
Entertainment For The Bored Immortal

Fang Jiuyi was a transmigrator from the Blue Planet. And like any other transmigrator, he is also aspiring to become immortal and eternal. After struggling for hundreds of thousands of years, his aspiration became a reality. But there was one thing he didn't anticipate after he reached the top. There was nothing to do! Continue cultivate? What for? He is already the strongest. He was not a local who was addicted to cultivation! In the end, even when he became the strongest, he couldn't escape from his human nature. He became bored, so he tried everything to alleviate his boredom. After millions of years, he came back to square one; he had already tried everything. So he chose to slumber. When he woke up again, he finally had some ideas to alleviate his boredom! *** Wei Fang, a native of the cultivation world, was suddenly offered to bond with a system. He treats it carefully, as he needs to offer his soul to it. But, when the circumstances called for it, he didn't have a choice but to do so. Something that he felt to be a devil previously turned out to be something that could help him achieve greater heights in cultivation. Armed with the system, what path would he choose and what height could he achieve?

Wall_Clock · Eastern
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97 Chs

Fly Swatting Palm In The Action

"I challenge you, Cheng Hu, to duel me one on one; you always gang up on me even though you three had higher cultivation level than me; didn't you have any shame?"

Cheng Hu's countenance darkened upon hearing it.

Even though what Wei Fang said was mostly true, he was still angry when he heard it.

It was not that he wanted to gang upon him, but he couldn't even initiate a one-on-one duel.

Every time he challenged Wei Fang, he would be rejected, and he would try to run away instantly. Without another choice, he could only order Chen Bao and Lin Rong to prevent him from escaping.

But, from an outsider's point of view, it would look like the three of them were ganging on him.

Not to mention, Wei Fang would attack anyone who blocked his way; there was no way ones wouldn't retaliate when they were attacked. So it ended with three of them beating him down.

And now he's bringing that up, saying that he doesn't have any shame.

Shame on you! Wei Fang!

But he really couldn't retort back to what Wei Fang was saying; after all, many people witnessed the sight of three of them beating him, so offering an explanation would only bring him more ridicule.

The two behind him also had a dark expression; they would never have thought Wei Fang would say that in front of many people that they ganged on him.

Even though it was true to some extent, it was different if it was said by someone else, especially the victim.

After all, ganging on people weaker than you is a shameful matter.

Cheng Hu took a deep breath to calm himself down, but no change of expression could be seen on his face; he only frowned a bit when he heard what Wei Fang said.

"I accept your challenge!"

"Let's fight!"

Everyone instantly makes space for them to have their duel.

The rules of dueling in a sect were different from one another. In the Azure Cloud Sect, a duel was instantly initiated as one accepted it.

There was no such thing as choosing the time and place. The sect's higher-ups said that a cultivator must always be ready to fight wherever and whenever; after all, which enemy would give you time to prepare?

Of course, if one cultivation was already in the foundation establishment and above, there was an arena especially made to accommodate their fight; after all, no one wants to have destruction everywhere in the sect.

But as the two of them were only at the Qi Condensation, they could have their duel anywhere inside the sect, as long as it was not inside the building. But of course, they also need to pay for the damage they caused if they destroyed any of the sect properties.

Cheng Hu was ready to fight and looked at Wei Fang.

But Wei Fang was occupied with his own things.

"System-sama, did I complete the trial?"

[Not yet.]

"Didn't I humiliate them already?"

[Do the host think that you are a blonde-haired Jincuriki Shinobi? Want to win with just talkiing no jutsu? You are a cultivator; not everything can be resolved by talking.]

In the first place, what is shinobi? Jincuriki? No jutsu? But Wei Fang had already gotten a bit used to the fact that he sometimes didn't know what the system said, so he ignored it.

"So, what do I need to do to be considered humiliating them?"

[The host just need to make them to vomit blood out of anger, then it can be considered to be successfully humiliated them.]

Vomiting blood out of anger? Is that thing even possible?

Cheng Hu was a bit angry now; he didn't even get a single response from Wei Fang after so long.

So he immediately attacked.

Wei Fang was startled by Cheng Hu's attack; he thought Cheng Hu would at least talk about something first, like a curse or something to ease his anger.

Wei Fang knew the technique used by Cheng Hu; it was the raging fist, as it was the technique that everyone got after they accepted into the sect along with the Azure Cloud Incantation.

Though he knew the technique, he didn't have time to evade it. He gathered his qi in his palm and Fly Swatting Palm. He deflected Cheng Hu's fist and backed off to gain some distance.

If it was according to what he wants, he would want to shout his technique every time he used it.

like the duel he watched on the dueling platform, where some seniors would shout their technique whenever they used it. Of course, not every senior does it.

But he found it cool!

Then again, the technique he used was the fly swatting palm.

If he shouted it, it wouldn't be cool but embarrassing instead.

Wei Fang looked at Cheng Hu, who had gotten solemn.

Cheng Hu felt that with his full power, he could instantly defeat Wei Fang with that punch; he didn't expect it would be deflected.

Now, he couldn't underestimate Wei Fang anymore. Just those palms alone were as fast as his speed, which was two levels higher in cultivation than Wei Fang.

"It seems that it was not your reckless bravado that you challenged me. I admit that I underestimated you; now I will get serious."

Then he pounced towards Wei Fang.

Please don't get serious, let me have easy win, Wei Fang was screaming inside.

He looked as Cheng Hu attacked him; it was still the same raging fist, but different than before; now it was more organized and attacked him from a different angle.

Wei Fang didn't have any other technique except his fly swatting palm. Even though he also knew the raging fist, it was still in the elementary stage; if he used it here, he would just ask for a beating.

But of course, the fly-swatting palm lived up to its name, as it could swat the fastest insect. He successfully deflected every fist thrown at him.

As Wei Fang slowly became accustomed to it, he began to have hope again. Maybe I can really win! His eyes shone.

Just as his hope had risen, a kick landed on his stomach, making him stagger back.

Fack! That was cheating; how could you kick me when the martial art you used was raging fists?

Yes, it was just a normal kick, not any martial art.

But the kick was enough to cause disorder in Wei Fang's rhythm.

Wei Fang could only do everything he could to deflect as many fists as he received while receiving the rest with his body.

In the end, I would still end up getting beaten up! Wei Fang lamenting his fate.

What should I do? If it continued like this, I would just end up getting beaten up without completing the system mission.

Oh yeah! I have that!

He remembered something.

When he saw Cheng Hu's fist coming toward his left chest, he let it through and focused on deflecting the next attack.


Cheng Hu frowned as he realized there was something underneath Wei Fang's clothes. And it was also something hard and solid, making his fist hurt. But he still didn't stop; his other hand had already punched towards his opponent's face.

Wei Fang grimaced; even though he was prepared for it, it was still painful.

On his left chest was the vial he got from the system. According to the system, it was indestructible as long as there was still healing ointment inside. So he used it to receive Cheng Hu's punch.

After that, he used his left hand to deflect Cheng Hu's punch to his face and counterattack.

Fly Swatting Palm!


A loud, smacking sound was heard, making everyone freeze. Even Wei Fang froze. Only the sound of Cheng Hu's staggered backward was heard.

"How dare you!?" Cheng Hu's angry voice woke everyone up.

Then everyone saw that his usually expressionless face was red and full of anger.

There wer also a red handprint on his left cheek. For someone who usually had grim and serious expression to have red handprint on his cheek; someone couldn't help but laugh.

This was also one of the reasons Cheng Hu was so angry. This was the first time he had been humiliated like this.

If it was a punch or a palm, it would be alright, but a slap? He never felt anger so great toward someone before.

Wei Fang was stunned when he heard the angry voice.

He cowered when facing the angry Cheng Hu, who looked like a raging bull, and then he almost felt like laughing when he saw the red handprint mark on his face.