
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 06

Now being home, I grabbed dad's letter from where I had kept it for when I was in the right psychological state of mind to read it.

I sat on the side of my bed, holding the letter.


I thought as I slowly broke off the candle wax seal on the envelope.

Tilting the envelope upside down to let the letter fall out, a key with exquisite craftsmanship and intricate designs attached to a necklace, fell out followed by the letter.

I could still feel some weight in the envelope, so I tilted it again, this time shaking it with more force, forcing something that looked like a black and gold medallion to fall out of it.

The medallion was rather strange, as upon bringing it to close up to my face, I noticed that the chain that held it together was not touching the medallion itself but rather hovering about an inch away from it.

'Incredible,' I thought to myself.

I picked up the key from the floor and placed both around my neck as I opened the letter.

"Adonis, my dear boy,

If this letter has found its way to you, that means I met my end earlier than I had expected, and you're now several dozen miles away from home.

I will first apologize as I cannot explain certain things above my power until they reveal themselves to you due to specific forces above my power.

You are not an ordinary boy or teenager in any way whatsoever; the fact of it all is that you are the exact opposite.

You always wondered why I never spoke about your mother after her passing, but you will soon understand that it wasn't because I didn't want to, nor did I love her enough.

It was because if I did, I would unintentionally say some things that I shouldn't, and that might place you in harm's way.

The same applies to keep you within the borders of the mansion gates all the time, as some would be out for your head, should they learn of your origins.

There are several books in the library of the home you should be in, though knowing you, that is not where you are right now, as you are probably in a house of your choosing.

In that library, you will find a book, no, a book will call to you, explaining your origins to you and teaching you how to control the basics of magic.

Yes, magic! When your mother told me the same thing before we married, I was baffled as I thought she had become delusional.

But it is indeed true. The world you live in is one of two sides of the same coin, or rather one of four sides on a four-face pyramid.

You will understand what I mean by that soon, as I never fully understood when your mother told me.

You should know right now that you are living on one side; the world people know and live in every day, filled with smiles, happiness, and joy.

This site is known as "The Origin." Also known as the half of the original realm, the other half is the world of crime known as "The Edge."

I cannot go further than this, lest I betray the Oath of secrecy I have sworn, but your first task should be to recover that book but do be careful not to be followed.

As for the key and the Amulet, the book should answer any questions about that and slowly guide you to where they would prove themselves useful.

I know you thought this letter would be something else, maybe something that would console you of my passing or give you the strength to move on, but I know that my son knows when to grieve and when to accept.

I wish you strength, my boy, and I hope you find your place in one of these wretched worlds filled with deceit and greed.

I love you, my dear boy."

I sat there pondering the contents of this letter, being told some things that meant the world I used to know was not even half of it.

Magic, Pyramid, The Edge, The Surface, Realms, an oath of secrecy, the Amulet, and the Key.

It was a lot to take in, as this meant two things. The first being my parents had kept several secrets from me, and I am not who I think I am.

The second, there was a lot to learn and understand from scratch, but I had been given a starting point that would call to me.

If I were to tell someone about this, it would seem as though I was mad and had a few screws loose all over the place.

Then it hit me! Not literally, but the understanding of it. I finally had one puzzle piece of this ever-growing sea of questions.

Yesterday I encountered someone belonging to one of these realms; his strength was abnormal by every level you could mention.

From his gaze to his entire aura, it had a very primal feel as his presence almost made me feel like an animal in front of me rather than a human being.

Not to mention how cold his arms were; they felt like a frozen metal hand that sent waves of chills down to my bones.

I was not knowledgeable about this situation in any way whatsoever; hell, I was just introduced to the existence of a world I didn't know existed, and that was only two out of four.


I could subconsciously feel a chain of events begin, whether or not I would like it is out of my control for now as something like this was far beyond the jurisdiction of one person.

A headache was already brewing, but my blood boiled as I yearned for adventure, for something that would make me feel alive.

This discovery made me think more than I ever had in my entire life, as I had a wide grin plastered on my face in pure joy.