

Meham a College student along with his classmates got transported to a world of fantasy unwillingly when they look for the reason behind this circumstance they found that they are summoned for a reason, a goal to defeat the evil forces, they also found that they are not the first people to show up for this, but then that this world is already at peace, means the demon lord is defeated there's no quest or instructions by the voice of the world and the emergers are aimless, then why are they summoned in the first place? is it a mistake? some evil ploy? or something bigger? they set on the journey of finding their answers but they have to be prepared for who knows what this new world has to offer.

FreeDreamer · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Sparring match

"Oh okay now you know, and when you want to see me again , you will not, I am the one who will see you, BYE!" Leah took off in a flash.

"Okay, I think we should start looking as well,"

"Yes you are right I am quite interested in the founding heroes and war and all."

"Dude no, I am talking about our classmates. "

"What? what you mean? we are the ones stranded not them, if you ask me they will be totally fine, going in the right direction wherever it is.

'I am sure they will be fine with two of them leading'

Aram looked at Meham in disbelief.

"Look if you want to find them you need information, look for something like a guild hall or Town center, We will meet back at inn at night."

"OKay…, that sounds reasonable" Aram replied with a sigh.

Aram walked in opposite direction to collect information while he went back to the Inn.

[Gareeb Settlement; 5km East to Serenity Forest]

The group is welcomed by the Chief of the settlement, who entertained them with food and shed to rest, they don't have any room for the visitors since it's a small and poor settlement, it was their sense of gratitude for all the wood that they carried here on the suggestion of Ariah.

Annie and Khush were with Chief while rest of the group was recovering in the Shed.

"See Bekaar it was not a bad idea after all" Kiz laughed and taunt her.

"Shutup! You thought the same but you chickened out against her. " Kiz gets a little pissed at this remark.

"You know what you don't deserve this reward when you did not even contribute"

"Yeah! I carried the most! " Sambar sided with Kiz but for his own personal gain.

*MUNCH* Bekaar took a huge bite of the loaf while ignoring them both.

On one corner of the Shed Annie was sitting alone inspecting her gear. she had all of her arrows out of her quiver and looking at them she noticed they were just plain bamboo and iron arrows.

'But why do I have this and who assigned these classes? they just appeared out of thin air and the eeriest question is why my clothes are different! '

One girl approached Aryah who was mumbling to herself.

"Aryah are you okay?"

"Oh Mira, Yeah I am, I was just thinking about what should we do next. "

"I see, I feel relieved that you are here to lead us, I don't know how I would survive here on my own. "

"Haha, I am sure you would be fine"

'Isn't it too soon to feel relieved? maybe she meant poetically'

"Aryah, don't you think we should be looking for Meham and Aram"

"I am sure that ass is just fine, maybe he will start living to his best capacity but who knows. " Aryah felt pissed thinking about Meham.

"I don't know Meham never relied on anyone before I am worried if he will be okay…"

"I understand Mira, he sits behind you but it will be fine Aram is with him too."

'Although it would be Meham taking him along'

"BRING IT ON!" it was Samber he was arguing with Kiz about who would be victorious on one on one, and Bekaar also fired them up so they decided to have a sparring match.

"Aryah, you should stop them!"Mira looked at Aryah.

"No, I think its a good opportunity," she headed toward them

"I'm in too" everyone looked at Aryah in surprise.

"Now we are talking!" Bekaar also showed interest.

They all headed to the open space, Kiz and Samber wind a rope around their sheathed swords.

"Man this will slow down," Kiz complained looking at Aryah.

"We can't let you guys just go at each other, just think of it as endurance-enhancing training too."

They both took a fighting stance, just replicating what they saw in movies.

"Avoid attacking vital points just stop at the last second, then… GO!"

Kiz charged at a fast pace, and Samber instinctively retreat back, Kiz swing his sword aiming the face side, again Samber reacted barely in time, he raised his shield but the force was too much for him to repress it, on impact the shield hit on his own face.


"Kiz holds back" Aryah looked at Kiz.

"Wil you say the same thing to the enemies we will face."

"Don't interrupt Prez, or you will hurt my bravado! " Samber could taste blood in his mouth, he spits it out.

"Guess, I can let loose as well " He was grinning which made Kiz a bit annoyed too.

Aryah noticed steam gathering around Samber.

"Haaa!" Sambar took wide swing with his sword, Kiz blocked it on time but he felt a sprain from the hit on his hand.

"Ugh!" the blow was so hard that it damaged Kiz's Sheath.

"Not bad you muscle junkie" Kiz realized his reaction time can overcome his lack of power against him.

He swiftly shift to the right, Samber swung once more, Kiz was able to dodge it then he hit Samber's back with full force.

*Thrash* Sambar crashed with his face on the ground.

"It's over, Kiz is the winner"

"WHAT IS THIS?" Annie in the distance shouted and was running here, Sambar seemed totally fine, he instantly stand back up and the heat was emitting out of him very clearly others could feel it.

"Hey, I can go again " Samber smiled as if nothing happened.

"You lost Samber Kiz definitely gave you a fatal blow only the sheath protected you, so stand down I am sure you will have more chances"

"..., huh I was just getting started, but okay rules are rules" Samber walked out and for some reason everyone was wary of him, and the smoke faded gradually.

'What was that? I felt intimidated just now, I had a feeling if the fight continue it could end very badly '

Annie rushed toward Samber.

"Sam what was that?"

"Oh just a friendly match" Sam replied with a light grin

"You are bleeding though"

"This nothing compared to the beatings I got in kabaddi"

"I am sorry I am supposed to heal you but I am not capable yet"

"What that means?" Aryah approached them.

"I met the chief's wife, she was nice enough to tell us what she knows about us"

"So who up for it?" Bekaar spun her daggers confidently, the Daggers were more twirly than Aram's, she rolled her eyes towards Aryah.

"Let's do this, but please don't kill me" Aryah entered in her vicinity, Bekaar handed one of daggers to her.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Sambar replied, after watching the last fight Aryah and Bekaar confirmed that they all are more capable than they once were.

"Don't push yourself I will cease as soon as you give in"

"Well in response to your claim of favor, I will not let the adrenaline good of me " Aryah gripped the Dagger in left hand, and in great stance.

"Guess I am the referee then…" Kiz gulped.


"..." they both keep their feet still waiting for the other to go first, they both are tough and resilient in their own way.

"So you think you can take me head" Bekaar rushed forward she sidestepped twice after reaching in her hitting range as if bragging about what she is capable of.

"She can't even react to her speed " Mira talking to herself.

*Swish* Bekaar attacked first and Aryah barely evaded it, Bekaar started consecutive swings on which Aryah could only evade or block with her dagger, after a few cuts on her shoulder Aryah started to get the hang of it and now it was a barrage of swings.

"You bitch! finally copying me huh?"

"We need to adapt, that is the purpose of this sparring idiot" Bekaar took a wide vertical swing, Aryah blocked it but she was lacking in strength, Bekaar was forcing the dagger close to her chest.


"Stop already you two" Annie begged them.


Everyone was surprised at what had just happened. Aryah punched her in the stomach with full strength when she least expected.

"Guh! You. Bitch" Bekaar dropped her dagger and pressed her will to shriek.

"Winner is Aryah" Kiz announced, Aryah lose consciousness and fell to the ground her arms were all bloody.

Even though we will most of the world through MC eyes, I have a huge world that comes years later in my mind, so hopefully, the pacing is not too bad, feel free to give me some pointers to improve :)

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