
Ethereal Desire

When Dr. Sebastián Monte accidentally hits Ms. Violet Monroe with his car, he is immediately entranced by her beauty, but it's her stunning eyes that hold him in her grasp. Trying to hide the fact that he isn't human he discovers that there is something otherworldly about her eyes and she is hiding something from him just as much as he is hiding from her. Who is she? What is she? How can someone be so captivating? Can romance brew from mystery?

daoist297650 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2:

We walked inside and I took her to the kitchen. 

"Alright, let me just get my first aid kit and gloves and I will see how you are doing." I put on my gloves and approached her. I lifted her curls and the scent of citrus danced around me sending all my senses into overdrive. I was shocked when I saw no wound. I could see clearly the blood on her hair and a bit of a scar, but no open wound. I've only seen this type of self healing in one species, but never this fast. 

Typically it would take one of us about 3 days to close a wound and I don't know how big hers was but by the amount of blood left everywhere I can bet everything it wasn't something small. She doesn't smell like one of us, although she is paler than me, but still. It doesn't make any sense at all.

"What is your name?" I asked her full of curiosity.

"Violet. Violet Monroe." she looked up at me with her big violet eyes and I felt like they would suck me in. There was an entire galaxy in her eyes and they shined so brightly.

I tried to break the trance and stepped back from her. 

"What a pretty name. Did your mother name you for your eyes?" I started turning to put the kit away in the kitchen cabinet. 

"I don't really know. I don't remember my parents. They passed away when I was a baby. I was raised by my mother's best friend." 

she didn't seem very bothered but I felt like shit for asking.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I continued to put everything away.

"Nah, don't worry about it, that happened 29 years ago. I've come to terms with it already." She said as she got up and examined my kitchen. She ran her hands along the white marble counter tops. 

"You have a very charming home. You wouldn't expect everything to be so modern and sleek from the outside. Did your wife do the interior?" She asked as she stopped and turned to me. I could tell that she was fishing for information.

"Nope. It was all me. Inside and out. I did all of it." I answered her trying to feed her curiosity.

"Oh, well you have very nice taste. She is very lucky. A man who is a doctor, has good fashion sense, a hand for home improvements, caring enough to bring a stranger in need into his home and to top it off, extremely handsome. Very fortunate." 

Her voice had changed and when I looked closer I could see her eyes getting a hint of amber. Was I seeing things or was the hue in her hair getting bluer? Perhaps it was the lighting and I brushed it off. I wanted to play along. I lifted up my left hand to show her a missing ring on my finger.

"Unfortunately for me, there is no Mrs. in this home."

She started getting closer and her pale face started turning red. I started moving back the closer she got.

"That is very unfortunate, maybe I can change your luck tonight." Her lips turned blue and if I didn't know any better I would swear she was a vampire. She had a blood thirsty look in her eyes. She clearly is different but she can't be a vampire. We don't have amber eyes and our lips sure as hell don't turn blue, or our hair for that matter.

I kept backing up until my back touched the wall. I had to control myself. The last time I tried to do anything I turned Catalina into one of us. I can't do this to her.

    "Hey, Violet, you are great but, could you step back a little please." I gently pushed her hand away from my chest. Any man would think I have to be the biggest idiot in this planet.

    "Damn it! Why does this shit always happen?" She turned away from me and her hair quickly faded back to the icy blonde she had a few minutes ago.

"I don't understand why this keeps happening to me! It doesn't matter what I do, every single man is afraid of me! Am I just going to die a damn virgin?!" 

I was shocked. 

"Look you are really beautiful and what I wouldn't give to take you right now, but it isn't you it's-"

"It's not you, it's me? Really? You can save it. I know what I look like and I don't know why that happens but I promise I am not a monster. Why is everyone so scared of me?" She hung her head low and I could see the embarrassment in her face.

"I am not scared of you. I am scared of me."

I could see her colors slowly returning to normal. Who was this girl? 

"Look, I am really sorry about this. I don't know why this happens. It's like there is something wrong with me. Everytime I get close to a man this happens. I knew someday it would bring me trouble. I just didn't think he was a..." She stopped mid sentence and looked up at me. 

"Do you believe in the supernatural Dr? Who am I kidding, you are a doctor, of course you don't." She turned away. I felt horrible for her. Clearly she was going through something and had obviously seen the vampire chasing her.

"Actually... I do." I replied hesitantly. 

I wanted to know more about her. Obviously she was different. She had been the only woman whom I had been around with that didn't make me want to rip her apart. I had even smelled her blood and I didn't go in to full predator mode. Thinking back, her scent aroused me.

    "Really? You do?" She appeared genuinely excited at my response. She got closer and I could see her eyes shine again.

"Do you believe in vampires?" She looked up at me with curiosity written all over her face. She stood at perhaps 5'8 but looked petite next to my full 6'4 body.

"Yes. I do." As soon as I finished saying that, she hugged me. Panic set in followed by full fear. She had no idea the danger she just put herself in.

"You don't know how happy I am that you do! I swear I was just being chased by two of them! I was at a bar and.." 

I gently pushed her off from me.

    "You were chased by vampires?" I knew my kind and we damn well don't chase our prey. Especially not out into the middle of the street. How fast was this girl to outrun them anyway? Who was she really?