

"*AgayTez*" The scenery started to change in a flash of seconds as if they are skipping a video.

'Interesting, I thought this world's behind in advancements, but they just seem more invested in Magic instead'

They arrived at the wide open area, they saw those three interact with other emergencies there.

"After this the king left us to one of the chief knights, that knight inquired about our classes and then separated us to join groups according to our classes, I was so worried since I was not good with strangers and the thought of not being able to see my family was there too, the knight introduced me to the assigned leader of the mage group. "

["Hey take care of her"]

["Of course sir"] the knight left.

["Hi I am Ketil, what's your name?"]

["Su.. Suchi!"]

"Wow, you were such a scaredy cat" Leah recovered from the pain.

"Shut up"

"Ketil introduced me to the other members of their mage group, most of them just ignored me"

"That sucks" Aram tries to show his sympathy.

["Okay the most important part for us is to follow the timetable and curfew."]

["What? it sounds like a boarding school."]

["Haha, well the future of this kingdom and world is in our hands apparently, we are getting trained for the day when we will encounter this Demon lord and wipe him on the floor!"]

["Heh keep dreaming Ketil, we are more of a prisoner than Heros"] Another annoyed-looking guy interrupted his boasting.

["Come on Chingo when will you stop being so paranoid"]

["The last time when a group showed up was 5 months ago, these guys are just capturing us as if we are Fish for five whole years, WHEN WILL WE ATTACK?"]

"What?" Meham was trying to make understand this situation but, he was at a total loss, Suchi stopped the memory mirage.

"It's true, I was told at the time we arrived there were a total of 312 emergers residing in the fortress, we lived in army barracks all that time and they completely cut us off from the outside world, we were told it was for our own protection"

'Thats very bad now I am interested in seeing how it all turned out, I can tell from Suchi's behavior something much worse happened '

Suchi showed a brief timelapse of her training and learning alongside her group, the time went by and then they saw the three rejoining.

"While I and Duke level status was at average, Fiana turned out to be a genius in handling lance, she became the center of attention of the emergers because she was able to beat their team lead in a sparring match and had an 80% win rate among all the groups."

They saw Suchi and Fiana hanging together while Fiana was surrounded with many.

["Wow she got quite a fanbase just like before"] Duke replied while munching on bread loaf.

["She is a hard worker, so she deserves it all"]

While they were just passing time the Knight Chief showed up in the arena, everyone focused their attention on him, and there was pin drop silence.

"Wow, he seems strong" Aram spoke.

"Yes he was, the last time he showed up was three months ago, he was there to analyze our strength so far, he challenged the three group leaders at once one of them was Ketil, and The Others were group leaders of the Lancers and Light Warriors, it was a one-sided match those three stood no chance against him "

"Hmm, Can you show us that fight?"

" I… was not present at that moment, I was assigned to tend the herbs on the fields, it was so that I could learn about The herbs that can be used for Potion making"

"OH cool" Aram replied

"After that terrible result we trained in merged groups so that we can work on our coordination and teamwork, it was also important to learn about every other class so that we could assist or different or fight against them."

Meham looked around everyone seems confident this time.

'So that is a proven efficient method, nice'

[I am glad to see you all grow this much in just a year, get ready we are going ]

[Going where sir?]

[Of course, we are heading out tonight to kill the demon lord]

"Augh!" Suchi start stumbling while standing, she was looking unwell, the mirage starting to fade.

"She ran out of juice," Leah replied while holding from around her waist with one arm.

"I see so she was draining herself, I did not even realize that were watching it for like 2 hours" Meham felt little bad for her.

"Oh but I am so curious about what happened next, It was such a cliffhanger" Aram was looking forward to continuing next time.

"Well you probably have figured out Meham but here's a summary, they went off to fight, but they were of no match it was a one-sided massacre and apparently the king lied to them all, it turned out the demon lord was defeated 150 years ago, the king was building this army and conspired to attack a strong neighboring kingdom "

Mehams and Aram eyes and mouths went wide open while Leah just continuously fill them up with spontaneous information.

"They were all slaughtered with very few exceptions like this girl, she told me that Duke boy sacrificed himself to let her escape, wait was it Fiana?"

Meham's facepalming and Aram is in the trance.

"The king was hanged and his kingdom went under their enemies" Leah took a wide sigh.

"Well that's the end of the story I guess, man I am hungry now, okay I have to go now, be sure to pay us to double the next time" Leah waved at them and went her way while carrying Suchi, all jolly and whistling.


"I want to kill her Meham" Aram was fuming.

"Calm down if anything she saved us time, and she probably wants her friend to not suffer revisiting those memories"

'Or she is an Airhead.'

Aram seemed convinced by this reasoning, Leah turned back for a moment.

"By the way did we mention that this kingdom was founded by one of the first heroes?"


"No, you did not" they both replied in sync in a comical tone.

Imagine all that potential plot twists and mysteries! Damn you Leah ;)

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