
Entertainment For The Bored Immortal

Fang Jiuyi was a transmigrator from the Blue Planet. And like any other transmigrator, he is also aspiring to become immortal and eternal. After struggling for hundreds of thousands of years, his aspiration became a reality. But there was one thing he didn't anticipate after he reached the top. There was nothing to do! Continue cultivate? What for? He is already the strongest. He was not a local who was addicted to cultivation! In the end, even when he became the strongest, he couldn't escape from his human nature. He became bored, so he tried everything to alleviate his boredom. After millions of years, he came back to square one; he had already tried everything. So he chose to slumber. When he woke up again, he finally had some ideas to alleviate his boredom! *** Wei Fang, a native of the cultivation world, was suddenly offered to bond with a system. He treats it carefully, as he needs to offer his soul to it. But, when the circumstances called for it, he didn't have a choice but to do so. Something that he felt to be a devil previously turned out to be something that could help him achieve greater heights in cultivation. Armed with the system, what path would he choose and what height could he achieve?

Wall_Clock · Huyền huyễn
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97 Chs


A few days later, Wei Fang finally mastered the right amount of qi he could use to use the Fly Swatting Palm without getting injured after using half of the healing ointment.

Of course, the acceleration of his palm was not exaggerated like before, when he could only see blurs. If it were compared to the hand speed of a sage from Blue Planet though, it would still be faster. It only makes his palm about three times faster than normal.

As for the system suggestion to change the arrow string, forget it; he still wants his hand.

Actually, he knew what the system meant. It was just that he didn't have the ability to do it because he was too poor.

If only there were other people who would do charity to the poor him like the system.

"Now that I am healed and could use the Fly Swatting Palm already, should I go out?"

Wei Fang hesitated because he knew what would await him if he went out. It would just be another beating.

He didn't hesitate because he was afraid; if he was afraid, he would not become broke because he used his money to buy the healing pill. It just showed that he gets many beatings.

He hesitated because he didn't have a healing pill anymore!

If he got beaten up, he couldn't get out of bed for at least half a month without a healing pill. And he found it was just too wasteful to use the healing ointment.

As he hesitated, he saw a message from the system.

[You received a new mission!]

"Mission? Is it like the sect's mission?" He was puzzled.



The previous message disappeared, and a new message popped up.

[You received a new trial!]

"Oh, so it's a trial, but why did it say mission before? Is there another problem on the? server?"

There was no response from the system. But Wei Fang was not disappointed, as he was eager to see what the trial was about.

Is it something like a comprehension test?

Or something like fighting power?

Or maybe it was about the Fly Swatting Palm?

After all, he had just mastered it, and the trial came.


He looked at his profile, which had changed from before.


Host Name: Wei Fang

Cultivation :

Body: None

Essense (Qi): Level 3 Qi Condensation

Soul: None

Cultivation technique:

Azure Cloud Incantation (Qi Condensation Part)

Body Forging Method (Full Comprehension)

Skill :

Raging Fist (Elementary)

Fly Swatting Palm (Full Comprehension)



[ Revenge]

[You were humiliated and beaten up by your sectmate. As a cultivator, you were someone who was going against the heaven. How can you tolerate being humiliated when you have the courage to challenge heaven? You must retaliate with full force for the humiliation you suffered.

Requirements: Beat them up, humiliate them up, or make them recognized your greatness.

Time limit: 3 days

Rewards: Improvement and comprehension of Azure Cloud Incantation.]

When Wei Fang saw the mission, he was stunned.

It was not like he never tried to retaliate with those people, but those people were in level four and above Qi Condensation while he was in level three Qi Condensation, so he still ended up miserable when going against them. There was also the problem that they were together while he was alone.

If only Wei Fang was the villain, then those people would be like s*ntai rangers, winning because of their numbers.

"It seems there was no helping it. I need to go out to meet those people."


When Wei Fang was on the road, he attracted many people's attention instantly.

"Look, isn't that him?"


"The one who gets beaten up every time he goes out."

"What? And he still dared to come out; just where does his courage come from? Did he grow up eating tiger gal or something?"

"I am more curious about whether he still had the healing pill or not. It was the seventh time already, but he can still move around just after a few days of getting beaten up."

"I think he no longer has it."


"Usually he would come out after three days, but this was the seventh day already."

"You're right, maybe he was running out of healing pills, so he had to come out later than usual. And were you interested in him or what? You could even tell how many days he would come out before."


"Let's go and follow him; there would be a show to watch if we followed him."

"Let's go!"

Wei Fang noticed many people following him, but it was also his intention.

If it were before, he would try to come out while hiding; he would try to go to the sect's mission hall to receive missions, because once he was on mission, those people wouldn't dare attack him.

Alas, this method only worked once and never succeeded again.

But now, the more people following him, the better, and the bigger the crowd, the better. Even though they wanted to watch him as he was getting beaten up, he would gladly do it as long as he could successfully complete the mission and get the reward.

He could get a full comprehension of the Azure Cloud Incantation, and there was even an upgrade version of it. Thinking of the reward, he couldn't help but think of the system reminder.

Is he really that much of an idiot?

[Yes, you are. Host, you didn't have to be shy about admitting your shortcoming; you had to be proud of it and try to improve.]

Ugh! The system always shows up every time there is an opportunity to ridicule him, and in the first place, could someone's intelligence be increased just because they want to?

[Don't worry host, as your cultivation increased, your soul would become stronger and your intelligence would naturally be raised; you could also cultivate your soul to increase it.]

Then, why don't you give me soul cultivation techniques so that I can increase my intelligence?

[You're daydreaming in the broad daylight, Host. Normally, people could only cultivate their souls after they reached foundation establishment, and you were even below average, so the system advised the host to recognize reality quickly, as you wouldn't end up in your situation again in the future if you could just face reality.]

Ugh, that really hit where it hurt. He wouldn't end up like this if his imagination didn't run wild and he didn't dream of having a relationship with Senior Sister Cheng Lin.

"Oh, look who we have here." A shout awakened Wei Fang from his daydreaming. "Isn't he the toad who lusted after swan meat?"

You're the toad, and your family is all toad!

Wei Fang looked ahead and saw three people walking towards him.

The one in the front was Cheng Hu; he looked like he always had a grim expression in front of other people, and he had the strength of level 5 Qi Condensation, while two people following behind him were Chen Bao and Lin Rong, their cultivation was ag level four. The one who talked before was Chen Bao.

"It seems you are quite rich to be able to come out again and again like weeds. How about you share your healing pill with this senior brother?"Chen Bao was sneering as he taunted Wei Fang.

But Wei Fang was not to be outdone; after being around the system for so long, he was already picking up a trick or two to rile up people.

"I don't mind sharing one with you, but what to do? Healing pills were meant to treat the injured, but you aren't injured at all, so why don't you let me beat you up so I could share some healing pills with you? Otherwise, it would be a waste to give a healing pill to you." Wei Fang sneered back.

Chen Bao's expression darkened; he didn't think the kid would still dared to retort back after being beaten up many times. "I could save it to use in the future when I am injured."

"Then, you could come to me in the future when you're injured."

Cheb Bao was speechless. There was a healing facility in the sect. Why would I come to you when I am injured? It would be a miracle if you didn't beat me up while I was injured if I came to you.

Without saying a word, Cheng Hu suddenly gestured to Chen Bao to shut up.


Before he could finish his sentences, Wei Fang cut him off: "I challenge you, Cheng Hu, to duel me one on one; you always gang up on me even though you three had higher cultivation stage than me; didn't you have any shame?"

Cheng Hu's countenance darkened upon hearing it.