
Edge Of The Horizon

Born and raised in solitude, Xavier Adonis King, thrust into a world unknown following his grandfathers' death, scheduled to attend a school following his father's wishes. His father's final letter to him had opened his eyes to a new reality he had always known existed, but his confinement was what stopped him from his confirmation. He must learn to fight, hide, act, lie, and control his seemingly unending magical aptitude, lest he is but a stepping stone in this reality filled with those who only care for their selfish endeavours and are devoured by those who live in the four realms. His resolve is solid, but it is yet to be seen if he has the strength to support that resolution. Shall we find out?!! WSA 2021 applicant, please support however you can.

HollowShade · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 02


Bastien called out my name; his voice pained as he had just lost the one person he could call a brother.

"I know… Let's go!"

We made our way out of my father's room as some of the men who worked under him brought in a coffin where they would place his body and bury him.

Taking one last look at his face, I could see the smile on it, and it brought me closure and comfort like no other as all the pain I felt slowly dispersed.

The smile on his face was not that of a man who needed pity; it was that of a free man who could not be so happy anymore.

We made our way to the car as I enjoyed taking a final look at the majestic mansion I lived in for all 18 years of my life.

We made our way into the armoured car, escorted by two other armoured vehicles. Inside the vehicle, a lawyer was waiting, specifically, my father's lawyer, who answered to no one but my father himself.

My father paid the man in question annually, and at this point, he was ready to retire, having amassed a fortune of over a quarter billion dollars in savings.

James closed the door behind him as he tapped on the divider twice, and the car began moving towards its destination.

"Mr. King, my condolences… your father was truly a great man and an even better friend and mentor."

There was a look in his eyes that spoke a great deal; that my father's passing had struck him deeply, which just served as another reminder of the impact, he had on several lives.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me, it is only natural… that said, I must fulfill his request on my side and read you his will, after which I will hand over a letter he stated is only for your eyes, after which you are to discard of it, burning it to ashes."

He paused, awaiting my confirmation.

"I understand."

"Thank you.

I read, and I quote,

I, Matthew Jameson King, a resident of [XXXX City, XXXX State], at this moment make this Will and revoke all prior Wills and Codicils…

I have one living child; If I am the sole surviving parent of minor children, I appoint James Delacour to serve as their Guardian. If s/he is unable or unwilling to serve, I appoint…. as Alternate Guardian.

I hereby give my property to the following persons:

All funds and possession under my name, including all 80% of my shares within Orion international conglomerate, are to be transferred over to my son, Xavier Adonis King.

All my finances and investments at the point of my death must be transferred and deposited under my Xavier Adonis King's name…

I appoint David Daniels as Executor of my Will, and if s/he is unable or unwilling to serve, then I name James Delacour as alternate Executor.

My Executor and alternate shall have all powers granted by applicable laws of my state to carry out all…

…may hold in trust the share of any minor beneficiary until s/he reaches age 18 and shall not be required to post a bond."

He paused, bringing out a pen, then flipping the will to face me as he placed the pen above the will and said,

"I need your signature, Mr. King… Take your time."

I stared at the will; my mind felt like it was being blow-dried as I read through the will several times.

Eventually, I picked up the pen and, taking a deep breath; I proceeded to sign it.

I, XAVIER ADONIS KING, at this moment sign this Will at XXXX, XXX on this 15 day of August 2020

XXXXXXXXXX [signature]

Xavier Adonis King.

Upon having signed the will in the presence of James, David and Michael, and especially trusted bodyguard of my fathers, signed the witness attestation section, as David then took the will and placed it in a briefcase.

I was then handed the letter as we came to a stop. The truth was, looking at David, I couldn't help but ask, "What happens now?"

To which he replied with all seriousness,

"What happens now?? Your father, a world-renowned businessman, entrepreneur, investor, real estate owner, innovator and richest man in the world, has just passed away.

For a few couple weeks, all hell will break loose, and that's only in the best-case scenario.

As for you, young Mr. King, since you technically don't exist, you will not be disturbed or pressured thanks to the careful planning of your parents.

Should you choose to disclose your identity to others, that will be your choice.

On the other hand, the public will be told that all your father's finances have been liquidated and donated to several charity blocks.

You already don't exist, which serves to help you live and sculpt your own life; however, you may see it fit.

With that being said, it was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. King; I will be one call away, should you ever need a lawyer for whatever reason."

"Thank you!"

"Why, the pleasure is all mine!"

Saying that, David left the car as we continued the journey.

"How many people??"

I asked, not directed at anyone specifically as I did not care who answered as long as someone answered.

"The only people who know where you will be residing are within our current convoy."

"I see…"

I looked out the window as the journey to our destination continued. The journey was almost 10 hours long as we made a few stops along the way for food and the likes of such.

Soon enough, we were finally close to our destination as we were now in the city, and I could already tell it was a spendthrifts paradise.

Sportscars, supercars, luxury cars, you name it. The streets were littered silly with them, littered so much where seeing a Maybach being used as a taxi wouldn't faze me. Downright a place built for spenders.

There were a few stares at the vehicle convoy I was in, probably because this was not a common occurrence which surprised me, as I thought, even in a place like this??

We went past several different areas of the town-like city, before eventually making it to the area my father had arranged for my residence.

Getting nearer, I took a view of the house to see what it had to offer, and although it was grandeur in every way, I just was not mentally ready for it.

Honestly it would take me some time to get my mind out of the house my family lived, even though physically, I had already left that house.