
Chapter 4: Fusion 5 Star Skill Card - Salty Assault


So when the magic cube turned for a while what appeared was not the creation energy from the previous decomposition of the 3-star resource card, but a small ball of light.

Then, Lin Xiao refined the last one-star skill card, 'Severe Pain', into an even smaller ball of light.

His idea was simple, to use the skill Sudden Stab as the main, fuse another skill Sharp Pain, and then use the decomposed three-star resource cards as nutrients to strengthen the fused skill, thus obtaining a more powerful skill that combines the advantages of both Sudden Stab and Sharp Pain.

In his mind to build the operation that needs to be implemented, as Lin Xiao's mind moved, under the control of the magic cube power two skills light ball slowly close, like two water bubbles quickly fused into one, and then diffuse in the magic cube space of the creation of energy quickly into the light ball, the white light ball with the draw into the creation of energy began to rapidly brighten.

"Hmm? There are two more directions of strengthening?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, and after a moment of thought, he selected one of the options.

Ten seconds later, all the creation energy was integrated into the light ball and the cube stopped spinning. He stretched out his hand and pressed the cube, which rapidly became smaller in his palm and eventually disappeared, replaced by a ball of light that emitted a blinding light, which then slowly flattened out under his eyes and transformed into a card that emitted a faint glow.

Five-star skill card - unknown skill (extremely rare): limited piercing type weapon, attacking the target with super fast speed across a distance of fifty yards, dealing five times the damage of the maximum attack, the attack ignores 50 defense.

This is one direction of reinforcement he chose, pure burst.

The other strengthening direction only deals three times the damage, but the attack has ignored 50 defense, with piercing, breaking armor, bleeding, tearing a total of four special effects.

Lin Xiao compared the two, and finally chose the five times burst option.

The real man, is to just.

The new synthesized skill is named 'Salty Fish Assault', put it aside first, then take out the two cards previously put away, the four-star fishman card and the five-star reproduction card, these two cards can also be fused.

Using the Gray Mist Fishman Summoning Card as the main body, the Species Prosperity Card will be decomposed, and the reproduction rules contained within it will be refined and then fused on top of the Gray Mist Fishman Card to harvest a

Quickly throw the Gray Mist Fishman card into the magic cube to decompose and refine a ball of light, then throw the species reproduction card into it to decompose it and refine that one reproduction rule contained in the card.

That is a trace of golden light smaller than a hair, emitting a mesmerizing charm.

Strictly speaking this one rule of reproduction if strong enough, and then invest a lot of faith value and divine power, there is a chance to refine into a real reproduction of divinity, as a foundation to become a demigod, and then invest a lot of divine power to finally condense into a reproduction priesthood.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao doesn't have much faith value now, and the rules of reproduction are not complete, so it's too difficult to complete.

After shaking his head and tossing aside his messy thoughts, Lin Xiao controlled this trace of reproduction divinity and fused it into the Gray Mist Fishman Summoning Card, and soon a new card appeared in his palm.

Five Star Species Card - Gray Mist Fishman (Very Rare): Obtain 400 Gray Mist Fishmen with twice the fertility rate and twice the survival rate of their young at once.

The number of summons remains the same, the reproduction card effect is weakened by 50, but the effect is changed from a buff that lasts for ten years to a characteristic that comes with the species, this alone makes the direct value of this card ten times higher than the two cards combined just now, and the potential value is more than a hundred times higher.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but stretch out his palm and look at the magic cube outlined by the light filaments in his palm, and couldn't help but smack his lips.

"It's too powerful."

It was a very rare quality after all.

Golden palm a grip magic cube into the palm, Lin Xiao rushed up to appear high in the sky, two cards laid out in front of him, rubbed his hands, not the first time to load, but first consume 10,000 units of faith value, first this skill pre-loaded.

The so-called pre-load, is first loaded into the divine domain family members, but now can not be used, must reach certain conditions to activate.

The condition set by Lin Xiao is simple, one must have a faith level of True Believer level to activate this preloaded skill.

For deities, believers from high to low are -

Saints, fanatics, devotees, true believers, pan believers, pseudo believers, and no believers.

Saints needless to say, this is super difficult to obtain, even the true gods do not necessarily have, fanatics are the most fanatical believers in general demigods weak true gods, devotees are the backbone, generally the priests of the sect, while true believers are the believers in the middle, but also the largest number of believers in the gods.

Further down the pan-believers, also called shallow believers, basically nothing of value, ten pan-believers are no better than a true believer.

Pseudo-believers are the equivalent of those who do not believe in the deity at all, but only have nothing to do with watching others worship with folded hands, and the deity does not classify this category as their own faith.

Normal like Lin Xiao this just opened the divine domain of divine creatures can not show the miracle, it is difficult to enhance the faith, this batch of gray mist fish people or the initial dependents have a bonus, only so many high-quality faith, if replaced by going to the outer domain indigenous that missionary, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com十年功夫能不能打开局面都难说.

After loading the skills, Lin Xiao preloaded another species card into the divine realm as well, and then fell into the divine realm as a golden light, directly into the commonly used descent carapace within.

The fish leader who was fishing with his clan suddenly paused, and the next second the golden light in his pupils returned to its original state, the surrounding fish people were swimming around in the shallow sea chasing sardines, not paying attention to the leader changed.

The descending Lin Xiao quickly gathered the fish people who caught most of the day back to the tribe, while activating the pre-loaded skills, the first to learn the salty fish burst.

Halfway past a reef he suddenly let out a wah-wah odd cry and shouted to the other fish.

"Just now the great Lord of Grey Mist has granted me new powers."

The other gray mist fishermen looked at him with strange eyes, Lin Xiao pulled out his waist bone knife and pointed at a two-meter-high stone pillar protruding from the seawater more than 30 meters away, and the next second the seawater exploded beneath his feet, and a fish-man shadow dragged a long wind belt to break through the seawater and blasted into the stone pillar.


The thick stone pillar exploded from the middle, countless debris splashed more than ten meters away.

All the gray fog fish look at him with jaws dropped, not moving to maintain an open-mouthed expression of surprise, half a long time as Lin Xiao slowly turned around, his hand crumbled only half of the bone knife raised high to let out a sky-shattering roar, many fish reacted, have excitedly flocked up around the stone pillar he had shattered with a single blow 'croak' discussion.

Ten minutes later, a group of gray fog fish people surrounded Lin Xiao back to the tribe, in the other clansmen amazed look rushed to the central altar of the tribe, have kneeled in front of the altar and prayed.

Almost instantly, Lin Xiao sensed more than ten lines of faith thickened in this moment, ten shallow believers became true believers.