
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

I'm Still Grieving??

Morning came quickly, and as for me, well, I was going to have a mildly busy day, as I had to go to the grocery store and pick up some food for the week as I had a diet I followed.

So I decided I'd have my morning jog as I headed to the grocery store, killing two birds with one stone.

I took a shower, got dressed, packed my hair in the same ponytail style I did before jogging yesterday, grabbed the key, and began my jog.

Let's get something straight real quick. First of all, I am highly perceptive to minute changes in my environment.

Meaning anything from air shifts, watchful eyes to scents and the likes of such, and I was picking up a few as they watched from a distance.

"I seem to have gained some fans… interesting!"

I mumbled to myself as I began my jog, knowing they would have heard what I had said and would follow me at a safe distance.

*XXXXX City*

In the city Xavier had just come from, there was a gathering with David and a few of Matthew Jameson King's family members.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, sorry for getting here late; I had been a little bit busy handling some more important matters but worry not as this should not take long at all."

David said with a carefree attitude.

"Just get to the point; you know why we're all here."

A man in a black suit, with his brown hair combed back with gel, spoke up impatiently as he only wanted to know how much of his older brother's property he was to inherit.

He had beside him someone that looked identical to him in facial features, his twin brother who wondered the same as himself.

Both were greedy and had been waiting for the day to come where they could swoop in and claim their older brother's fortune of an inheritance.

These identical brothers had abandoned Matthew and disowned him when he turned 20 and was homeless on the streets, same with Matthew's older sister and younger sister as well.

That was the single reason they were named the "Thompson's" and Matthew as "Matthew King."

Matthew died at age 71, and his siblings were younger than him by an average of 6 years and his older sister by four years.

Bringing out an official copy of the will from a briefcase, he placed it on his lap as he said,

"You are correct; let's get down to business…."

David paused for a while, causing all five siblings of Matthew to look at him in confusion until the eldest sister decided to speak up and ask.

"Is something the problem??"

Matthew's older sister spoke up, confused at the pause.

"No, it's just your names aren't mentioned in his will, and his possessions have been allocated according to his choice."

A silence permeated the air as they all tried to get their disarrayed thoughts together with much difficulty.

"What the hell do you mean they have already been given to a person of his choice?? You mean to tell me he did not choose a family member or members, but rather an outsider."

"That is correct!''

David said without batting an eye or flinching, greatly surprising them and leaving them in a dazed state all over again.

"Hand the will over to me, and I'll take a look at it myself; I refuse to believe he did not leave anything for any of us."

"Of course…"

David paused as he handed it over to them.

"Do forgive the fact that the inheritor Mr. King's possession has everything private, including their name censored; it was part of Mr.King's request."

"This is a copy??"

Matthew's younger sister asked David, to which he replied,

"Yes, it is, as the inheritor of Mr. King's fortune has the original."

"Impossible… who did he give it to, charity, donations, the Choi family, James… who??"

Trying to pin who he could have given his fortune to, they hit a roadblock as they rapidly thought of any possible person or company he came in contact with that would give his inheritance.

"Unfortunately, that information is private and cannot be disclosed due to client confidentiality and privacy."

David said with an unwavering voice and a dead straight face that did not allow room for negotiation.

Collecting the copy from the trembling hands of the woman who collected the will to view for herself, David placed it back in his briefcase and closed it. Upon his exit, he stopped and said,

"I hope you have gained closure and now understand Mr. King's will… as I told you earlier, this did not take too much time, have a wonderful rest of your day, and I hope we do not meet anytime soon or ever; at all, goodbye!"

James walked out, leaving a group of stunned people at a loss of words.


I had already arrived at the grocery store and purchased what I needed, fresh fruits and some vegetables, meat, seafood, and chicken.

It was reasonably quick, but I still got weird looks from several, if not all, people here; I just pinned it down to them not being used to seeing new people over here.

Maybe I just had an outsider aura or some weird habits I was unaware of, causing them to treat me like an invasive species.

But regardless, I could care less what their opinions of me were as none of their opinions of me were relevant in any way.

I decided to use a "jolt," a taxi service similar to the likes of Ub*r and such, headed to my home and dropped off the items I had just purchased and arranged them in the proper places.

I used that same taxi to head over to a gym, knowing if I were to ask around where it was, I'd probably be ignored by the entirety of them.

Something felt off about this place, it was lively and active, but there was this lingering feeling of eeriness in the air.

I got my gym membership pretty fast and used the same taxi I had told to wait for me to finish my business, for an extra cost, of course.

My final destination was back home; I intended to sort out my things once and for all and go through my father's letter.

But, on my way home, I caught a strange sight of something humanoid flying in the sky, immensely confusing me as I rubbed my eyes trying to check again to confirm, but there was nothing there anymore.

'Probably just because I'm still grieving about dad.' I said to myself.

I hope you find the book mildly entertaining at the very least; feel free to add it to your library, as I will be adding more daily.

Please let me know your thoughts and opinions regarding the book as well!

Greatly appreciated!!

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