
Chapter 2 - The Golden Finger Opens

A slight sound of air pressure sounded, the white God's domain connection pod hatch opened, a light blue with meditative effect of the mist gushed out, revealing Lin Xiao who just opened his eyes.

Reaching out to remove a ring made of transparent crystal from his head, he rubbed his brow and carefully placed the ring in a special storage slot inside the pod.

This is a special auxiliary device to stabilize the mind and buffer the mental pressure, its main function is not only to allow him to link the divine domain located in subspace, but also to alleviate the perceptual disorder generated by the more than one hundred times time flow between the main world and subspace, as well as to stabilize the mind so that a new player like him, who has just opened the divine domain, does not get lost in the illusion generated by the divine power.

After all, newborn divine beings like him were still ordinary people before, and without this aid when they first came into contact with divine power and divinity, it would be easy to get lost in the powerful force brought by divine power.

At the time when the human federation first discovered the God-sealing game, there were no such perfect aids at that time, and it was often heard that people were affected by divinity and divine power, thus their personalities changed greatly, and some who were not persistent enough were directly enslaved by the power of divinity.

Lin Xiao crossed the time period is very good, at this time human after tens of thousands of years of exploration and development, has already created a stable God domain login cabin, human civilization has also been in the Chaos Void Sea stand firm, the tribe of strong people like clouds, millions of deities across the Chaos Void Sea in many crystal wall system, occupy the realm and even crystal wall system countless.

Crossing over and being born in the best era of this glorious super fantasy civilization, Lin Xiao is still quite satisfied.

The family he was reborn in is also quite satisfied, his parents are alive, no siblings only son, although the family has many branches, but the overall harmony, not so many doggy backwards things.

After all, the old ancestor of the family, who had ignited the divine fire, was still alive, and gods have unlimited lifespan.

He wiped his face and walked over to the divine login pod and touched a button, and a light screen popped up in front of him, showing the following.

East Ning City Fifth High School, senior class 3 this semester, the thirty-eighth major class report card, as follows--

Cadet Lin Xiao.

Personal Performance FAMILY Performance Overall Rating Overall Rating: Good-.

Class rank: 25.

Grade ranking: 252.

Classroom teacher comments: personal combat performance moderate to high, dependency performance failed.

The report card is very formula, Lin Xiao took a look at it and shrugged, this he had in mind long ago, he chose this dependency is indeed a bit lame.

Six months ago when the divine realm was just opened he knew, but at that time he saw that the golden finger that came with his own crossing was about to open, thinking that he had the golden finger in his hand, the starting race was almost close, and he would make up for it in a minute.

But he did not expect this wait is half a year, obviously only one percent of the progress is dragged half a year, which can be a pitfall for him.

When the first opened God's domain there were one hundred fish, now half a year according to the main world and God's domain one to one hundred time flow rate that is more than two hundred years, fish life expectancy of about twenty years, generally two or three years to give birth, the results of so long mixed only one hundred and seven, two hundred years growth rate of less than ten percent, the pit of a horse.

The main reason is that the strength of the fish is too weak, although the initial race of all trainees are very weak, but the fish is also the bottom of the group.

Weak strength, coupled with the weekly battle damage of a large class, and he did not get to speed up the reproduction of the card, the result is mixed for half a year of time or this hanging.

The only thing he can't do is to be in the middle of the class, he is ranked twenty-five out of fifty students in the class, and he can maintain his ranking at about two hundred and fifty out of ten classes of the same year, which is quite stable for half a year.

Rubbing his teeth, Lin Xiao turned off the panel and clicked on another message at the back.

Still from the class teacher, it was a mass notification that

"Next Monday prepare for the mapping test, this is the last mapping test of the semester, after that is the final exam, next school placement, everyone knows what this means, this is your last chance, please prepare yourselves in this last month."

The touchdown test is once a month, usually prepared by the class teacher to release some monsters with certain difficulty to invade the student's divine realm with various monster cards, similar to the big class just now, but the monsters will be stronger or more.

The bottom test has certain dangers, one is not careful will make the family in the God's domain lose a lot of money, thus affecting the development.

But accordingly this is a good opportunity for certain outstanding students, because the student's promotion rate will affect the teacher's performance assessment, so the teacher usually gives various rewards to students who perform well in the big class, and the mapping test is the same.

Of course, Lin Xiao has not received a teacher reward for more than thirty lessons since he entered school, the best performance once ranked nineteen in the class and received a verbal encouragement from the class teacher.

Some gloomy will light screen closed, he is not worried about the bottom of the test, but a month later the final exam.

The human federal high school is a grading system, the first year of high school is normal, but wait until the second year of high school, the school will be according to the results of the final examination of the first year of high school re-grading class, which is the so-called ordinary class, the top class, key class.

There is no doubt that the top class key class and so will certainly get more resources and better teachers education.

And ordinary class, naturally, is taught casually, basically considered self-perpetuating.

Even if Lin Xiao has a golden finger, the class is also quite important, he does not want to be assigned to the ordinary class, so even with a golden finger is not good mix.

It is not that the golden finger is not powerful, but can go to the key class, why should go to the ordinary class?

This is not a mystery, the opening waste was mocked, and then take the golden finger to rise again crazy face?

He is not that free.

So this time the mapping test

His consciousness sank into his own sea of consciousness, like a starry sky in the center of the sea of consciousness a crystal magic cube blooming with a faint glow is turning back and forth without rules, a progress bar in the netherworld has reached the apex.

"I hope I can finish loading before the quiz!"

The thought had not yet fallen, the progress bar in the dark had just reached the top, and then the constantly turning crystal cube in the starry sky of the sea of knowledge blossomed into an infinite brightness, like a sun across the starry sky.

"My golden finger has finally opened."

Lin Xiao almost burst into tears, after waiting for seventeen years, this thing was finally available.

The first time he stretched out his palm, the

A bit of white light flew out and quickly danced in his palm outlining a magic cube made of light filaments, which was the projection of the magic cube of creation.

Well, what is the real name of this thing he does not know, just because of the function of the magic cube and named the magic cube of creation.

As the name suggests, this magic cube functions like a creation, able to decompose, refine, refine, fuse, reorganize, etc. anything that is put in it, a function that can completely change the nature of everything in the world.

When he first obtained the magic formula of creation, Lin Xiao did not know how to use this thing, but then after entering the God-sealing game to open up the divine realm, he knew how to make the most of this magic formula of creation.

"Yyyy bah humbug, I have to try it out."

Where he could not bear to wait for the next time to try, he turned around and went to the room, opened an alloy safe embedded in the wall against the wall, and took out three crystal cards from it.

These were cards unique to the God of Seals game, a three-star resource card, a two-star skill card, and a one-star skill card, all whiteboard normal cards.

Three-star Resource Card - Fertile Black Soil (Rare): Transform a piece of fertile black land of 60 meters in length and height and 4 meters in thickness at once.

Two-star skill card - piercing (common): limited piercing weapons, with very fast speed to attack the target, causing twice the weapon damage and must trigger the piercing effect.

One Star Skill Card - Pain (Normal): Your attack will cause the target to take an additional 15 damage, with a very small chance of triggering the bleed effect.

The first of these three cards is a three-star resource card given by his grandfather when he first opened the God's domain, but unfortunately the God's domain he chose is the sea, and the gray mist fishermen are not good at farming, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com this rare three-star resource card is not useful.

The other two skill cards one is given by the grandmother, the other is given by a cousin, but he felt a little wasted on such a weak race of fishermen, plus he knew early on the function of his golden fingers, thinking to save up, and so open the golden fingers, the two cards will be broken down and fused into a more powerful card.

So it has been put in the safe to eat dust, until today finally have a use.

He couldn't wait to take out the three cards, thought about taking out a crystal wristwheel in the bedside table slot, his finger pressed on it, a light screen popped open, he thought about it, his finger drew on the light screen to edit a message.

"Wise and wise father and gentle and lovely mother, your son has recently figured out that he doesn't want to work hard, I hope that mother will pass on the money and red envelopes that my son has kept in your place all these years."

After reading the message, he edited it again to change 'you' to 'you' satisfactorily signed his name and sent it.

After less than five minutes there was a reply, click on it, the light screen popped out from the surface of the wrist wheel into a projection of a woman wearing a light blue starlight dress.

The woman looks seven or eight points similar to Lin Xiao, looks gentle and innocent like a young girl, full of doting look at Lin Xiao softly said.

"Xiao'er, have you figured it out?"

"Yes, I've figured it out."

This was Lin Xiao's mother, Jin Yunzhu, a demigod whose divine office was Rain and Growth, and this was a projection of her divine thoughts.

Just like all mothers under the sun, Jin Yunzhu still dotes on Lin Xiao, her only son, and prepares a gift for him every year on his birthday over the years.