
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 04

"You little sh*t, do you have any idea what you just did??"

I was honestly confused; spilling a drink on your clothes somehow made me deserving of a slap, and now you insult me??

"Hey, I already apologized! It was an accident; I'm sorry!"

She looked at me up and down as she scoffed, trying to demean me in some way.

"Sorry? Do you think sorry is going to fix this?? Do you know this outfit is worth more than your entire life and possessions?!"

My eyes widened as I looked at her once again.

She was a beautiful girl with bright blue eyes, sharp defining facial features and a toned figure, probably that of a cheerleader or swimmer, though I would put my money on the former.

She was unique with a sense of elegance and an overflowing picture of royalty that inflated her ego and God complex.

My life is not worth the price tag of your outfit, all for a cup of coffee that I accidentally spilled on you??

'Shame.' I thought as I shook my head, looking at the girl's face.

"I could pay for it if you're that upset…."

Thinking that this would make the situation better and help calm her down to a level where I could make some reason from her words, only to realize it made it worse.

She looked at my mask covered face as she sized me up several times and then said,

"You? Pay for my outfit?? You can barely take care of yourself; what gives you the courage to say you can pay for it."

Not even giving me a chance to say anything, she then went ahead and continued.

"I apologize, but my reputation would be affected if I was seen be borrowing money from someone homeless as yourself, Babe!!"


I stood there once again, shocked by the words she uttered but didn't take them to heart as you aren't something, just because someone else says you are.

You decide by yourself who and what you are. You don't need confirmation or acknowledgment from others to tell you who and what you are.

Her significant other, or should I say boyfriend came over as he glanced at me before looking directly at his girlfriend.

"What's up??"

He asked, already somewhat knowledgeable about what had happened, but still asked anyways for confirmation's sake.

"My dress is gone to sh*t, all because of this filthy pig!"

She bellowed out, carefully emphasizing each word as she now demeaned me as a filthy animal.

"I'll get you another one; in fact, make it two more, or… anything you want."

Her boyfriend was the typical alpha male, at a staggering height of 6"5 and a build larger than myself, although I doubted he was anywhere near as strong as I was.

He then looked at me and walked closer, giving me a close look at his face.

He was a pretty good-looking guy, with bright blue eyes and a sharp jawline, a fit athletic build, and of course, daddy's money and charisma just made him ever so more confident.

'Who am I to talk about daddy's money.'

"Haah… Do you know who I am??"

He asked this question as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"You never introduced yourself, so no, I don't know who you are, am I meant to??"

Logically when you meet someone for the first time, you offer a greeting, followed by an introduction, but I was greeted with a slap and then insulted.

If I were short-tempered, I would have left a dent in her skull by now, and that's me holding back from lashing out.

"You're kidding me… right??"

"Do I look like I'm joking?? I just moved here less than an hour ago."

"Oh, you just moved here, huh… that explains why I haven't seen you around here before; umm… say, do you know what we do to newcomers here?"

Saying this, he looked at me as he placed both hands on my shoulders, rubbing them repeatedly.

"To be honest, I don't know, and I rather frankly don't care; just teach your girlfriend some manners; I have a jog to finish."

At that moment, I don't know what it was, but at that very moment, I felt something very inhuman and animal-like come off him as he began putting pressure on my shoulders.

"I don't think I was clear…."

He paused as everywhere that was previously bustling with talk and music had suddenly grown silent.

"Do you know what we are going to do to you??"

I looked up at him, feeling the force he applied as this was the first time I had felt like someone could give a fight.

He gradually applied more and more pressure, an amount of force that should be impossible for a human being his size to apply purely with their muscles.

My knees locked as I smiled, and grabbing his hands, I slowly took them off my shoulders and moved them to the side.

"I don't think I was too clear myself, but I will repeat it, although this time not with much courtesy… I Don't give a damn!"

I said to him as I started to walk away before resuming my jog, leaving him and everyone else there in a dazed state.

The male trying to pressure me had frozen in his spot, with him and everyone else presenting there with one thought in their heads.

'Did he just take John's hands-off by himself??'

I had unknowingly gotten the attention of several people, a good number of the females who were impressed, males who were surprised, and lastly, a male who was annoyed at the fact I had taken his hands off my shoulders easily.

I on the other hand was not aware, I had already resumed my jog and began checking my phone for a new path till I got to the 4-bedroom house James had prepared.

The interior of the house was well furnished, as expected of James' artistic and exquisite taste and a sixth sense for class.

I went straight to bed as I was quite tired, and also today had been quite a long day, so I intended on sleeping it off and starting fresh tomorrow.