
Ethereal Desire

When Dr. Sebastián Monte accidentally hits Ms. Violet Monroe with his car, he is immediately entranced by her beauty, but it's her stunning eyes that hold him in her grasp. Trying to hide the fact that he isn't human he discovers that there is something otherworldly about her eyes and she is hiding something from him just as much as he is hiding from her. Who is she? What is she? How can someone be so captivating? Can romance brew from mystery?

daoist297650 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3:

"I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out.

I was at the bar and there were these two men sitting next to each other.

They were incredibly handsome. So one of them approached me and we made small talk. We agreed to go somewhere quiet and when we went outside he made a move on me.

As soon as his lips touched my neck he started to freeze.

Frost was all over his face.

I guess my face changed like it did just now because he freaked out and then his eyes turned black and when he came close I saw the fangs in his mouth.

I freaked out and punched him and then I bolted. The other guy saw everything and started running after me.

He was jumping like it was nothing and when I turned to look back at him, I must have run into the street and that is when I guess you hit me."

I was trying to grasp everything she had just told me. She made him freeze? She was able to punch him AND she outran them? How the hell was this possible? What was she exactly. I've been around for a long time and I don't ever remember meeting someone as intriguing as she was.

There was something about her that just captivated you, that made you want to get closer and closer. The longer she was in front of me the more I wanted to get lost in her eyes.

Could she be some sort of Siren?

I had long heard of them but never actually encountered one before. She had all the qualifying factors except for the freezing your face off part. Her eyes bore into me as I tried to think of what the hell was going on.

" You think I'm crazy right? I wouldn't blame if you did." Her scared voice pulled me back from my thoughts.

"Not at all. Would you believe me if I told you that I've seen them and many more things?" I turned the question back at her. She looked at me incredulous as if I was mocking her.

"Why do I have the feeling that you are teasing me? Are you just trying to make me feel better?" She asked me with a smirk on her face. It made her eyes shine brighter.

"Not at all. You would be surprised to hear all the stories I have to tell of my experiences with other worldly things. Although, if it is making you feel better than that does make me a little happier." I gave her a small smile and I could sense her finally relaxing a bit.

"Well, have you ever seen a woman who can't get any action because her appearance changes and freezes the poor soul who gets to close? I swear, I should find professor X and see if he will let me join the X-Men."

I felt bad for her and truly wanted to help, I just wasn't sure how.

"I can't say that I have. Do you actually do that though? Freeze people?" My curiosity peaked. I wanted to know more and I felt more hypnotized by her the longer we spoke. I unknowingly had stepped closer to her until I was merely inches away from her face.

"Do you really want to find out?" She asked in a sultry voice as she took a step closer. Her rosy lips barely touching mine. It was difficult to stay clear headed. Her eyes sparkled as her lips gently got closer to mine. I could feel the warmth of her breath and my mind started going blank. She awoke something in me and it wasn't the predator I tend to hide. It was something else. Pure desire. I pulled her into me and closed the gap between us.