
RF Power Plant

"Mmn.. now, I'll put the fractionating still.." He thought about where to put the machine. "Well.. maybe I should buy another building dedicated to power plant?"

But he, of course, remembered that his mansion currently has a lot of empty rooms and everything. He also considered to set these thingamajigs inside the mansion, but it will be very messy to have a ton bundle of pipes and wires coming out from one of the room. Even though it made him use less cable, but it was not pleasing to the eye.

So, he simply bought a simple square shaped Minecraft building made of wood planks and put the fractionating still inside it.

George also connected all of those pipes from the arboreal extractors to the fractionating still and saw a lot of resin pumped to the fractionating still.

George nodded in satisfaction when he saw that. "This thing still needs power to operate! So I'll put the steam dynamo and the compression dynamo first!" He placed the steam dynamo and the compression dynamo near the fractionating still and connected them with a cable that could transport RF energy.

He also bought a RF powered pump and placed it on the river, so if the whole system worked, it will automatically draw water from the river to the steam dynamo and the compression dynamo through a pipe.

George thought while rubbing his chin. "Hmm.. I hope it works tho! If it didn't work it would be suck!"

With all of those machine being connected by cable and all of those pipes that were very necessary, he just needed the final touch. To power the whole system up infinitely, the machines need to produce a little bit of RF.

"Here comes the result!" George manually draws some water from the riverbank with a bucket and filled it inside the steam dynamo. He then put a lump of coal inside "Oh my god! My heartbeat is increasing.. I hope this whole system worked tho!!" He then counted in three, before putting an ignited match on the coal.

After he ignited the coal, the steam dynamo will slowly produce some steam and make RF to power the fractionating still, so it will process the resin to tree oil and rosin.

From the fractionating still, the tree oil will be ejected and move to another machine called compression dynamo, while the byproduct of it, rosin will be used as fuel in the steam dynamo.

And inside the compression dynamo, the tree oil will be consumed by it, to make both tree oil and those water from the river to generate Redstone Flux.

Those two dynamos will make a ton of RF to make the whole system operating infinitely, including the pump. So it will make all of the energy automatically.

George sighed in relief when he saw the machines turned out to be working wonderfully. The last thing that he needed to wrap this whole energy problem is to store the energy that was made out of those two engines. But.. he doesn't know what to buy, so he once again asked the A.I.

「Ding! There are a few mods that provide energy cell functions, and there are a few variations to it. Take a look at these items!」

< First Tier of Energy Core (Draconic Evolution) >

The Energy Core is a machine added by Draconic Evolution energy storage system. It is the central part of the Energy Core multiblock which can store massive amounts of Redstone Flux (RF). This structure comes in 8 tiers.

When fully assembled, RF can be introduced to and extracted from the structure through the use of Energy Pylons. These can be placed anywhere within 16 blocks of the Core, and are activated by placing a block of Glass either above or below the Pylon (depending on if it is below or above the Core, respectively), which will turn into a blue orb. Pylons can be toggled between input and output mode by right-clicking the orb and can move 2,147,483,647 RF/t per face.

The amount of RF that can be stored inside an Energy Core of a given tier is: first tier could store up to 45,5 million RF, second tier could store up to 273 million RF, third tier could store up to 1640 million RF, fourth tier could store up to 9880 million RF, fifth tier could store up to 59,3 billion RF, sixth tier could store up to 356 billion RF, seventh tier could store up to 2,14 trillion RF, whole the eight tiers could store up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 RF.

「This is an upgradeable item. Each tier's price will be doubled from the last tier. (the second tier will cost 20 million credits.)」

[Price: 10.000.000 Credits]

< Basic Energy Cube >

An Energy Cube is an advanced type of battery that is compatible with multiple energy systems, originating from Mekanism mod. The energy can be input from 5 sides and output on 1 side. The output side has a special marking which looks like a small panel. Rotate the Cube by right-clicking with a wrench. Stored energy is measured in Universal Electricity Joules but the Energy Cube is compatible with Minecraft Joules (Buildcraft), Redstone Flux (Thermal Expansion 3), or Universal Electricity Joules.

Inside the frame of the Energy Cube is a spinning, glowing energy matrix. The brightness of the matrix is a visual indicator of the Cube's charge level, and the color indicates the energy tier: green (Basic), red (Advanced), blue (Elite), purple (Ultimate).

This basic energy cube has a capacity of 2000 KMJ. [1 MJ = 10 RF].

[Price: 5.000.000 Credits]

< Leadstone Energy Cell (Thermal Expansion 4) >

Energy Cells are tile entities added by Thermal Expansion 4. They store Redstone Flux (RF) inside.

This energy cell has a capacity of 400.000 RF.

[Price: 100.000 Credits]


From all of those energy storage, the most eye-catching one is the draconic evolution one. Even though it was expensive, it was upgradeable if the energy that was stored was too full. So George just bought all of that without considering the other energy storage items.

Furthermore, he remembered something from the draconic evolution mod. He has seen a youtuber that played some modpack with this mod installed. They created a giant energy cell that looked like a giant freakin' rasengan. So.. not only for convenience if he wants to upgrade the cell, but he was also memeing with it.

He installed the tier one draconic evolution's energy cell in the same building. He was very glad that he bought a relatively huge building, even though it's barely fit inside this building. But.. importantly, the energy cell will be fit inside this building, even if it was upgraded to the last tier.

"Mmn.. I think this kind of set-up is already enough for my energy consumption. I only want a refrigerator, so it's probably enough!" George thought. He thought about buying AC, but he realized that the installation is going to be troublesome, so he just bought a refrigerator.

He connected a cable to the energy cell and the refrigerator, but he needed to use a lot of extensions to do that, but it was fine.

"Ugh.. I'm sick of these things! I'll install more type of home appliances in the future!" He was fed up with these things. And he wanted to just relax without worrying anything.

What electronics should I add? lol

TrinityShockcreators' thoughts