
Chapter 3: The use of the golden finger

But before Lin Xiao thought of waiting for the golden finger to open and then fly to the sky, all these gifts are useless, exist mother that.

Now that the golden finger is open, you can use it, naturally you have to get it back, he has to quickly improve the strength to prepare for the final exams, he does not want to be really divided into ordinary classes and then reverse, that is also too much effort.

Jin Yunzhu didn't cross-examine him why he figured it out, just rambling like a normal old mother urging him to study hard, of course she knew that Lin Xiao's grades weren't great over the past six months, but she didn't push, not that she didn't care, but she had said early on that if the grades weren't good, she and her father had prepared enough resources for him to become a demigod.

This makes Lin Xiao extremely touched, many times want to tell them that he is sure to catch up later, but the golden finger thing he must not say, only rotten in the heart to let them worry.

The good thing is that now the golden finger has been activated, can not wait any longer, they can immediately take off, I believe that the next meeting will certainly make the actual hundreds of years old but still look like two eight girls like the old mother accident and happy.

The demigods have long been able to look eternal, life expectancy of ten thousand years to count, perhaps in the main world of strict rules is not surprising, but placed in the alien crystal wall, each demigod is able to call the wind and rain, mortals look up to the horror of existence.

It was not easy to send the old lady away, Lin Xiao hand more than a small exquisite box emitting a faint golden light, which stored his seventeen years old to all the money or red envelopes.

Some nervous rubbed his hands, open the box, a dazzling golden light bloomed out of it, so he could not help but close his eyes.

A little bit of golden light eased off, and only then did I see two cards lying quietly in the box?

"How come there are only two?"

Just as he was about to ask his mother, the wristwheel happened to pop up a message from her just sent.

"I forgot to tell you, your father took all your things away and replaced them with two cards that are very suitable for you, take a look and see if you are satisfied."

Lin Xiao.

This can still say what, full or not satisfied also have to see first, will take out the two cards placed in front of, the properties are presented one by one.

Four-star species card - gray mist fish people (ordinary): a one-time acquisition of 400 adult gray mist fish people.

Note: Half male and half female.

Five-star species reproduction card (rare): Species fertility rate 300, survival rate 300, duration 10 years.

Note: This card cannot be stacked with effect cards of the same type, and can only be used one at a time.


Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, feeling not bad.

He remembered that the cards given by his old man and mother before were usually hovering between one star and two stars, and there was only one three-star card, seventeen cards in total for seventeen years, which added up to an estimated value comparable to these two cards, but the utility was far less than these two cards.

A species card directly to four hundred adult gray mist fish people, the other reproduction card to speed up the reproduction speed, according to the ratio of subspace to the main world time flow, the gods domain ten years of the main world is only ten days, ten days to see the results.

The most important thing is that all newborn divine creatures can accumulate from the first opening of the divine realm to the entrance examination, only one month per main world to use a card to enhance the strength.

Lin Xiao has not used a card yet, but has accumulated eight chances to use it, and now uses Golden Finger to enhance low-level cards into high-star cards, maximizing the strength within the limited conditions of use.

The two cards and the previous three cards all put away, re-lying into the God's Domain login pod, the hatch closed, light blue mist gushed out, this is the unique energy in the game pod, can clear the mind and calm the qi, while providing the nutrition needed to maintain the body.

Take out the crystal ring from the card slot and put it on your head, close your eyes, and with a thought, Lin Xiao only felt his consciousness sink into boundless darkness, with no evidence or support, only countless starlight in the distance.

This is the subspace, the space between the main world and the Chaos Void Sea, all the divine domains of human civilization down to divine beings like him, strong to demigods, true gods, and even the legendary great divine powers of the divine domains are all within this subspace, the countless dots of starlight are the different divine domains.

Through the connection between the divine domain logger and the divine domain, Lin Xiao once again descended into his divine domain, and a golden shadow appeared above a modest space.

Lin Xiao's divine domain is five thousand meters long, three and a half kilometers wide, and one kilometer high, containing the depth below the underground mud and the space above ground, of which 78 are shallow seas, 15 are peninsulas, and 7 are islands.

Looking down from the air, the whole world is a picture, left and right is the length, up and down is the width, which is against the right most of the area is the sea, there is a coastal hilly belt on the west coast of the world, there are a few lichen plants, a few coconut trees, a long beach from the top all the way to the bottom, the gray mist fisherman tribe is in the lowermost left corner of the God's domain.

In the middle of the sea there are a small number of dozens of hundreds of square meters of islands, the island is mostly bare stone, a little moss in the center, without any resources.

The entire God's domain in addition to the main species of gray mist fish people, there are only some sturgeon group, sardine group, green shrimp group, pike crab these four species, this is still the initial set of biological species when the God's domain is just opened, mainly for the gray mist fish people hunting as food.

On the whole, this divine domain is quite barren, normally without other changes, the development of this resource alone, it is almost impossible to get into even the worst university academy.

In other words, this life may not be able to condense the priesthood to become a demigod.

Lin Xiao so confident to endure for so long, in addition to their own golden fingers, the main reason he was born in this life is not bad, his parents are demigods, than the top than the bottom, their own as their only son, the future resources to become a demigod or no problem.

This is less than an hour since Lin Xiao last left the divine realm, but according to the time flow between the main world and the divine realm, half a month has passed in the divine realm, this will be the gray mist fish people tribe has long forgotten the battle half a month ago.

The whole tribe is back to the original, a large group of gray mist fish people are stronger than the same clan n times the size of the fish leader under the leadership of the take sharpened branches stone cone or bone fork is fishing in the shallow sea.

This fish leader is usually the leader of the gray mist fish tribe, but when Lin Xiao needs it, he can always occupy his physical body to descend, which is his special descent shell.

In addition, in fact, all God's domain lords have real bodies, but very few people will show their true bodies, usually get a common body shell like him.

Although it is called the God sealing game, but this is not really a game can be infinitely resurrected, once the real body died, it is really dead.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

A total of five cards lined up, I don't know if it's a coincidence, just one from one to five stars each.

First of all, the four-star species card, which can recruit four hundred gray mist fishermen at once, and the five-star species reproduction card were put away first, and then the eyes fell on the remaining three cards.

Three-star resource card - Fertile Black Earth (rare).

Two-star skill card - Burst (common).

One-star skill card - severe pain (common).

Lin Xiao hand cupped his chin and thought about it, two skill cards could be synthesized.

In fact, he has long had the idea of using various golden fingers, he this magic cube unlike other golden fingers still have to fumble, after obtaining he is very clear about its function, not less in mind before simulated.

In his mind there are actually two vague ideas, but one of them involves the existence of the old mother that other cards, now the cards are all replaced with these two high star cards, that idea must have fizzled out, then there is only one.

That is

Hand out, a little white light flew out, a burst of dazzling changes outlined a tesseract.

As his mind moved, the cube quickly became as big as a soccer hanging in front of him.

He reached out and pulled out the three-star resource card 'Fertile Black Earth' from in front of him, a card that he probably wouldn't be able to use for a long time, so he could use it to break it down.

The next second the cube began to rotate, emitting a faint glow.

With a slight 'click' crunch, the spinning cube stopped, and then in Fang Ning's senses, the resource card in the cube had disappeared, replaced by a peculiar energy stored in it.

"Creation Magic Cube, let's call it Creation Energy then!"

Lin Xiao pinched his fingers and took out the second two-star skill card 'Sudden Stab' and put it into the magic cube, which rotated again.
