
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 03

Upon getting to the mansion, a spectacle on and of its own, a one-of-its-kind second to none of its kind.

None but the home in which I was raised.

My childhood was now my property and held incredible sentimental value, one that was irreplaceable by anything whatsoever it may be.

I could not vibe with the place; I mean, it was not strange or anything; it just felt off. I was more interested in somewhere more subtle, without all the glimmer and shine.

James could see the look on my face as I was not taking too kindly to this place.


"Yes, master Xavier?"

"Can you get me somewhere more subtle, hopefully before the end of the day??"

I asked, wanting to experience what an ordinary university student would experience; without others knowing my background.

Keeping in mind that I had been isolated from society quite seriously, at least until earlier today, I did not want to sever that option.

Someone puts two and two together, and they match up "King" being my last name and mansion being where I live, and that's a closed case.

That would only serve to make my life more difficult, if anything, and I was not too in favour of that idea.

Where I lived would play a significant part in giving that sense of everyday life, but inwardly, I knew it was only in my thoughts.

The fact of the matter was that I could buy the entire city, and it would only be a drop in the ocean of funds I have.

I thought to have a separate card that I would put a limited amount of funds into each month to give myself a sense of discipline and teach myself to be frugal.

"It is already done, Xavier. That said, this residence has already been purchased and can't be sold due to your fathers' wishes, meaning you will keep it regardless."

James then brought out a phone with the pack already opened as he handed it to me.

"A new customized phone and sim-card already installed for you; I have taken the liberty to add my number into it so you can call me anywhere and at any time."

"Thank you, James; I think I will go on a jog to get used to the area. Send me a message of the location, so I go there straight after my jog."

"Already done. Enjoy your jog, young master. The key is under the flowerpot to the left."

I smiled as I expected this much from him, knowing he has raised me with my father and mother akin to his child.

He knew my antics and behaviours better than myself at times.

I quickly changed attire, looking at myself in the mirror to step out; I had curly twist-out hair, standing at the height of 6"3' and a pair of bright brown eyes.

I put on my mask, donning some extra baggy grey coloured jogging clothes that made me look somewhat fat from a spectator's point of view, which hid my athletic body completely.

They were plain unbranded attire, or so one would assume. Unknown to others that each pair had been custom-made by my father for me for $10k each.

I would wear them happily and jog around the track we had in the compound for however long I wanted; the worst part was there were 20 pairs, all in different colours.

Being ready, I stepped out and began my jog; the fresh air was nice and refreshing—a change of atmosphere from having been indoors my whole life.

Most would say it was inhumane, but I didn't mind as I always knew it was for a reason and knew I could get anything I wanted near instantly.

I was fluent in 8 different languages, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Russian.

I had several martial arts skills and techniques under my belt, genius-level intellect, and so much more that I didn't know where to start.

As I was jogging, I happened to come across a house where a party was being thrown, and I paused for a moment, as I had no idea what it was.

Keeping in mind, I had never been outside of the mansion I was born; this entire sight was something very new to me.

That said, I was not oblivious or naïve to the point where I did not have an idea of what was going on.

There were several teenagers, somewhere around the age range of 18 – 23, I would say; maybe some were even older based on looks alone.

They were smiling, laughing, smoking, drinking, rubbing their bodies in highly erotic ways; I could tell that much since I had male genitals and knew that it is easily stimulated, mostly outside our control.

One needed to have a calm and prioritized mind, not giving in or falling to seduction and temptation, like leaves from trees during the fall season.

I had never seen another woman my age in person, other than the maids who attended to me that were several years older in the dozens.

So seeing such a scene was almost like a movie to me; for a second, I wondered if it was, but then I snapped back to my senses as I realized I was staring at them without any restraint.

I resumed my jog, or at least I was about to, right before I bumped into a girl when I turned, and just as nature would have it, like any cliché movie out there, I happened to spill all her coffee on her.

"You have got to be joking with me?!!"

"I'm so-"


The girl in question had just slapped me square in the face; the worst part was it was right as I was about to apologize to her.

I rubbed my face as I moved my cheek muscles around, actively trying to confirm to myself that that was a slap to my face.

It was not that painful, being honest, but that was the first time I had been hit by someone in the face that hard.

It was the first time A person had hit me in the face that wasn't my father during my martial arts training sessions.

The girl then proceeded to say with a face that said she was outraged.

"Do you know what you just did??"